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有谁知道nuc 7i3bnb(i3-7100u)是否支持英特尔虚拟化威廉希尔官方网站
bios有这样的设置并被选中,但是当使用英特尔处理器识别实用程序进行检查时说不! 当我尝试安装Andriod Studio时,它说“我的电脑不支持英特尔虚拟化威廉希尔官方网站 ”,所以我发现了这个问题。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Does anyone know if nuc 7i3bnb (i3-7100u) support Intel Virtualization Technology? The bios has such setting and is selected, but when use Intel Processor Identification Utility for checking it says no! When I tried intalling Andriod Studio, it said "my computer do not support Intel Virtualization Technology", so I discovered this problem. |
请在.txt文件中附上.txt文件,英特尔®系统支持实用程序将生成https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-UtilityHas英特尔®虚拟化威廉希尔官方网站 以前工作正常吗?您是否尝试过启用 Hyper-V看看它是否正常工作?要附加文件,必须单击响应框右上角的“使用高级编辑器”,然后“附加”选项将出现在右下角 响应框.Regards,Fred D. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello pleung, Thank you for joining the Intel Communities. In order to help you better I would like to gather more information about the configuration you have in the computer. Please attach to this thread the .txt file the Intel® System Support Utility will generate https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility Has Intel® Virtualization Technology worked fine before? Have you tried enabling Hyper-V to see if it works fine? To attach a file, you must click “Use Advanced Editor” on the upper right hand corner of the response box, then the “attach” option will appear on the bottom right hand corner of the response box. Regards, Fred D. |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-14 19:07 这个处理器肯定支持VT。 它(只是)需要在BIOS中启用。 如果运行时软件未检测到该功能,则不会启用(或未正确启用)BIOS或执行检查的软件无法正常工作。 由于后者相当令人怀疑,我建议您仔细查看BIOS ... 内容S 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 VT is definitely supported by this processor. It (just) needs to be enabled in/by the BIOS. If runtime software is not detecting the capability, it is either not enabled in (or is not properly being enabled by) the BIOS or the software doing the checking is not working properly. Since the latter is rather doubtful, I would recommend that you look closely at the BIOS... ...S |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-14 19:07 嗨弗雷德, 谢谢您的回复! 我无法使用您提到的方法将日志文件(txt)发送给您(“附加”选项似乎没有任何选择发送文本文件),所以我将其转换为png文件,但它缩小并且有奇怪的字符。 附上请找两个图像文件。 希望它可以帮助! 谢谢, 帕特里克 Ç - 用户 - 帕特里克 - 桌面 - SSU_log.txt.png 441.3 K. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Fred, Thank you for your reply! I failed sending the log file(txt) to you with the method you mentioned ("attach" option seemed don't have any choice of sending text file), so I convert it to png file but it is shrink and have strange characters. Attached please find two image files. Hope it can help! Thanks, Patrick |
cd340823 发表于 2018-11-14 19:13 嗨皮尔逊, 谢谢你的帮助! 你是对的,因为第二个原因失败的可能性很少,但我已经检查过BIOS设置确实设置为VT支持。 那也很奇怪! 问候, 帕特里克 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Pearson, Thanks for your help! You're right that the possibility of failure for second reason is rare, but I've checked that the BIOS setup did set to VT support. That's strange too! Regards, Patrick |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-14 19:07 嗨弗雷德, 我从未使用虚拟化威廉希尔官方网站 ,因为我买了它,所以我没有注意到它之前是否正常工作。 即使我启用或禁用Hyper-V,它也无法正常工作。 问候, 帕特里克 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Fred, I've never used Virtualization Technology until now since I bought it, so I don't notice if it was working fine before. Even if I enable or disable Hyper-V, it didn't work either. Regards, Patrick |
gwerwfe 发表于 2018-11-14 19:57 您好pleung,感谢您发送给我的其他信息。我希望您确保在Windows *中禁用核心隔离内存完整性设置。 请单击“开始”按钮,键入“Windows Defender安全中心”,按Enter键,单击“设备安全性”,在“核心隔离”下单击“核心隔离详细信息”选项,确保“内存完整性”切换开关设置为“关闭”。 重新启动计算机,再次测试英特尔®虚拟化威廉希尔官方网站 。让我知道问题是否仍然存在。请注意,Fred D. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello pleung, Thanks for the additional information you sent to me. I would like you to make sure the Core Isolation Memory Integrity setting is disabled in Windows*. Please click on the Start button, type in “Windows Defender Security Center”, press Enter, click on Device security, under “Core isolation” click the Core isolation details option, make sure the Memory integrity toggle switch is set to off. Restart the computer, and the test the Intel® Virtualization Technology one more time. Let me know if issue persists or not. Regards, Fred D. |
