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我正在尝试控制电动滑板车的轮内电机。 这是我到目前为止所做的...... 1.轮毂电机:300W,霍尔传感器(表面贴装PMSM) 2. 3分流相电流检测 3. MC工作台PMSM FOC Lib v4.2 4. STM32F407VE,外部8Mhz 有了这些,我在工作台中设置了一些东西。并编程到MCU中。 6.没有做电机配置文件。 7.轮毂电机最终无负载运行。 但问题是..没有负载,它可以运行。 但是有了负载,就像将这个轮子放在地上一样,它就会停下来。 所以当我试图用手挡住它时,电流会上升一点点 我能感受到更多的扭矩。但它马上就会停止。 我用万用表测量的电流约为0.15 A. 当我试图阻止它时......大约是0.22A 我在这里想念的是什么? 对于Rs,Ls,我使用默认值。对于速度控制,我使用霍尔传感器。 速度控制周期为50ms。 我陷入了这种境地。请给我一些想法。 谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I am trying to control In-wheel motor for electric scooter. Here is what I have done so far.... 1. In-Wheel motor : 300W , Hall sensor (Surface Mounted PMSM) 2. 3 Shunt phase current sensing 3. MC workbench PMSM FOC Lib v4.2 4. STM32F407VE, 8Mhz external 5. With these, I setup things in workbench. And programmed into the MCU. 6. Didn't do Motor Profile. 7. In-wheel motor run finally without load. But the problem is.. without load, it can run. But with load, like when put this wheel on the ground, it just stop. so when I try to stall it by my hand, current goes up a little bit and I can feel a bit more torque. But it just stop right away. The current that I measured using Multimeter is about 0.15 A. When I try to stall it.. it is about 0.22A What did I miss here? For Rs, Ls, I used default. for speed control, I use hall sensor. Speed control period is 50ms. I am stuck in this situation. Please give me some idea. Thank you. |
我想你没有收到任何故障指示,所以即使电机停止,FW也总是产生电流。 FW最大提供您在电机额定电流中选择的电流。根据您使用的HW,查看此参数以及与电流检测相关的参数。 我在这一刻读到你使用的是Rs和Ls的默认值但你怎么能确定这些是你电机的正确值? 再见 梁咏琪 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Ciao I suppose that you didn't receive any fault indication so even if the motor is stopped the FW is always generating current. The FW provide at maximum the current that you select in the motor nominal current. Review this parameter and also the parameter related to then current sensing according to the HW that you are using. I read in this moment that you are using the default values of Rs and Ls but how you can be sure that these are the correct value of your motor? Ciao Gigi |
谢谢您的回复。 首先,是的,你的观点是正确的。我想,Rs,Ls是不正确的。 1.我使用霍尔传感器,然后仍然使用Rs,Ls估算某些值? 因此,我的问题可能发生? 我试着做电机配置文件。当我开始时,电机没有运行,但有些大声音...... 当我推动电机时,电机试图转动,但它再次停止。 还有一些大声。声音越来越大。但是马达没有跑。 担心它会爆炸。所以我就关掉了。 |
Ciao Lino
不幸的是,你必须一步一步走。首先,您必须确保正确调节电流,并且必须在电机参数中正确设置Rs和Ls。 不要害怕测量是非常容易的,不要忘记FW需要具有相位到中性值,所以如果你逐步测量它,你必须除以2。 然后必须在电机和功率级中正确设置标称电压(您可以轻松找到选择它的位置),然后电流调节器应该工作。 你没有提到你正在使用哪个功率级。 然后另一个选项来验证电流调节器工作正常你可以稍微欺骗FW设置无传感器控制并设置一个非常长的启动斜坡和固定的电流值,这样你就可以看到在这种情况下FW是否可以调节电流。 再见 梁咏琪 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Ciao Lino Unfortunately you have to go step by step. First you have to be sure that the current is correctly regulated and to do this you have to set properly the Rs and Ls in the motor parameter. Don't be afraid measure in is very easy, don't forget that the FW requires to have phase to neutral value so if you measure it phase to phase you have to divide by 2. Then is necessary to set properly the nominal voltage both in the motor and in the power stage (you can find easily where to select it) then the current regulator shall works. You didn't mention which is the power stage that you are using. Then another option to verify that the current regulator are working good you can cheat a little bit the FW setting a sensorless control and set a very long startup ramp with a fixed value of current, and so you can see if in this condition the FW can regulate the currents. Ciao Gigi |
这是我在Workbench中的设置。 (附件) 我用万用表测量了Rs。在阶段A和阶段B之间。 但它是......非常小的价值。像0.85。它会有错误。 所以不确定可以信任这个万用表。 所以我试着使用Motor Profiler。 你是什么意思,调节电流?调节Id,Iq电流? 我检查了DAC A4,A5。 oscillocope表明Id就像一条有很多噪音的线。 似乎受到监管。不喜欢波浪。 现在我想错过你的答案。 |
Ciao Lino
看看Iq或Id的规则是一个很好的想法,但不是我们现在对它感兴趣的想法。不,我指的是使用电流探头的电机相电流。 如果在启动时你用一个固定电流编程一个长斜坡,比方说1A,你将得到一个电机相电流,它应该是一个正弦电流(加速度很慢),振幅达到1A。 如果没有,设置中出现问题。 这是真的,或者你没有再次表明你正在使用的功率级? 此外,在测量的Iq中存在噪声并不是一个好消息。测量电流中的噪声可能隐藏错误设置或不良功率级布局。 再见 梁咏琪 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Ciao Lino Taking a look at the regulation of Iq or Id is a good think but is not the think that we are interested in it now. No, I'm referring to the motor phase current using a current probe. If in the startup you program a long ramp with fixed current, let's say 1A, you will have a motor phase current that shall be a sinusoid current (with slow acceleration) and with amplitude that reach 1A. If not, something is wrong in the setting. It is true, or you are not indicated again which is the power stage that you are using? Moreover the presence of the noise in the measured Iq, is not a good news. Noise in the measured current can hide wrong setting or bad power stage layout. Ciao Gigi |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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