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购买了新的DELL精密7920工作站,Windows 10 Pro,64位,1803,For Workstations。
(功率设置为“终极”) 决斗Intel Xeon Gold 6152,2.1GHz,3.7GHz Turbo 22C(88个超线程逻辑处理器) Benched标志着我们现有的DELL精密7910工作站,Windows 7 Professional,64bit。 (3岁电脑) 双Intel Xeon处理器E5-2697 v3,2.6GHz,3.6GHz Turbo 14C(56个超线程逻辑处理器) 使用的软件是PTC Creo(4)CAD / CAM。 这使用单个线程来计算工具切割器路径,并在进行凿孔检查时使用多线程(所有逻辑处理器)。 Xeon Gold的单线程性能,没有看到这个速度超过2.8GHz(不如预期的3.7GHz),比E5-2697慢了67%。 多线程,Windows 10“Affinity”使两个处理器组“组0”和 “组1”,每组44个逻辑处理器。 只能一次激活一个组,并且只能用44个逻辑处理器(而不是总共88个)进行检查,这比E5-2697慢357%。 再一次没有看到Xeon Gold的速度超过2.8GHz E5-2697(Win 7)有一组用于处理器关联,所有56个逻辑处理器都被勾选。 我尝试将环境变量“处理器数量”更改为88,在计算机重新启动时,它会自动更改回44。 有人可以帮忙吗? 有没有人遇到这种性能下降的问题? 是否有我错过的Windows 10设置,我可以设置单个组的亲和力或提高处理器速度? 是否有硬件设置或BIOS设置来提高处理器速度亲和力组? 请参阅附件工作站详情 戴尔精密工作站7920& 7910.docx 14.7 K. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Purchased a new DELL precision 7920 work station, Windows 10 Pro, 64bit, 1803, For Workstations. (power setting is "Ultimate") Duel Intel Xeon Gold 6152, 2.1GHz, 3.7GHz Turbo 22C (88 Hyper threaded logical processors) Benched marked this against our existing DELL precision 7910 work station, Windows 7 Professional, 64bit. (3 years old computer) Dual Intel Xeon Processor E5-2697 v3, 2.6GHz, 3.6GHz Turbo 14C (56 Hyper threaded logical processors) Software used is PTC Creo (4) CAD/CAM. This uses a single thread for calculating tool cutter paths, and multi threads (all logical processors) when gouge checking. Xeon Gold single thread performance, did not see this speed go above 2.8GHz (not 3.7GHz as expected), ran 67% slower than E5-2697. Multi threading, Windows 10 "Affinity" made two processor groups "group 0" & "group 1", with 44 logical processors per group. Can only activate one group at a time and can only gouge check with 44 logical processors (not the total 88), this ran 357% slower than E5-2697. Once again did not see Xeon Gold speed go above 2.8GHz E5-2697 (Win 7) has one group for processor affinity with all 56 logical processors ticked. I tried changing the environment variable "number of processors" to 88, upon computer restart, this automatically changes back to 44. Can anyone help? Has anyone experienced this reduced performance issue? Is there a windows 10 setting that I have missed that I can set affinity to a single group or increase processor speed? Is there a hardware setting or bios setting to improve processor speed affinity group? See attached workstation details |
(见附件doc) 任务经理显示两个。 英特尔®处理器诊断Xeon Gold 6152.docx 129.0 K. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Interesting, just done a "Intel® Processor Diagnostic", it reports only processor at 2.79Ghz, where is the 3.7GHz? (see attached word doc) Task manager shows two. |
嗨mathew.bell,英特尔®至强黄金6152属于我们最新的处理器系列可扩展,一些操作系统无法正确识别所有新功能和处理器架构。 我最好的建议是让操作系统自动选择核心数来处理你的应用程序。关于最快的处理器速度将能够达到; 取决于处理器电压和温度允许它。 此外,如果操作系统仅请求它,它将加速。我的建议如下:如果英特尔®睿频加速威廉希尔官方网站 在BIOS中声明,请与戴尔支持确认:http://www.dell.com/support/home/ us / en / 04 /?lwp = rtand运行我们的处理器压力测试以确认处理器是否正常工作。英特尔®处理器诊断工具说明://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/19792/Intel-Processor-Diagnostic-ToolRegards, Miguel C.Intel与英特尔公司签订合同的客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi mathew.bell, The Intel® Xeon Gold 6152 belongs to our latest processor family Scalable and some operating systems are not capable to recognize properly all the new features and processor architecture. My best recommendation is to let the operating system chooses automatically the number of Cores to handle your application. In regard to the fastest processor speed will be able to reach; depends on the processor voltage and temperature allow it. Additionally, it will speed up if the operating system requested it, only. My suggestion is the following: Confirm with Dell support if the Intel® Turbo Boost Technology is active in the BIOS https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/?lwp=rt and run our processor stress test to confirm if the processor is working properly. Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/19792/Intel-Processor-Diagnostic-Tool Regards, Miguel C. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-13 17:33 嗨Mathew.bell,我正在跟进你的案子。 您是否能够运行我们的英特尔®处理器诊断工具? 我们真的对您的新处理器的处理器性能感兴趣。注意,Miguel C.Intel客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员与英特尔公司签订合同 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Mathew.bell, I am following up on your case. Have you been able to run our Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool? We are really interested in the processor performance of your new processor. Regards, Miguel C. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
cd340823 发表于 2018-11-13 17:46 嗨米格尔, 感谢您的跟进。 请参阅CPU附带的完整测试(TXT),仅注册2.8GHz。 希望你能告诉我如何达到3.7GHz。 任务管理器的屏幕截图。 你还能回答为什么Gold 6152比E5-2697 v3慢吗? 此外,速度步和涡轮增压在BIOS中也是活跃的。 TestResults_Full.txt.zip 5.5 K. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Miguel, Thanks for following up. See attached full test (TXT) of the CPU's, only registering 2.8GHz. Hopefully you can tell me how to get it to 3.7GHz. Screen shot of task manager. Are you also able to answer why Gold 6152 is slower than E5-2697 v3? Also speed step and turbo boost is active within the bios.