gwerwfe 发表于 2018-11-14 20:05 嗨弗雷德, 。 刚检查核心隔离选项中的内存完整性切换开关是否已设置为关闭。 如前所述,英特尔处理器识别实用程序报告VT的“否”。 问候, 帕特里克 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Fred, . Just checked that the the Memory integrity toggle switch inside Core isolation option had already been set to off. As said before, the Intel Processor Identification Utility reports 'No" for VT. Regards, Patrick |
您好pleung,我希望您尝试将BIOS重置为默认设置。 请在计算机POST期间按F2访问BIOS,在BIOS中按F9,选择是确认,按F10,然后保存并退出。如果将BIOS重置为默认值后问题仍然存在,请尝试更新BIOS。 您的计算机可以使用多个BIOS更新。 我希望您尝试按以下顺序更新BIOS。首先安装此BIOS,然后测试系统https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27886/BIOS-Update-BNKBL357-86A-如果问题仍然存在,请安装此 其他BIOS版本,然后测试系统https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28013/BIOS-Update-BNKBL357-86A-如果问题仍然存在,请从此链接安装最新的BIOS https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download / 28068 / BIOS-Update-BNKBL357-86A-?product = 95066请使用此链接上的步骤更新BIOS https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005850/ mini-pcs.html让我知道问题是否仍然存在.Regards,Fred D. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello pleung, I would like you to try resetting the BIOS to default settings. Please access the BIOS by pressing F2 during computer POST, once you are in the BIOS press F9, select Yes to confirm, press F10, then save and exit. If issue persists after resetting the BIOS to defaults please try updating the BIOS. There are several BIOS updates available for your computer. I would like you to try updating the BIOS in the following order. Install this BIOS first and then test the system https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27886/BIOS-Update-BNKBL357-86A- If issue persists install this other BIOS version and then test the system https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28013/BIOS-Update-BNKBL357-86A- If issue persists install latest BIOS from this link https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28068/BIOS-Update-BNKBL357-86A-?product=95066 Please update the BIOS with the steps that are on this link https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000005850/mini-pcs.html Let me know if issue persists or not. Regards, Fred D. |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-14 20:25 嗨弗雷德, 谢谢你的详细程序! 虽然我按照这些步骤逐一测试了BIOS版本,但是在SSU或IPIU的报告中,英特尔®虚拟化威廉希尔官方网站 要么没有显示,要么显示“否”。 无论如何,非常感谢您的关注和帮助! 这是硬件问题(我希望不是)? 问候, 帕特里克 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Fred, Thank you for your detailed procedures! Though I followed through these steps and tested the BIOS versions one by one, the Intel® Virtualization Technology is either not shown or says "NO" in the reports of SSU or IPIU. Anyway, thank you so much for your kind attention and help! Is that a hardware issue (I hope not)? Regards, Patrick |
cd340823 发表于 2018-11-14 20:34 你好,你有一个真正的英特尔®NUC主板NUC7i3BNB或者你有一个英特尔®NUC套件NUC7i3BNH?你从哪里购买它?我试图用我们拥有的英特尔®NUC套件NUC7i3BNH重现问题 您正在使用相同的主板,但我无法重现他的问题。仅出于测试目的,请尝试启用核心隔离内存完整性设置,重新启动计算机,并检查英特尔®处理器识别实用程序是否将英特尔®虚拟化威廉希尔官方网站 报告为“ 没有”。 禁用核心隔离内存完整性设置后,再次重新启动计算机,然后再次检查英特尔®处理器识别实用程序。 请记住重新启动计算机,以便在修改Core Isolation Memory Integrity设置后操作系统可以应用更改.Regards,Fred D. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello pleung, Do you have an actual Intel® NUC Board NUC7i3BNB or do you have an Intel® NUC Kit NUC7i3BNH? Where did you purchase it from? I tried to reproduce the issue with an Intel® NUC Kit NUC7i3BNH we have which uses the exact same board you are using, but I was not able to reproduce he issue. Just for testing purposes, please try enabling Core Isolation Memory Integrity setting, restarting the computer, and checking if the Intel® Processor Identification Utility reports Intel® Virtualization Technology as “No”. After that disable Core Isolation Memory Integrity setting, restart the computer one more time, and check again the Intel® Processor Identification Utility. Please remember to restart the computer so the operating system can apply the changes after you modify the Core Isolation Memory Integrity setting. Regards, Fred D. |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-14 20:43 嗨弗雷德, 很抱歉提供有关CPU的错误信息,应该是NUC 7i3BNK(i3-7100u)! 但即使它是7i3BNB,7i3BNH或7i3BNK,它也应该支持英特尔®虚拟化威廉希尔官方网站 ,不应该吗? 我已经测试了禁用核心隔离内存完整性设置并重新启动以进行检查,但它再次无法正常工作。 我是从香港的零售商(Jumbo Computers Supplies)那里买来的。 我在盒子上贴了一个描述标签,为你提供建议,看看它是否是一个有效的项目。 希望它可以提供帮助。 再次感谢! 问候, 帕特里克 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Fred, Sorry for providing wrong information about the CPU, it should be NUC 7i3BNK (i3-7100u)! But even if it is 7i3BNB, 7i3BNH or 7i3BNK, it should also support Intel® Virtualization Technology, shouldn't it? I've tested disabling Core Isolation Memory Integrity setting and restarting to check, but again it didn't work. I bought this from a retailer (Jumbo Computers Supplies) in Hong Kong. I attached a description label on the box for you to give me advice to see if it is a valid item. Hope it can help. Thanks again! Regards, Patrick |
