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我是新来的,这似乎论坛的这一部分是我的问题的最佳位置。 如果有更好的地方发布或移动它,请告诉我。 我已经购买了一个Zedboard,并尝试根据Zedboard论坛上的建议升级到更新版本的Vivado,我使用最新版本的Vivado作为我自己的项目,并且只使用它附带的Zedboard教程版本。 Zedboard附带2014.2。 不幸的是,我遇到了一个相当严重的错误。 在版本2016.4,2017.1和2017.2中,打开硬件管理器后,它们都会100%崩溃,将比特流下载到Zedboard并打开菜单进行连接。 如果您快速浏览菜单,实际上可以在Vivado崩溃之前对其进行编程,但在打开硬件管理器并打开连接选项后,它会在10秒到1分钟之间崩溃,无论是“Open Recent”还是“ 打开一个新的硬件目标“。 没有错误消息,只是直接崩溃到桌面。但是Vivado不仅崩溃,它崩溃如此不合理地删除了c:\ Vivado 201X.X bin vivado.bat这会阻止Vivado重新开始 。 所以你必须重新安装Vivado甚至再次启动程序。 我试图变得聪明,在这发生两次之后,我复制了vivado.bat,意图将其复制回正常位置(如果它被删除)。 但是当我这样做时(在关闭Windows UAC之后,由于Vivado被安装到基本C:驱动器中,这打破了我的计算机上的其他程序,直到我重新启动UAC),我发现至少还有一个文件被删除了,这是vvgl。 可执行程序。 那时我不再试图变聪明并且重新安装它。 我现在已经经历了接近10次重新安装,这就是我如何计算它可以崩溃的地方范围,并在多个最新版本的Vivado中经历过这种情况。这不会发生在2014.2上,所以我仍然可以取得进展 使用我的主板,但2014.2已经过时并且有自己的一组错误,但并不是那么糟糕。 再加上Vivado在2017年开始的整容。我真的很想使用更新的版本。 我没有尝试在2014年和2016年之间的版本,所以我不知道这个问题开始出现在哪个版本。 我在Zedboard支持论坛上发帖,但是他们说要在这里发帖,他们从未听说过任何人遇到过这样的问题而且不知道如何提供帮助。 如果有日志文件或其他信息,我可以提供帮助调试。 从查看此论坛和Xilinx论坛,似乎没有人发布过像这样的问题,这令人担忧,因为它可能是与我的Vivado系统相关的一些特定交互。 = /系统信息:Windows 10 Pro x64version 1607OS Build:14393.1358Intel Core i7-3770K 谢谢, -克里斯 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I'm new here and this seems like this section of the forums is the best place for my issue. If there is a better place to post or move it, please let me know. I have purchased a Zedboard and have tried to upgrade to a more recent version of Vivado per suggestions on the Zedboard forums that I use the latest version of Vivado for my own projects and only use the version it came with for the Zedboard tutorials. The Zedboard ships with 2014.2. Unfortunately, I have run into a rather severe bug. In versions 2016.4, 2017.1, and 2017.2, they all crash 100% of the time after opening the hardware manager to download your bitstream to the Zedboard and open the menus to connect. If you move through the menus quickly, you can actually get it to program before Vivado crashes, but it will crash somewhere between 10 seconds and a minute after opening the hardware manager and open the connection options whether it is the "Open Recent" or "Open a new hardware target". There is no error message, just a straight crash to desktop. But Vivado doesn't just crash, it crashes so ungracefully that it deletes c: This does not happen on 2014.2, so I can still make progress and use my board, but 2014.2 is old and has its own set of bugs, though not as bad. Plus with the facelift that Vivado got starting in 2017.1 I would really like to use the newer versions. I have not tried with versions in between 2014.2 and 2016.4, so I don't know which version this problem starts to appear. I posted on the Zedboard support forums, but they said to post over here and that they had never heard of any one experiencing such a problem and didn't know how to help. Let me know if there things like log files or other information I can provide to help debug this. From looking at this forum and the Xilinx forums, no one seems to have posted with an issue like this, which is worrying since it might be some specific interaction related to my system with Vivado. =/ System Information: Windows 10 Pro x64 version 1607 OS Build: 14393.1358 Intel Core i7-3770K Thanks, -Chris |
这(Xilinx二进制文件的误报)实际上经常发生。 检查是否可以将Vivado根文件夹列入白名单或在再次测试时禁用防病毒一小时。 vitorian.com ---我们这样做很有趣。 总是给予赞誉。 如果您的问题得到解答,请接受解决方案。我不会回复个人信息 - 请改用论坛。 在原帖中查看解决方案 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @rathseg This looks more like an anti-virus tool putting Vivado binaries in quarantine. This (false positives on Xilinx binaries) actually happens quite frequently. Check if you can whitelist the Vivado root folder or disable the anti-virus for an hour while you test it again. vitorian.com --- We do this for fun. Always give kudos. Accept as solution if your question was answered. I will not answer to personal messages - use the forums instead.View solution in original post |
