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随着温度的升高,BJT通常会变得更具导电性。 以下MMBT2222A数据表中的示例显示了该器件的典型增益如何随温度在允许的工作范围内变化而变化3至5倍。 这导致并联工作的BJT中的热不稳定性,因为即使两个晶体管及其相关的基极电阻完全相同(这是不可能的),它们之间的任何微小温差都会导致其中一个开始传导更大部分的共用 电流,它会使它变得更热,并携带更多的共享电流,甚至变得更热,直到某些东西最终破裂。 通常,如果平衡电阻器与发射器而不是基极串联放置,则BJT可以更可靠地并联操作。 即使是这里的小电阻也会强烈抵消不平衡的趋势,因为流过任何一个晶体管的电流的增加导致所施加的基极 - 发射极电压降低。 这反过来减少了流动的基极电流量,因此减少了受影响的晶体管承载的共用电流部分。 这种威廉希尔官方网站 通常被称为“发射器退化”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Bipolar Transistors (BJTs) can be connected in parallel if balancing resistors are placed in series with the emitter. BJTs generally tend to become more conductive as their temperature increases. The example below from MMBT2222A datasheet shows one how this device’s typical gain can change by a factor of 3 to 5 times as its temperature varies over the allowed operating range. This causes thermal instability in BJTs operated in parallel, because even if the two transistors and their associated base resistors are perfectly identical (which is impossible), any slight temperature difference between them will cause one of them to begin conducting a greater portion of the shared current, which will cause it to become hotter, and carry even more of the shared current, and become even hotter still, until something eventually breaks. |
谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @Barley_Li Do you have any links or references on how to calculate the value of balancing resistors. thanks. |
关于“双极晶体管电路设计”的ADI公司资源想与大家分享。 虽然观察到电流不平衡导致这些电阻器上的电压不同,但更快更容易,并且与所用晶体管的Vbe相比,这种电压差异使得这些电阻器的添加能够改善电路的平衡。 一个好的起点是,选择电阻值产生的电压降与晶体管的Vbe相似,以达到预期的电流。 实际上,匹配电阻值和晶体管特性(包括温度)对于实现所选电阻值的精确平衡同样重要。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi bharathshanmuganatha, This Analog Devices resource about “Bipolar Transistor circuit design” would like to share to you. It is faster and easier though to observe that a current imbalance results in different voltages across these resistors, and that this difference in voltage compared to the Vbe of the transistors used is what makes the addition of these resistors something that improves the circuit’s balance. A good starting place then, is to choose resistor values that produce voltage drops similar in scale to the transistors’ Vbe for the expected current flow. In practice, matching the resistor values and transistor characteristics (including temperature) is just as important to achieving an accurate balance as the value of the resistance chosen. |
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