gwerwfe 发表于 2018-11-14 20:50 您好pleung,感谢您发送给我的其他信息。我想在处理保修更换之前进一步调查您的问题。我想收集以下信息: 您正在使用的RAM内存的部件号。 你有什么外围设备连接到电脑?问候,弗雷德D. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello pleung, Thanks for the additional information you sent to me. I would like to investigate further the issue you are having before we process warranty replacement. I would like to gather the following information:
Regards, Fred D. |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-14 20:58 嗨弗雷德, 感谢您的不断跟进。 以下是所需信息: - 金士顿8G RAM内存的部件号(请查看所附照片的顶部项目,因为我无法确切知道哪一个是)。 - 我使用安装了Windows 10 Pro 64位操作系统的Intel 256G M2 SSD。 当我检查电路板时,我发现3个标签标记为NUC7i3BNB而不是NUC7i3BNK。 我将它们标记为红色圆圈供您参考。 问候, 帕特里克 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Fred, Thanks for your continous follow-up. Here are the required information below: - Part number of the Kingston 8G RAM memory (Please check the top item of the attached photo as I can't tell exactly which one is). - I use Intel 256G M2 SSD with Windows 10 Pro 64bit OS installed. When I examine the board, I found 3 labels marked as NUC7i3BNB instead of NUC7i3BNK. I marked them in red circle for your reference. Regards, Patrick |
您好pleung,感谢您发送给我的额外RAM信息。让我做进一步的研究,并回到你的身边。 我会尽快在这个帖子上发布信息.Regards,Fred D. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello pleung, Thanks for the addition RAM information you sent to me. Let me do further research about this and come back to you. I will post information on this thread as soon as I have it. Regards, Fred D. |
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi pleung, I tested the very same NUC model you have and I enabled Intel Virtualization Technology in BIOS and installed Android* Studio Download Android Studio and SDK tools | Android Developers and I had not issues, no error messages and nothing related to virtualization. Once the application downloaded all components and was successfully installed I checked for any hardware scan/configuration option within the tool but I couldnt find anything, if you know of any please let me know. At this point I can assure you that the hardware supports virtualization (the Processor) as stated earlier by Scott and that it is very possible that the issue is within the operating system, I would check if you have any other application using virtualization technology, Hyper-v perhaps. If you have Hyper-V installed, it gets greedy and won’t let other virtualization apps access hardware acceleration features so you may want to check on that, I dont believe this should be an issue but I would also test EUFI Windows boot mode, I see that your system is running in legacy mode, again, this shouldn't be an issue as far as I am aware but I would try that as last resource because it implies a new operating system set up. I hope this helps, Ronny G |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-14 21:17 None 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Fred, Thank you for you kind help! I tried installing a new windows 10 64-bits operating system to a USB drive and boot into windows from this drive last night, bingo!! IPIU reported Intel Virtualization Technology for "YES" finally!. That means either my installed version of windows 10 have problem (low possibility) or any installed software prohibited the access of Intel Virtualization Technology. I'm going to find out further which one it is, hoping that there is no need to re-install it. Anyway, thank you so much for your kind help and support! Regards, Patrick |
None 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Rguevara, You're right about the guess that it is the issue of the operating system /software as I've tested using another windows installed to boot from USB drive, the problem is solved. Thank you for you suggestion and I'm going to test that by uninstalling some suspicious software. Thank you for your precious information! Regards, Patrick |
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