嗨mathew.bell,我查看了英特尔®处理器诊断工具的结果,处理器正常运行。 它通过了压力测试。 我将向您发送英特尔®至强®处理器可扩展系列NDA规范更新。 在图4中,您将看到所有内核工作时的预期最大速度。 在这种情况下,最高速度为2.8MHz.https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/xeon/scalable/xeon-scalable-spec-update.html我查看了数据表和规格更新 如果您已经在使用系统的最新BIOS,那么英特尔®至强®黄金6152处理器在戴尔支持网站上有22个内核和44个线程。请查看.https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en / 04 /产品支持/产品/精密-7920-workstation / driversRegards,Miguel C.Intel客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员与英特尔公司签订合同 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi mathew.bell, I reviewed the results of Intel® Processor Diagnostic Tool and the processor is working as it should. It passed the stress test. I am sending you the Intel® Xeon® Processor Scalable Family NDA Specification Update. In figure 4 you will see the expected maximum speed when all the Cores are working. In this case, the maximum speed is 2.8MHz. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/xeon/scalable/xeon-scalable-spec-update.html I reviewed the datasheet and specification update and the Intel® Xeon® Gold 6152 Processor has 22 Cores and 44 Threads. Review at Dell support website if you are already using the latest bios of your system. https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/product-support/product/precision-7920-workstation/drivers Regards, Miguel C. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
jerry1978 发表于 2018-11-13 18:09 嗨mathew.bell,我正在跟进你的上一篇文章。 你有更新的BIOS版本吗?问候,Miguel C.Intel客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员与英特尔公司的合同 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi mathew.bell, I am following up on your last post. Did you have any luck with a newer BIOS version? Regards, Miguel C. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
cd340823 发表于 2018-11-13 18:24 你好米格尔, 是的,BIOS完全是最新的。 我也发过这封电子邮件给下面的人。 Barry.Chew@dell.com,Brianna.Obrien @ dell.com,Carmen.Sea @ dell.com,Ee.Noch.Koo @ dell.com,Guo.Xin.Ye @ dell.com,Jet.Maisog @ dell。 com,Kelly.Phillips @ gallagher.com,Kevin.R.Davies @ dell.com,Marcus.Wixted @ dell.com,Todd.Mills @ Dell.com,intel_corp webadmin @ intel.com>,Jojo Adolfo / GGL @ GGL ,“Tang,Xiao Yun Ariel”ng@ptc.com>,LEAP PTC支持ptcsupport@leapaust.com.au>,Paul Reid / GGL @ GGL, 这是一封覆盖所有相关方的全面电子邮件,DELL,INTEL,PTC CREO(4),&amp; GGL IS部门。 DELL Precession 7920,现已安装Win7 Prof.(Win10 for workstations)已经在速度方面取得了积极进展,但未达到预期水平。 平衡线程性能和多线程的最佳BIOS设置是具有56个逻辑核心。 (与我们的旧电脑DELL Precision 7910相同) 单线程现在可以与我们的旧计算机相比大约2.40分钟(大约3.10分钟 - 大约4分钟,具体取决于编号线程),在纸面上应该更快。 多线程基准标记从6.37分钟提高到2.37分钟。 (在这里仍然很失望,旧计算机在1.56分钟内完成。) 将BIOS设置更改为64个逻辑处理器,多线程时间可与56个逻辑处理器相媲美。 (可能会好几秒钟,而不是追逐......) 64个逻辑处理器提供一个处理器组。 亲和力,所有处理器都可以勾选。 88个逻辑处理器给出两个逻辑组44.Affinity,只能勾选一个组。 打开所有88个逻辑处理器,仅使用44个关联,多线程再次慢,3.04分钟,但仍然比Win10快。 我们在另一台旧电脑上进行了最终的基准测试,详情如下: 赢7专业版。 至强E5-1620 V3,3.5GHz,4核,8个逻辑处理器。 单线程= 2.48分钟 多线程= 3.23分钟 总之,在DELL Precision 7920上使用PTC Creo(4)M060: 整体而言,Xeon Gold 6152比Xeon E5-2697 v3慢。 打开了56个逻辑处理器的BIOS设置受损,满分为88。 新工作站的新西兰元售价为16,000新西兰元,但没有给出任何性能提升,仅低于应有的性能。 Gallagher Group IS Depart和JoJo Adolfo花了相当多的时间和精力将DELL Precession 7920(Win10)转换为Win7,并且还需要1.5到2周的劳动力成本。 它可能不是处理器问题,现在可以做什么? 英特尔,戴尔&amp; PTC,拜托,三个人互相交谈解决,让我知道选项。 这台电脑在Win 7上运行得更好,并且会保留。 单击以下链接下载多线程测试的记录。 