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如前一篇文章所述,我们使用多个D415进行360°(向外)捕捉。 更新固件解决了一些不一致问题。 但是,现在我们遇到了RGB流的颜色(粉红色和绿色)和图像本身(切割和未对齐像素?)的问题: 这也出现在彩色点云中。 这是与快门相关的(和太快的运动,虽然没有模糊)? 软件还是硬件? 谁经历过类似的错误? 谢谢! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi all, as said in a previous thread, we are using multiple D415's for 360° (outward) capturing. Updating firmware solved some of the inconsistencies. However, now we are having trouble with the colour (pink & green) and image itself (cut and misaligned pixels?) for the RGB-streams: This also shows up in the coloured point clouds. Is this shutter-related (and too fast movement, notice there is no blur though)? Software or hardware? Who has experienced similar errors? Thanks! |
在这种情况下,问题是深度流,粉红色和蓝色。 他们使用Linux,并通过重新执行Video4Linux后端准备来修复它以应用内核补丁。 你在使用Linux吗? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 A similar coloring issue once occurred on a four-camera SR300 setup. In that case the problem was with the depth stream, which was pink and blue. They were using Linux, and fixed it by re-doing the Video4Linux backend preparation to apply the kernel patches. Are you using Linux, please? |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-6 16:18 嗨,MartyG,是的,Linux。 我们会尽力让您知道。 谢谢! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi MartyG, yes, Linux. We will try and let you know. Thanks! |
更新:尝试了Video4Linux技巧,但没有帮助 - 仍然有毛刺(无论分辨率或帧率)。 还有什么可以检查? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Update: tried the Video4Linux trick but did not help -still having the glitch (whichever the resolution or framerate). What else could be checked? |
您是否在相机上使用硬件同步电缆? 如果是这样,您是否为这些电缆构建了ESD保护? 多相机白皮书说,如果没有ESD事件保护(例如静电放电),那么RGB成像器可以在流式传输深度和RGB时冻结(深度流不会受到发生的反向重置的严重影响) ESD事件)。 D415型号比D435更受此影响。 多张相机纸的第3页和第4页讨论了如何在电缆中构建ESD保护。 https://realsense.intel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/63/Multiple_Camera_WhitePaper_rev1.1.pdf 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Are you using hardware sync cables with your cameras? And if so, have you built ESD protection into those cables? The multiple camera white paper says that if there is not protection from ESD events (e.g static electricity discharge) then the RGB imager can freeze up when streaming both depth and RGB (depth streaming only is not so badly affected by the counter resets that occur in an ESD event). The D415 model is affected by this more than the D435. Pages 3 and 4 of the multiple camera paper discuss how to build ESD protection into the cable. https://realsense.intel.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/63/Multiple_Camera_WhitePaper_rev1.1.pdf |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-6 16:52 没有硬件同步,只有集线器上的USB电缆...... 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 No hardware sync, just USB cables on hubs... |
所有D415相机都遇到同样的问题吗? 你使用的USB线长度是多少? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Are all of the D415 cameras experiencing the same issue? What length of USB cable are you using, please? |
不,只有其中一些。 今天我们将尝试逐一找出哪一个没有集线器。 USB电缆长度为15cm - > USBhub - > 5cm,总共约20cm。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 No, only some of them. We will try to figure out which ones 1 by 1, without hub inbetween, today. The USB cable length is 15cm -> USBhub -> 5cm, so about 20cm in total. |
armortech 发表于 2018-11-6 17:28 我问是否只有一些相机受到影响,因为在类似的着色情况下,问题最终被认为是硬件问题。 因此,用户返回受影响的相机进行更换,更换相机工作正常。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I ask whether only some of the cameras are affected because in a similar case of coloration like this, the problem was eventually decided to be an issue with the hardware. So the user returned the affected camera for a replacement and the replacement camera worked fine. |
似乎我们在没有集线器的情况下得到的问题更少 - 因为我们已经使用了非常昂贵的集线器。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 It seems we get less problems without the hubs -annoying since we are already using pretty expensive ones. |
在英特尔的测试中,他们使用多个相机纸中心,他们使用廉价的AmazonBasics中心。 关键点似乎是它是一个电源供电的集线器,而不是插入PC的USB端口并由计算机供电的“被动”集线器。 你自己的集线器主电源供电吗? 他们使用的AmazonBasics模型链接到下面。 Amazon.com:带有5V / 2.5A电源适配器的AmazonBasics 4端口USB 3.0集线器:计算机和电脑。 饰品 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 In Intel's tests with a hub in their multiple camera paper, they used a cheap AmazonBasics hub. The key point seems to be that it is a mains-powered hub, rather than "passive" hubs that are plugged into the PC's USB port and powered by the computer. Are your own hubs mains-powered ones? The AmazonBasics model they used is linked to below. Amazon.com: AmazonBasics 4 Port USB 3.0 Hub with 5V/2.5A power adapter: Computers & Accessories |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-6 18:12 不,他们是外部供电的。 请参阅https://www.club-3d.com/en/detail/2383/u***_3.0_hub_4_port_with_power_adapter/ 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 No, they are externally powered. See https://www.club-3d.com/en/detail/2383/u***_3.0_hub_4_port_with_power_adapter/ |
