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进行了几次迭代的更新,驱动程序,英特尔驱动程序分析和进一步更新(原始安装时没有声音)等。 最终结果很好,但视频分辨率限制在1920x1080。 我的电脑到同一台电视机显示2460x1440。 英特尔规格说它支持:4K图形@ 60K。 (英特尔图形UHD 605)。 HDMI规格说:“支持的最大分辨率是4096 x 2160 @ 60 Hz,24 bpp”。 其他一些评论网站也表示支持:4096x2160。 有关Windows为何显示最低值的任何提示。 分辨率,以及如何改进它? 。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Just installed a NUC7PJYH, pretty neat system. Took several iterations of updates, drivers, Intel Driver analysis and further updates (no sound on original install), etc. The final result is good, but video resolution is limited to 1920x1080. My PC to the same TV displays 2460x1440. The Intel specs say it supports: 4K graphics @60K. (Intel Graphics UHD 605). The HDMI specs say: "The maximum supported resolution is 4096 x 2160@ 60 Hz, 24 bpp". Several other review sites also say it supports: 4096x2160. Any hints on why Windows shows a lower max. resolution, and how to improve it? . |
英特尔高清显卡在您使用的电缆方面很挑剔,而在其他地方工作的电缆有时在这里无法工作(即使它们应该使用)。 我只能建议您尝试使用符合HDMI 2.0a标准的高质量电缆,看看这是否有所作为。 希望这可以帮助, 内容S 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 This is usually the result of using a crappy quality HDMI cable. Intel HD Graphics can be picky regarding what cables you use and cables that work elsewhere sometimes don't work here (even when they should). I can only suggest that you try a good-quality, HDMI 2.0a-compliant cable and see if this makes a difference. Hope this helps, ...S |
tianyou15 发表于 2018-11-15 13:28 谢谢 - 我不这么认为(但会尝试。) 这是一个很好的电缆,并用于以前的HTPC这个替换。 而且我没有看到NUC中的显卡属性如何显示为可用的分辨率设置将/可以通过所使用的电缆进行更改。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks - I don't think so (but will try it.) It is a good cable, and was used on the previous HTPC this replaced. And I don't see how the graphics card properties in the NUC shown as available resolution settings would/could be changed by the cable used. |
gxs123 发表于 2018-11-15 13:33 将电视设置为30Hz,如果可行则是电缆。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Set the TV to 30Hz and if that works it's your cable. |
你的意思是将NUC上的图形输出设置为30 Hz吗? 否则,我不知道如何改变电视,将改变NUC中有能力的分辨率的H / W列表。 并且,不确定改变电视刷新率意味着什么?(如何?) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Do you mean to set the graphics output on the NUC to 30 Hz? Else I don't see how changing the TV, would change the H/W list of capable resolutions in the NUC. And, not sure what it means (how?) to change the TV refresh rate?! |
gxs123 发表于 2018-11-15 13:57 在图形设置中是,将电视刷新设置为30 Hz。 我实际上使用它是因为我需要一根15M HDMI线缆,你无法在15M以上获得60Hz。 只有当你做游戏时才能观看4K内容,你需要60Hz,但是超过2M的任何东西都可能是一段时间。 我的NUC上有IRIS 640图形,但我认为这都是关于通过HDMI线缆抽取数据。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Yes in Graphics settings set TV refresh to 30 Hz. I actually use that because I need a 15M HDMI cable and no way do you get 60Hz over 15M. It's pefectly OK for watching 4K content only if you do gaming do you need 60Hz but then anything over 2M might be a stretch. I have IRIS 640 Graphics on my NUC but I think it's all about pumping data down the HDMI cable. |
mjsdwrr 发表于 2018-11-15 14:16 谢谢。 更改刷新率似乎不会更改分辨率选项。 有趣的是,它被设置为59赫兹,并且有24Hz的选项,但不是30? 有没有“那里”有这个相同的NUC,它在控制面板或英特尔图形设置应用程序中显示的分辨率是多少? 在我看来,规格和实际硬件(或工具?)不一致。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks. Changing the refresh rate does not seem to change the resolution options. Interestingly enough, it was (is) set to 59 Hz, and has options for 24Hz, but not 30?! Does anyone "out there" have this same NUC, and what resolutions does it show in the control-panel, or in the Intel Graphics Settings app? Seems to me, that the specs and the actual hardware (or tools?) do not agree. |