Precision 7910_test2(3岁计算机)下载大小1.2GB Precision 7920_test2(新电脑)下载大小400MB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Miguel, Yes, BIOS is fully up to date. I have also sent this email to the below people. Barry.Chew@dell.com, Brianna.Obrien@dell.com, Carmen.Sea@dell.com, Ee.Noch.Koo@dell.com, Guo.Xin.Ye@dell.com, Jet.Maisog@dell.com, Kelly.Phillips@gallagher.com, Kevin.R.Davies@dell.com, Marcus.Wixted@dell.com, Todd.Mills@Dell.com, intel_corp <webadmin@intel.com>, Jojo Adolfo/GGL@GGL, "Tang, Xiao Yun Ariel" This is a blanket email that covers all interested parties, DELL, INTEL, PTC CREO (4), & GGL IS Department. DELL Precession 7920, now installed with Win7 Prof. (was Win10 for workstations) has moved forwards positively in speed, but not to expected levels. Best BIOS setting to balance thread performance and multi threading is having 56 Logical cores. (same as our old computer DELL Precision 7910) Single thread is now comparable to our old computer about 2.40min (was about 3.10min - 4min approx depending on No. threads), on paper it should faster. Multi threading bench marks have improved from 6.37min down to 2.37min. (still disappointed here, old computer does it in 1.56min.) Changed BIOS setting to 64 logical processors, the multi threading time is comparable to 56 logical processors. (maybe better by a few seconds, not chasing this...) 64 logical processors gives one processor group. Affinity, all processors can be ticked. 88 logical processors gives two logical groups of 44. Affinity, only one group can be ticked. With all 88 logical processors switched on, with affinity only 44 used, multi threading slower again, 3.04mins, however still faster than Win10. We did a final bench mark test on another older computer with details: Win 7 Pro. Xeon E5-1620 V3, 3.5GHz, 4 cores, 8 logical processors. Single thread = 2.48min Multi thread = 3.23mins In conclusion, using PTC Creo (4) M060 on a DELL Precision 7920: Overall the Xeon Gold 6152 is slower than Xeon E5-2697 v3. Compromised BIOS setting of 56 logical processors switched on, out of 88. NZ$16K on new workstation that has not given any performance increase, only less than what it should be. Gallagher Group IS Depart and JoJo Adolfo have spent considerable time and effort to convert DELL Precession 7920 (Win10) to Win7, and also carries a cost of 1.5 - 2 weeks labour, thankyou IS. It may not be a processor problem, what now can be done? INTEL, DELL & PTC, Please, all three talk to each other to resolve and let me know options. This computer runs better on Win 7, and will remain. Click on the below links to download recordings of the multi threading testing. Precision 7910_test2 (3 year old computer) Download size 1.2GB Precision 7920_test2 (new computer) Download size 400MB |
嗨mathew.bell,我收到了我上层的更新。由于以下原因之一,处理器似乎运行频率低于预期:1。 取决于在AVX-512或AVX上运行的模式,它可以管理更高的工作负载。 运行某些Intel AVX或AVX-512工作负载时,CPU可能无法提升核心频率,具体取决于活动核心数量。 Xeon可伸缩处理器中的工作负载平衡机制可能会错误地将大于预期的权重值应用于某些Intel AVX和AVX-512工作负载。 高度并行/矢量化应用会在处理器内核上产生最高负载,这需要更多功率,从而产生更多热量。 由于它是第三方系统,如果他们有进一步的顾虑,我们建议您,回到您的系统制造商并请求解决问题。解决方案,Miguel C.Intel客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员与英特尔公司的合同 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi mathew.bell, I have received an update from my upper level. It seems the processor might be running at lower frequencies than expected due to one of the following reasons: 1. Depends upon the mode on which it is being operated on AVX-512 or AVX which manages a higher workload. The CPU may not ramp up core frequencies when running some Intel AVX or AVX-512 workloads depending upon the number of active cores. 2. Workload balancing mechanism in Xeon Scalable Processors may have the potential to incorrectly apply a larger than expected weighting value to some Intel AVX and AVX-512 workload. Highly parallel/vectorized applications generate the highest load on the processor cores which requires more power and thus generates more heat. 3. Since its a third party system and if they have further concerns, we are recommending you, going back to your system manufacturer and request a workaround to the issue. Regards, Miguel C. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
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