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我刚刚安装了Windows 10 ..我的桌面配有华硕H110M-D主板华硕H110M-D ... Windows 10 64位和IE(11)和边缘我有同样的问题...英特尔dsa(THE 最后)仍然不适合我......当我尝试扫描时它失败了...我得到以下错误...哎呀,在我尝试扫描的时候错误地回答。再次尝试或查看我们的常见问题寻求帮助! 为什么????前几天这个助手工作了......但是现在它不起作用了! 无用!!! 请修复它!已安装的版本是最后一个版本(,它不起作用...... DSA.rar 360.8 K. Captura.JPG 145.4 K. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The same problem for me! I just installed Windows 10 .. I have a desktop with the ASUS H110M-D motherboard ASUS H110M-D ... Windows 10 64 bits and with IE (11) and edge I have the same problem ... the Intel dsa (THE LAST) still does not work for me ... it fails when I try to scan ... I get the following error ... OOPS, SOMETHING ERRONEOUS WHILE I TRIED TO SCAN. Try again or check our frequently asked questions for help! Why???? A few days ago this assistant worked ... but now it does not work! USELESS!!! Please, fix it! The installed version is the last one ( and it does not work ...
是非常荒谬的intel_admin无法解决这个问题......请修复它! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 SAME!!!! is very ridiculous which intel_admin don't get able fix this issue...... please fix it!!!! |
与英特尔DSA相同的问题。 星期五正在工作。 下次我尝试它是2018年9月9日星期日。与我尝试过的所有三个浏览器都出现相同的错误消息。 一天后还是个问题。 显然,英特尔在他们的问题上有一个问题。 一旦手机响了太多次,他们很可能会把它修好。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Same problem with Intel DSA. Was working on Friday. Next time I tried it was Sunday, Sep 9, 2018. GOt the same error message with all three of the browsers I tried. Still a problem a day later. Apparently Intel has a problem on their end. They'll likely get it fixed once the phone rings too many times. |
intel_admin我希望伙伴们! 我不明白为什么会发生这个问题....可以是英特尔服务器问题? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 intel_admin i hope mate! I not understand why happen this issue.... can be a intel server issues? |
感谢您的发表。 请尝试以下方法: 卸载英特尔®驱动程序& 支持助手控制面板。 从C: ProgramData Intel DSA中删除所有旧日志文件。 重启系统。 转到下载中心并全新安装下载英特尔®驱动程序& 支持助理 问候, 艾米C. 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello all, Thank you for posting. Please try the following:
Regards, Amy C. |
为什么?? 更多有问题的人?intel_admin 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The error today for me it backs again.....fails to scan !!!!! why?? more people with issue??intel_admin |
您是否可以尝试以前的建议?Amy CIntel客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员是否与英特尔公司签订合同 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Were you able to try the previous suggestion? Amy C Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
你以前能检查一下这个建议吗? 艾米C. 英特尔客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员 根据与英特尔公司的合同 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Silencioso, Were you able to check the suggestion before? Amy C Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
大家好, IDSA可能无法在您的系统上运行的原因有多种,即使它之前已经这样做了。 是否有任何硬件或软件更改? 一场胜利 大家好, IDSA可能无法在您的系统上运行的原因有多种,即使它之前已经这样做了。 是否有任何硬件或软件更改? Windows *更新? 尝试检查系统还原点,以查看是否在同一时间发生了更改。 如果您想在系统上尝试使用IDSA,请在继续执行以下故障排除步骤之前参阅以下页面:英特尔®驱动程序& 支持助手(IDSA)无法正常工作https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000026895.html IDSA推荐的故障排除步骤: 1.运行IDSA卸载程序:英特尔®驱动程序& 支持助手卸载程序| 版本:最新)日期:8/24/2018https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28149/Intel-Driver-Support-Assistant-Uninstaller?v = t 2.重新启动并运行最新的IDSA工具版本:英特尔®驱动程序& 支持助理| 版本:最新)日期:9/26/2018https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24345 3.请务必检查以下常见故障排除步骤(即:Microsoft Edge *问题等)。 英特尔®驱动程序和 支持助理FAQhttps://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/topics/idsa-faq.html 如果IDSA仍然不起作用,并且您想帮助英特尔改进IDSA,请提供以下信息:1。任何错误或打印屏幕以及如何复制。 2.最新的DSAUninstaller.log文件(使用文件资源管理器,搜索DSAUninstaller.log)3。 最新的DSA日志文件(使用“运行”,键入%temp%,或使用文件资源管理器,转到C: Users intel lab AppData Local Temp,并压缩所有*日志文件 - 文件名以英特尔®开头 _Driver_和放大器; _Support_Assistant ...)4。 最新的SSU txt文件:适用于Windows *的英特尔®系统支持实用程序 版本:2.5(最新)日期:2017/7/17https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility。 艾米C. 英特尔客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员与英特尔公司签订合同 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello All, There are several reasons why IDSA may not work on your system, even if it did so before. Was there any hardware or software changes? A Win Hello All, There are several reasons why IDSA may not work on your system, even if it did so before. Was there any hardware or software changes? A Windows* update? Try checking the System Restore points to see if there was a change around the same time. If you would like to try using IDSA on your system, please refer to the following page before continuing with troubleshooting steps below: Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (IDSA) Is Not Working Properly https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000026895.html Recommended Troubleshooting steps for IDSA: 1. Run the IDSA Uninstaller: Intel® Driver & Support Assistant Uninstaller | Version: (Latest) Date: 8/24/2018 https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/28149/Intel-Driver-Support-Assistant-Uninstaller?v=t 2. Restart and run the latest IDSA tool version: Intel® Driver & Support Assistant | Version: (Latest) Date: 9/26/2018 https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/24345 3. Be sure to check the following for common troubleshooting steps (i.e.: Microsoft Edge* issues, etc.). Intel® Driver & Support Assistant FAQ https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/topics/idsa-faq.html If IDSA still doesn’t work, and you want to help Intel improve IDSA, please provide the following: 1. Any errors or print screens and how to replicate. 2. The latest DSAUninstaller.log file (using File Explorer, search for DSAUninstaller.log) 3. The latest DSA Log files (Using Run, type %temp%, or using File Explorer, go to C:Usersintel labAppDataLocalTemp, and zip all of the *log files - file names start with Intel®_Driver_&_Support_Assistant…) 4. The latest SSU txt file: Intel® System Support Utility for Windows* | Version: 2.5 (Latest) Date: 7/13/2017 https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility. Amy C Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
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