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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello all, Having a hard time figuring out why my PIC16F1503 is stalling (freezing, crashing?) on a memcpy statement. I don't have a debug header, so I'm forced to rely on basic debugging and the simulator. I narrowed it down to this statement by moving a LATA write around that turns on an LED until it no longer worked. In the simulator I'm not seeing any issues, it runs fine and does exactly what I expect it to. This happens within my Init function, which is the very first thing in main so there shouldn't be anything executing before this. Wondering if any of you experts here could give me some ideas on what could be causing it to stop. I thought maybe an interrupt, but even with GIE disabled it fails to get past that statement. Thank you! #include #include #include extern volatile char lcd_buffer[21]; void Init(void){ // Set Processor Frequency // OSCCON - Oscillator Control Register OSCCON = 0b01101000; // Set Data Port Input/Output ANSELA = 0x00; // Turn off Analog Input functionality LATA = 0x00; // Set default Port A output values TRISA = 0x23; // Set bits 2 and 4 as output ANSELC = 0x00; // Turn off Analog Input functionality TRISC = 0xFF; // Set all of Port C as input // Configure I2C Registers // SSP1STAT - SSP Status Register SSP1CON1 = 0x28; // SSP1CON2 - SSP Control Register 2 SSP1CON3 = 60; // SSP1ADD - MSSP Address and Baud Rate Register SSP1ADD = 0x09; // Enable MSSP (I2C) Interrupts PIE1bits.SSP1IE = 1; // Enable Global Interrupts INTCONbits.GIE = 1; INTCONbits.PEIE = 1; // Initialize the LCD const uint8_t lcd_init1[] = {0x00,0x38,0x39,0x14,0x78,0x5E,0x6D}; memcpy(lcd_buffer,lcd_init1,7); // More code follows, but this is where the LATA command fails to execute } |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 OK you have a declaration for lcd_buffer: extern volatile char lcd_buffer[21]; but where is the definition of this variable? Basically, declarations (anytime you use extern it is a declaration) DO NOT allocate memory only the definition does that. Somewhere you need: volatile char lcd_buffer[21]; |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Where is lcd_buffer defined? I wouldn't expect your code to link in its current state. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The init function is in it's own c file. lcd_buffer is defined in main, along with some other global variables used by the ISR. Here is the main file. // Include PIC16F1503 CONFIG register settings // These control clock selection, watchdog disable, etc #include "pic16f1503config.h" // Compiler include file #include // C Standard Includes #include #include // Project Specific Includes #include "Init.h" #include "lcd_funcs.h" #include "AlarmClock.h" // Global Variables volatile l_state lcd_state; volatile uint8_t msg_length; volatile unsigned char *lcd_msg; uint8_t i2c_addr; volatile char lcd_buffer[21]; void main(void) { // Initialization of MCU & peripherals Init(); while(1){ // The main loop of the program runs forever lcd_buffer[0]=0x40; const char testmsg[] = "This is a test"; memcpy(lcd_buffer+1,testmsg,14); send2lcd(lcd_buffer,15,lcd_w); while(1){ // Basically stop for test } } return; } void interrupt pic16_int (void) { if(SSP1IF == 1){ // If MSSP module generated the interrupt, clear the flag and process LATA = 0x10; SSP1IF = 0; switch(lcd_state) { case lcd_idle: // Do Nothing break; case lcd_start: // Start Condition Completed, send address SSP1BUF = i2c_addr; // Then go to next state if(i2c_addr & 0x01){ // LSB '1' = TX lcd_state = lcd_rx; } else { // LSB '0' = RX lcd_state = lcd_tx; } break; case lcd_tx: // Loading buffer starts transmission SSP1BUF = *lcd_msg; lcd_msg++; msg_length--; if(msg_length == 0){ lcd_state = lcd_stop; } break; case lcd_rx: // Grab received byte break; case lcd_stop: // Set Stop Bit SSP1CON2bits.PEN = 1; lcd_state = lcd_finish; break; case lcd_finish: // I2C Transaction is completed, go to idle lcd_state = lcd_idle; } } return; } |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I wouldn't expect "const" to affect the generated code in that context, but try it without "const". |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 const is what tells the compiler to put it into program memory vs RAM. Since the PIC16F1503 only has 128 bytes of RAM I'd like to avoid using it when possible. Regardless, I tried removing it but still gets stuck on that memcpy line. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I'm surprised XC8 allowed you to define the variable there. It is a "C89" compiler, where variable definitions can only occur at the start of a block, before any executable code. Have you looked at the LST file output to see what assembler has been generated there? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I don't see anything immediately, but I'm not all that familiar with the PIC instruction set (I came from HC08's). 831 ;Init.c: 76: const uint8_t lcd_init1[] = {0x00,0x38,0x39,0x14,0x78,0x5E,0x6D}; 832 ;Init.c: 77: __builtin_memcpy(lcd_buffer,lcd_init1,7); 833 006B 3020 movlw low (_lcd_buffer| 0) 834 006C 0086 movwf 6 835 006D 0187 clrf 7 836 006E 3015 movlw low (Init@lcd_init1| (0+32768)) 837 006F 0084 movwf 4 838 0070 3081 movlw high (Init@lcd_init1| (0+32768)) 839 0071 0085 movwf 5 840 0072 3007 movlw 7 841 0073 00F6 movwf ??_Init 842 0074 0876 movf ??_Init,w 843 0075 1903 skipnz 844 0076 287B goto l635 845 0077 u10m0: 846 0077 0012 moviw fsr0++ 847 0078 001E movwi fsr1++ 848 0079 0BF6 decfsz ??_Init,f 849 007A 2877 goto u10m0 850 007B l635: 851 852 ;Init.c: 78: send2lcd(lcd_buffer,7,0x78); And the constant is here: 507 psect stringtext2 508 0115 __pstringtext2: 509 0115 Init@lcd_init1: 510 0115 3400 retlw 0 511 0116 3438 retlw 56 512 0117 3439 retlw 57 513 0118 3414 retlw 20 514 0119 3478 retlw 120 515 011A 345E retlw 94 516 011B 346D retlw 109 517 011C __end_ofInit@lcd_init1: |
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