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所以我可以继续使用这个旧设备和更大的驱动器 谢谢 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I am looking for the fs-bc-v1.4-b709.pkg firmware file for the SS4000e system so I can keep using this older unit with larger drives Thank you |
我正在审核您的案例,我想与您分享链接以下载固件版本:1.4b709 for yourInter Entry Storage System SS4000-E。 请检查以下链接:固件版本1.4的开源软件。如果您不熟悉更新过程,请查看。 请查看以下信息以获取更多信息: 但是,无法在NAS上的标准Web界面中运行固件更新。 必须通过一个特定的程序来完成它: 从SS4000-E下载页面下载1.4固件文件。 从下载的文件中提取文件并将其保存到笔记本电脑,台式机,服务器等硬盘上。将SS4000-E上的数据备份到另一个系统。 (需要注意的是,在此过程中,阵列上的数据将被销毁!)关闭英特尔®入门级存储系统SS4000-E系统拔下安装在英特尔®入门级存储系统SS4000-E系统中的所有硬盘。 启动英特尔®入门级存储系统SS4000-E系统通过浏览主网页登录系统:http://英特尔入门级存储系统SS4000-E系统的IP地址/(我们的默认值为192.168.0.101 - 所以我们设置 工作站的IP为静态.102)注意:这将显示系统初始化屏幕,而不是登录屏幕.DO不插入硬盘驱动器。 输入以下URL以显示固件升级页面:https:// Intel Entry Storage System SS4000-E系统的IP地址/ system_init_vendorF.cgi选择v1.4软件包文件(fs-bc-v1.4-b709.pkg) 更新闪存固件。 (为简单起见,我们将它放在我们所使用的系统的桌面上)在上一步完成后,系统应该重新启动但没有插入磁盘。 在系统完成引导顺序后,可以插入磁盘(系统运行时一次一个并等待磁盘LED指示灯亮起)并扫描(在LED亮起后扫描每个磁盘)并重新安装固件。 如果安装固件包并在重新引导系统之前重新插入磁盘,则系统将从驱动器引导并且无法正确完成全新安装。 必须在系统运行时插入驱动器才能使此过程正常完成。请注意固件更新过程需要一段时间。此外,一旦登录管理网页,NAS将选择一组 再次从内部DHCP服务器获取IP地址。 因此,请确保在步骤7之后将工作站的IP重置为DHCP。总而言之,该过程非常顺利。我们现在还将利用此特定NAS单元上的Active Directory集成来管理用户访问。 此功能简化了内置Samba共享结构的数据和文件夹权限跳跃和界限。感谢您就产品与我们联系。您已请求的英特尔入门级存储系统SS4000-E的交互式威廉希尔官方网站 支持已停止。 我们可以通过我们的网站为您提供资源和自助服务支持信息。 我们高度建议您从产品支持网站获取信息[https://communities.intel.com/community/tech/discontinued-products/https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/ discontinued-products.html]以及所有可用的威廉希尔官方网站 信息都包含在支持网站上。最好的问候, Emeth O. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello rdenney, I was reviewing your case and I would like to share with you the link in order to download the firmware version: 1.4b709 for your Intel Entry Storage System SS4000-E. Please check the link below: Open Source Software for Firmware Revision 1.4 Also, if you are not familiar with the update process. Please check the information below for more information: The firmware update cannot be run from within the standard Web interface on the NAS though. One must go through a particular procedure to follow through on it:
Also, once one logs in at the Management Web page, the NAS will have picked up a set of IP addresses from the internal DHCP server again. So, make sure to reset the workstation's IP back to DHCP after step 7. All in all, the process went very smooth. We will also now be utilizing the Active Directory integration on this particular NAS unit to manage user access. This feature simplifies data and folder permissions leaps and bounds over the built in Samba share structure. Thank you for contacting us about your product. The interactive technical support for the Intel Entry Storage System SS4000-E you have requested has been discontinued. We can provide you with resources and self-service support information through our website. We highly suggest that you get information from the product support site [https://communities.intel.com/community/tech/discontinued-products / https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/discontinued-products.html] and all available technical information is included on the support site. Best Regards, Emeth O. |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-14 18:13 但是下载中没有PKG文件 该文件是ZIP 在扩展它之后,它有两个文件夹,Firmware v1.4文件夹 有Linux文件。 并且似乎没有被制作成PKG类型文件 我不清楚如何修补系统 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 But there is no PKG file in that download The file is a ZIP and after expanding it, it has two folders, the Firmware v1.4 folder has the Linux files in it. and don't seem to have been made into a PKG type file and I am unclear how to patch the system |
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