这(Xilinx二进制文件的误报)实际上经常发生。 检查是否可以将Vivado根文件夹列入白名单或在再次测试时禁用防病毒一小时。 vitorian.com ---我们这样做很有趣。 总是给予赞誉。 如果您的问题得到解答,请接受解决方案。我不会回复个人信息 - 请改用论坛。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @rathseg This looks more like an anti-virus tool putting Vivado binaries in quarantine. This (false positives on Xilinx binaries) actually happens quite frequently. Check if you can whitelist the Vivado root folder or disable the anti-virus for an hour while you test it again. vitorian.com --- We do this for fun. Always give kudos. Accept as solution if your question was answered. I will not answer to personal messages - use the forums instead. |
嗨@ rathseg,
最初,您可以尝试扫描日志文件以获取有关崩溃性质的任何信息。 AR55854可能有助于找到其中一些。 谢谢& 问候,Prathik ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------请注明 帖子作为答案“接受为解决方案”,以防它有助于解决您的查询。帮助回答 - >给予赞誉------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi @rathseg, Initially you can try scanning the log files for any information regarding the nature of the crash. AR55854 might help in locating some of those. Thanks & Regards, Prathik ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helps to resolve your query. Helpful answer -> Give Kudos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
@ prathikm这不是说二进制文件也消失了吗?
这不是一个简单的崩溃。 有些东西正在删除这些文件。 vitorian.com ---我们这样做很有趣。 总是给予赞誉。 如果您的问题得到解答,请接受解决方案。我不会回复个人信息 - 请改用论坛。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @prathikm Isn't it telling that the binaries also disappear? it is not a simple crash. Something is deleting these files. vitorian.com --- We do this for fun. Always give kudos. Accept as solution if your question was answered. I will not answer to personal messages - use the forums instead. |
嗨@ hbucher,
也许。 但是,最初查看任何线索的日志可能是一个好的开始。 谢谢& 问候,Prathik ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------请注明 帖子作为答案“接受为解决方案”,以防它有助于解决您的查询。帮助回答 - >给予赞誉------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi @hbucher, Maybe. But to go through the logs for any clue initially might be a good start. Thanks & Regards, Prathik ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helps to resolve your query. Helpful answer -> Give Kudos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
非常感谢。 @hbucher 我检查了我的防病毒隔离区,它列出了一堆Xilinx文件,虽然奇怪的是,不是我会得到关于丢失的错误消息。 无论如何,我添加了排除我的反病毒,重新安装Vivado,并连接到我的zedboard并下载了设计几次没有崩溃,所以我认为就是这样。 @prathikm 如果我遇到未来的问题,那么链接到日志文件的描述以及它们的用途将是有用的。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for the help guys. It is much appreciated. @hbucher I checked my anti-virus quarantine and it had a bunch of Xilinx files listed, though oddly enough, not the ones that I would get error messages about being missing. Anyways, I added exclusions to my anti-virus, reinstalled Vivado, and connected to my zedboard and downloaded the design several times with no crashes, so I think that was it. @prathikm That link to the description of the log files and what they have will be useful should I encounter future problems too. |
我们很高兴你能够继续前进。 @hbucherthank你的调试! 谢谢& 问候,Prathik ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------请注明 帖子作为答案“接受为解决方案”,以防它有助于解决您的查询。帮助回答 - >给予赞誉------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @rathseg thanks for the update! We are glad that you are able to move forward. @hbucher thank you for the debug! Thanks & Regards, Prathik ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please mark the post as an answer "Accept as solution" in case it helps to resolve your query. Helpful answer -> Give Kudos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
安装了AVG防病毒软件的个人笔记本电脑Win10 m / c甚至不允许使用Viv 2017.1和2017.2版本进行模拟(对于以前的Viv版本,从未观察过)。 但它永远不会崩溃。 我有一个小工作要做,所以只是禁用我的AVG一段时间后继续进行。 然而,我的办公室工作站没有观察到这种情况,因为我的办公室工作站配备了赛门铁克反病毒64位Win7 Pro。 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- FPGA爱好者!------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Similar observation here! My personal laptop Win10 m/c with AVG anti-virus installed wouldn't even allow simulations to proceed with Viv 2017.1 and 2017.2 versions (for previous Viv versions this was never observed). But it never crashed. I had a small work to do, so just disabled my AVG for some time and went on to proceed. However this was never observed with my office work-station having Win7 Pro, 64bit with Symantec anti-virus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FPGA enthusiast! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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