armortech 发表于 2018-11-6 18:25 它们是主电源,因为我的意思是它们插入一个带有电源适配器的墙壁插座(电源插座),就像你的集线器附带的电源适配器一样。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 They are mains powered then, because I mean that they plug into a wall socket (mains socket) with a power adapter like the one that comes with your hub. |
我的意思是,他们是;-) 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I meant yes, they are ;-) |
USB集线器可以“菊花链式” - 将一个集线器插入另一个集线器。 显然,您可以通过这种方式链接多达5个集线器。 我想知道,如果摄像机在一些集线器端口工作但不在其他集线器端口工作,那么你可以通过将几个集线器链接在一起并将摄像机连接到它们来使所有摄像机工作。 如果它们是4端口集线器,并且总共有8个端口,其中2个集线器连接在一起,那么人们会认为你应该能够从中获得4个完全正常工作的端口。 两个集线器都应插入电源。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 USB hubs can be 'daisy chained' - plugging one hub into another hub. Apparently you can chain up to 5 hubs in this way. I wonder, if the cameras work in some hub ports but not others, then you might be able to get all the cameras working by chaining a couple of hubs together and attaching your cameras to them. If they are 4-port hubs and you have 8 ports available in total with 2 hubs joined together, one would think you ought to be able to get 4 fully working ports out of that. Both hubs should be plugged into the mains. |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-6 19:12 我担心11台摄像机会占用太多的集线器。但是检查它是否与某些端口相关联是个好点。 会尝试的。 谢谢! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I'm afraid for 11 cameras that would take too many hubs.. But good point on checking if it's linked to certain ports. Will try that. Thanks! |
USB标准在一台计算机上支持127个USB设备。 每个集线器都声称有一些这样的地址,这意味着您实际上无法插入127个设备。因此,如果5个集线器的限制仅适用于集线器的数量,而不是端口的数量,那么您可以将11个摄像头安装到 如果您使用具有更多端口的集线器,则为5个端口,例如6或8个端口。 无论如何,好运与港口检查! 编辑:我做了一些研究。 这个限制显然是在USB规范中,它允许集线器的“堆栈”从根端口“5个集线器深”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The USB standard supports 127 USB devices on a single computer. Each hub claims a handful of these addresses, meaning that you cannot actually plug 127 devices in. So if the limit of 5 hubs just applies to the number of hubs, not the number of ports, then you may be able to fit 11 cameras into 5 ports if you use hubs with more ports on, such as 6 or 8 ports. Anyways, good luck with the port check! Edit: I did some more research. The limit is apparently in the USB specification, which lets a "stack" of hubs be '5 hubs deep' from the root port. |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-6 19:28 正确,再次下注,我们不会有带宽问题吗? 在流媒体播放一段时间后就已经是这种情况了。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Correct, bet then again, won't we have issues with bandwidth? This is already the case after a while of streaming. |
在上周关于多台摄像机的英特尔在线研讨会上,RealSense首席威廉希尔官方网站 官表示,随着更多摄像头的增加,将需要更高规格的PC硬件来应对这种压力(例如,配备英特尔i7处理器的机器)。 在同一个研讨会上,他们说他们开发了一种新的'x3'数据压缩算法,可以连接更多的摄像头。 他们没有给出开启时间的日期,但是他们一直在努力从相机中挤出更高的性能。 他们还开发了一种“改进的霍夫曼”算法,可以在多种摄像机配置中提供更多的通道。 下面是相机文件中关于在多达6台摄像机的非同步集线器上使用带宽的图表。 左键单击图像以查看完整尺寸 您也可以使用多台PC,并使用硬件同步电缆将摄像机集中在一起。 这是英特尔在1月的圣丹斯电影节上采用多相机演示的方法。 他们有4台摄像机,每台摄像机连接到i7 PC,并自动将数据传输到第5台PC,将它们全部同步。 该过程在下面的文章中描述,其中他们谈论使用8个或更多相机。 Volumetric Capture @ Sundance使用英特尔实感深度相机 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 In an Intel online seminar about multiple cameras last week, the RealSense CTO said that as more cameras are added, a higher spec of PC hardware will be needed to cope with the strain (for example, a machine with an Intel i7 processor). In the same seminar, they said that they have developed a new 'x3' data compression algorithm that will allow more cameras to be attached. They did not give a date for when that will be switched on, but they are continuously working on squeezing greater performance out of the cameras. They have also developed a 'Modified Huffman' algorithm that will give a greater number of channels in multiple camera configurations. Below is a chart from the camera paper about bandwidth use on a non-synced hub of up to 6 cameras. Left-click on the image to see it in full size.1 You can alternatively use multiple PCs and collectively join the cameras together using hardware sync cabling. This was the approach Intel took with a multiple-camera demo at the Sundance Festival in January. They had 4 cameras, each one connected to an i7 PC, and transferred the data automatically to a 5th PC to sync it all together. The process is described in the article below, in which they talk about using 8 or more cameras. Volumetric Capture @ Sundance using Intel RealSense Depth Cameras |
nywerwer 发表于 2018-11-6 19:56 我还要补充一点,如果不需要所有摄像机都在同一时间运行,你可以在同一台机器上安装更多的摄像机,并通过批量打开和关闭它们来避免过多的带宽消耗。 获取第一批数据快照,然后关闭它们并激活下一批4.拍摄快照并激活下一批,直到循环返回到第一组摄像机并再次开始。 在旧的RealSense相机型号中,按ID号激活设备的过程称为枚举。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I would also add that if there is not a need for the cameras to all be operating at exactly the same time, you can have more cameras on the same machine and avoid excessive bandwidth consumption by turning them on and off in batches of 4. You take a data snapshot with the first batch, then turn them off and activate the next 4. Take a snapshot and activate the next batch, until the cycle gets back to the first set of cameras and begins again. In the old RealSense camera models, this process of activating devices by ID number was known as Enumeration. |
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