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我想密码保护一些配置网页,而基本的HTTP认证提供了可接受的保护级别。 如果不可能用HTTPServer支持基本HTTP身份验证,那么有没有其他的首选或系统的密码保护方法保护HTTP服务器服务的一些网页?(可能通过网页数据库?). 谢谢, 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Can the http.server support basic HTTP authentication? I know that there aren't any examples in the code provided, but wondering if anyone has coded support for this? It doesn't look like the code 401 is included in the supported response codes. I'd like to password protect some configuration webpages and the basic HTTP authentication provides the acceptable level of protection. If it is not possible to support basic HTTP authentication with http.server, is there any other preferred or systematic method of password protecting some web pages served by http.server? (possibly through the webpage database?). Thanks, |
如果您要寻找安全的Web服务器,我们建议您查看WHTES中的HTTPSyServer SNIP。这个SNIP应用程序连接到一个Wi-Fi网络作为一个STA(客户端),然后启动一个安全的Web服务器并等待请求。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The http_server does not support basic authentication. The status code and related details for basic authentication are not implemented WICED. You can implement the basic authenticator by adding the required status code and add basic auth capabilities to web server(so that it understands the user_name:password sent by the client). If your looking for secure web server, we would recommend you to have a look at https_server snip in WICED. This snip app connects to a Wi-Fi network as a STA (client), then starts a secure web-server and waits for requests. |
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