格思里, 目前我没有任何4K电视/显示器,所以我不知道它在控制面板中显示的分辨率。 然而,看起来很常见,从电视/显示器发送的信息可能是错误的或由NUC错误地解释。 特别是,当TV /显示器HDMI端口配置为2.0时。 此外,您的结果也可能取决于电视品牌。 我的NUC7PJYH“讨厌”三星电视。 您的电视是什么以及如何配置HDMI端口? 最好,彼得 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 guthrie, Currently I do not any 4K TV/display at hand, so I cannot tell what resolutions does it show in the control-panel. However, it looks like quite often the information, which is sent from a TV/display can be wrong or interpreted incorrectly by NUC. Especially, when the TV/display HDMI port is configured as 2.0. Besides, your results could also depend on the TV brand. My NUC7PJYH "hates" Samsung TVs. What's your TV and how the HDMI port is configured? Best, Peter |
将刷新率设置为24并将分辨率设置为2160(4K),看看是否有效,您必须在电视和显示设置中启用。 如果你能以24赫兹使用4K,那就是电缆问题。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Set refresh rate to 24 and set resolution to 2160(4K) and see if that works you have to enable on TV and in display settings. If you can use 4K at 24 Hz then it's a cable issue. |
Thaidroid, 我用4根电缆(从无名称到“认证高级高速HDMI电缆,4K @ 60Hz,HDR,18Gbps”)尝试了我的NUC7PJYH。 他们的行为完全一样: 在三星4K显示器 - 完美的4K-60Hz-444图片。 在三星4K电视上(HDMI端口设置为2.0) - “无信号” 不幸的是,HDMI 2.0存在(很多)兼容性问题。 最好,彼得 ThaidroidThaidroidThaidroid 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thaidroid, I tried my NUC7PJYH with 4 cables (from No Name to "Certified Premium High Speed HDMI Cable, 4K @ 60Hz, HDR, 18Gbps"). They behave exactly the same: On Samsung 4K monitor - perfect 4K-60Hz-444 picture. On Samsung 4K TV (with HDMI port set to 2.0) - "No Signal" Unfortunately, there are (lots of) compatibility issues at HDMI 2.0. Best, Peter ThaidroidThaidroidThaidroid |
此僧唯一自传 发表于 2018-11-15 15:18 PeterNuc, 是的我知道,我尝试了许多HDMI线缆试图让60Hz工作我和它一起工作和老式电缆.. 5M电缆,无论如何从硬盘驱动器流720或1920的东西比我使用30HZ可能因为我是 超出规范(但仍然有点工作)。 对于我正在做的事情,我很高兴30Hz。 格思里。 959Hz ??? 这就是我所说的大幅刷新率。 如果60Hz,HDR = 18Gbps则959Hz需要270Gbps ....... 24Hz是所有电视广播的刷新率,所以你可以试试。 我已经在我的TCL电视上将HDMI 2.0(我认为其他电视上的HDR相同)设置为Off,这意味着4K的刷新速率较慢,而且它可以在15M电缆上工作。 我仍然可以流式传输YouTube 4K内容,它很壮观,但在互联网上需要大约40Mbit .......... 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 PeterNuc, Yes I know, I tried many HDMI cables to try to get 60Hz working I had it working with and old cable ..sort of, 5M cable, anyhow streaming 720 or 1920 stuff from HDD was worse than if I used 30HZ probably because I was outside of spec(but still sort of working). I am very happy with 30Hz for what I'm doing. Guthrie. 959Hz ??? that's what I call a hefty refresh rate. If 60Hz, HDR = 18Gbps then 959Hz would require 270Gbps....... 24Hz is the refresh rate of all TV broadcast so you can try that. I have set HDMI 2.0(HDR I believe is the same thing on other TV's) to Off on my TCL TV, that means that does 4K at a slower refresh rate and it works on a 15M cable. I can still stream YouTube 4K content and it's spectacular but needs about 40Mbit on your internet.......... |
此僧唯一自传 发表于 2018-11-15 14:49 @PeerNUC 谢谢。 我没有意识到可能的分辨率是从电视发送到显示器驱动程序 - 我认为它们只是图形芯片组可以输出的。 我的节目是“索尼数字电视”。 有趣的是,我之前连接了所有电缆,我已经启动了NUC,但现在如果我断开并更换电缆(电缆类型或质量似乎没关系),我会在NUC上弹出一个通知: 单击它不会显示任何可见的结果或操作。 好; 从这些笔记中仔细观察; 我检查了我的索尼电视,它说它只支持高达1920x1080的HDMI输入,这就是我得到的。 因此,一切似乎都是正确的。 NUC然后允许输出分辨率不受它能做什么的限制,而是通过连接电视所说的能力。 我不知道当我以更高的屏幕分辨率连接我的电脑时会发生什么(这让我觉得电视可以支持更高的分辨率); 它必须以某种方式将HDMI上的屏幕镜像输出调整到较低的电视输入能力分辨率,并将较高的分辨率映射到电视显示器上? 这是开始这一切的第一件事; 当我将我的电脑连接到电视时,它似乎正好显示了更高分辨率(2460x1440)的电脑屏幕。 然后NUC输出看起来分辨率要低得多 - 图标越大,字体越大,一切都越大,因此屏幕空间越小。 因此,我不确定这是什么/如何工作 - 因为PC连接看起来/像高分辨率,但NUC没有。 但似乎我无法期待从NUC获得更高的电视资源,即使PC与它的连接看起来像是一个更高的资源。 并且,不知道上述通知的含义。 感谢大家的信息和教育。 (嘿 - 也许这意味着我需要一个更新的花哨的电视!:-)) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @PeerNUC Thanks. I didn't realize that the possible resolutions were sent from the TV to the Display drivers - I thought they were just what the graphics chipset could output. Mine Shows "Sony Digital TV". Interestingly enough, I had started the NUC with all cables connected before, but now if I disconnect and change cables (cable type or quality does not seem to matter), I get a pop-up Notification on the NUC: Clicking on it gives no visible result or action. OK; looking more closely from these notes; I checked my Sony TV, and it says it only supports up to 1920x1080 on HDMI inputs, which is what I am getting. Thus, all seems to be - correct. The NUC then is allowing output resolutions not limited by what it can do, but by what the connected TV says it is capable of. I don't know what happens when I am connecting my PC to it with higher screen resolution (which had led me to think the TV could support that higher resolution); it must somehow be adjusting the screen mirroring output on the HDMI to the lower resolution of the TV input capability, and mapping the higher res onto the TV display? The is the first thing that started all of this; when I connected my PC to the TV, it seemed to be properly displaying that much higher resolution (2460x1440) of the PC screen. Then the NUC output, looks to be at a much lower resolution - larger icons, fonts bigger, everything bigger and thus smaller screen real-estate. So, I am not sure of exactly what/how this is working - since the PC connection looks/acts like the hi-res, but the NUC does not. But it seems like I cannot expect a higher res to this TV from the NUC, even though the PC connection to it looks/acts like a higher res. And, no idea what the above notification means. Thanks to all for the information and education. (Hey - maybe this means I need to get a newer fancy TV! :-) ) |
哇! 这是一个有趣的解决方案。 电视的型号是什么? 还是显示器? 顺便说一句,我有索尼最好的兼容性体验(4K @ 60Hz)和电视。 我不确定电视是否会发送它接受的所有分辨率,但至少它会报告其“本机”分辨率。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Wow! That's an interesting resolution. What's the model of your TV? Or is it a display? By the way, I had the best compatibility experience (in terms of 4K@60Hz) with TVs by Sony. I'm not sure that the TV sends ALL the resolutions it accepts, but at least it reports its "native" resolution. |
PeterNUC: 谢谢 - 不知道如何处理这个想法; 与索尼电视的最佳兼容性体验(4K @ 60Hz) 我的电视没有HDMI输入的设置来更改/调整它。 电视是索尼KDL55EX640。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 PeterNUC: Thanks- not sure what to do with this idea; 'best compatibility experience (in terms of 4K@60Hz) with TVs by Sony" My TV does not have settings for the HDMI input to change/adjust it. TV is a Sony KDL55EX640. |
mjsdwrr 发表于 2018-11-15 15:08 @Thaidroid 不确定这意味着什么: “将刷新率设置为24并将分辨率设置为2160(4K),看看是否可以在电视和显示设置中启用它。” 把它放在哪里? 在NUC上,在Intel UHD图形控制面板中,它仅显示我提到的分辨率(1920x1080)为最高,并且更改刷新率不会影响该值。 它有一个“高级按钮,让一个人设置任何分辨率,但发出警告,”小心,这可能会损坏显示器,或烧毁芯片组“,所以我不认为我想尝试(! )。 我在电视端没有这样的控件。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @Thaidroid Not sure what this means to do: "Set refresh rate to 24 and set resolution to 2160(4K) and see if that works you have to enable on TV and in display settings." Set it where? On the NUC, in the Intel UHD Graphics Control panel, it only shows the resolutions I mentions (1920x1080) as highest, and changing refresh rates does not affect that. It does have an "advanced button, which lets one set any resolution, but gives the warning, "Caution, this may damage the display, or burn-out the Chipset", so I don't think I want to try that(!). And I don't have any controls like this on the TV end. |
格思里, 你的电视规格 解析度 1920 x 1080 显示格式 1080p(全高清) 如果您的电视实际上是1920年,请不要担心4K设置。 它应该工作在60Hz 1080P。 不要将它设置为任何其他应该没问题的东西。 您可以在“英特尔UHD图形控制”面板中以及Windows显示设置中进行设置。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Guthrie, Your TV spec
If your TV is actually 1920 don't worry about the 4K settings. It should work at 60Hz 1080P. Don't set it to anything else that should be OK. You can set in the Intel UHD Graphics Control panel and also in Windows display settings. |
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