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我正在调试一个CY8C34 44 PVI-100项目。该IC没有USB功能,所以试图调试通过UBUTART惯用的工作,我也没有足够的引脚可用于通用UART。我已经启用了SWD/SWV调试选项,可以通过MixPrim3和PSoC创建者4.1开始调试,这很好。但是,我想添加一种可以在IDE或其他地方看到的“Prtff”输出。在互联网上,我看到了一些关于启用“打印输出”输出和SWV的点击,但是没有具体的细节来说明它是如何工作的。是否有可能通过SWD/SWV将文本发送到IDE(调试模式),如果是,如何?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I'm trying to debug a CY8C3444PVI-100 project. That IC does not have USB functionality so trying to debug via USBUART wont work, nor do I have enough pins available for a generic UART. I have enabled the SWD/SWV debug options and can start debugging via miniprog3 and psoc creator 4.1, and that works pretty good. However, I'd like to add somekind of 'printf' output that I can view, either in the IDE or someplace else. Searching the internet I see a few hits on enabling "printf" output and SWV but there is no real detail on how to get it working. Is it possible to send text to the IDE (in debug mode) via SWD/SWV, and if so, how? |
使用SWV与PSoC Creator
实时跟踪:PSOC3中的SWV(串行线查看器) 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Using SWV with PSoC Creator Real Time Trace: SWV(Serial wire viewer) in PSoC3 |
我还附加了一个PSoC Creator固件示例,它将Prtff()重定向到SWV刺激端口0。固件在PSoC3上工作。 因此,有一个应用程序可以让你连接和查看来自MixPrim3的SWV Prtuff()控制台输出(使用JTAG 10引脚连接器)。 PoScCytoRealSvvsSuxFieldMig.Zip 835.8 K CySerialDebug GuestUp.RAR 364.3 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I have attached the setup for CySerial Debug Setup I have also attached a PSoC Creator firmware example that redirects printf() to the SWV stimulus port 0. The firmware works on PSoC3 . So there is an app that lets you connect and view SWV printf() console output from the Miniprog3(Using JTAG 10 pins connector).
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