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1)我在哪里可以找到有关该IC的更多信息? (除了OrCad模型和应用表。) 2)可以使用什么电压来激活/跳闸H桥门以打开MOSFET? DS的第7页/第3页指出最大栅极/源极电压为18V。但是,DS的第8 / Tbl 5表示门限阈值电压在2v之间;最小和4v;最大。是不是门肯定会超过4v,但你不应该超过18v? 2)温度传感器电源电压似乎小于门? 在DS的每10页,传感器的链正向电压在3.72v和4.04v之间。如果温度传感器只能处理4.04v,并且我想用5v驱动一个PIC控制器(这对于芯片来说这是典型的),我想我可以添加一个单独的VR或二极管来降低电压。温度传感器,但这似乎是一个奇怪的要求。我正确地解决了这个问题吗? 我假设TSA +直接向该引脚提供电压,并且TSK-连接到将读取温度的控制器引脚。那是对的吗? 3)温度读数由H桥输出作为电压。可接受的工作温度范围在-40 * C和175 * C之间。电压为每度开尔文的微伏特。我使用此链接来运行Kelvin数学:http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/temperature/celsius-to-kelvin.htm ... -40 * C = 233.15 * K * -8.1mV / K = -1888.515mV 175 * C = 448.15 * K * -8.1mV / K = -3630.015mV 因为这是负电压,我是否需要从温度传感器的供电电压中减去它,以确定电压读数? 并且,作为后续工作,如果温度传感器确实需要独特的电压供应,那么这不应该是我提供给微控制器电压基准引脚的电压吗? 你可以在这里找到DS: http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/datasheet/1b/41/37/d4/6d/b3/42/ee/DM00040392.pdf/files/DM00040392.pdf/jcr:内容/翻译/ en.DM00040392.pdf 我是这个论坛的新手。感谢您的帮助! #vnh7013xp-e #integrated-h-bridge 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I am having difficulty discerning information from the datasheet. 1) Where can I find additional information on this IC? (Other than the OrCad Model and Application Sheet.) 2) What voltage can be used to activate/trip the H-Bridge gate to turn on the MOSFETs? Page 7/Tbl 3 of the DS states that the maximum gate/source voltage is 18v. But, Page 8/Tbl 5 of the DS states that the Gate Threshold Voltage is between 2v; minimum and 4v; maximum. Is it that the gate will definitely be tripped above 4v, but you should not exceed feeding it more than 18v? 2) It appears that the Temp Sensor supply voltage is less than the gates? Per page 10, of the DS, the Chain Forward Voltage of the sensor is between 3.72v and 4.04v. If the Temp Sensor can only handle 4.04v, and I want to drive a PIC controller with 5v (this is typical, for the chip,) I guess I could add a separate VR, or a diode, to drop the voltage to power just the temperature sensor, but that seems an odd requirement. Am I working through this correctly? I am assuming that TSA+ is supplied voltage directly to that pin and that TSK- is tied to the controller pin that will read the temperature. Is that correct? 3) The temperature reading is output by the H-Bridge as voltage. The acceptable operating temperature range is between -40*C and 175*C. The voltage is in micro-volts per degree Kelvin. I used this link to run the Kelvin math: http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/temperature/celsius-to-kelvin.htm ... -40*C = 233.15*K * -8.1mV/K = -1888.515mV 175*C = 448.15*K * -8.1mV/K = -3630.015mV Because this is negative voltage, do I need to subtract it from the Temp Sensor's supplied voltage, to determine the voltage reading? And, as a follow up, if the Temp Sensor does require a unique voltage supply, shouldn't that be the voltage that I supply to the microcontroller's voltage reference pin? You can find the DS, here: http://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/datasheet/1b/41/37/d4/6d/b3/42/ee/DM00040392.pdf/files/DM00040392.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.DM00040392.pdf I am new to this forum. Thank you for your help! #vnh7013xp-e #integrated-h-bridge |
我想到了另外一个问题。 72V / 40A额定值是在四个MOSFET之间传播,还是每个MOSFET?我的想法是它适用于每个单独的MOSFET,但是这个器件上的引脚非常小,我会惊讶地发现它们能够处理这么多瓦数。 谢谢! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I put in a support ticket to the technical department at ST. I never did hear from them, even after contacting customer service, to request a follow up. So, I am hurting for information. Any help would be greatly appreciated. An additional question has come to mind. Is the 72V/40A rating spread between the four MOSFETs, or is it per MOSFET? My thinking would be that it is for each individual MOSFET, but the pins on this device are so small, that I would be surprised to learn they could handle that much wattage. Thanks! |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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