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您好,7.5kHz三角波(约+ 10max / -10min)的统计测量值需要一分多钟。
我将N = 300,On Single:1和100kHz滤波器设置为On。 为什么需要这么长时间? 是不是只需要300个样本,这应该只需要0.04秒(=(1 / 7.5K)* 300秒)? 过滤器可能有效果,但我不认为它会导致统计测量需要1500倍的时间。 另外,我阅读了53131A用户手册,我仍然对On Single:1和On Single:N的含义感到困惑。 是不是On Single:1设置也使用N = 300个样本? 斯蒂芬 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, Statistics measurements for a 7.5kHz triangular wave (approximately +10max /-10min) is taking a little over a minute. I have set N=300, On Single:1 and 100kHz filter to On. Why is it taking so long? Isn't it only taking 300 samples, which should only take 0.04seconds ( = (1/7.5K)*300 seconds)? The filter maybe having an effect, but I wouldn't think it would cause the statistic measurement to take 1500 times longer. Also, I read the 53131A user's manual and I am still confused about what On Single: 1 and On Single: N means. Isn't the On Single: 1 setting also using N=300 samples? Stephen |
嗨,斯蒂芬,我尝试在我的53132A做同样的事情,使用GATE TIME AUTO,我有10秒/读取STAT ON并显示MEAN,用300个样本计算。
但是对于GPIB,当我削减计数器的额外处理时,对于7.5kHz的输入频率和300个样本,我有大约1.1秒/读数。 我认为“ON SINGLE 1”用于单次拍摄统计,可能不依赖于固件版本(编程指南pdf第16/330页)。 我不知道这些信息是否对您有所帮助。 关心伊夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Stephen, I tried to do same thing on my 53132A, with GATE TIME AUTO, I had 10sec/reading with STAT ON and displayed MEAN, calculated with 300 samples. But with GPIB, when I cut extra processing of counter, I had around 1.1sec/reading for an input frequency of 7.5kHz and 300 samples. I think that "ON SINGLE 1" is for a single shot statistic, maybe not avalaible depend of firmware revision (programming guide pdf page 16/330). I don't know if this information may help you. Regards Yves |
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