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我尝试用VS 2017社区从USB套件3.4.7构建TRAPER示例应用程序,但是我得到了很多错误。 它不认识系统::Windows命名空间,期望或错过大量的声明等等。 有人能指点一下我和VS 2017社区的例子吗? 我不知道它们是否可以和其他VS版本一起构建,因为我只有这个版本。 提前感谢 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I tried to build the Streamer example application from the USB Suite 3.4.7 with VS 2017 Community, but I get a lot of errors. It does not recognize the System::Windows namespaces, expects or misses tons of declarations and so on. Can anyone point me to a walk through guide for building these examples with VS 2017 Community? I don't know if they are buildable with any other VS version, because I only have that one. Thanks in advance |
你好,Frank Zander,
-请使用EZ-USB FX3软件开发套件附带的拖缆应用程序。 另外,如果您使用的是C++版本或流线型应用程序的C版本,请告诉我们。 最好的问候, 斯里纳斯 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Frank Zander, - Please use the Streamer application that comes with the EZ-USB FX3 Software Development Kit. - Also, let us know if you are using the C++ version or the C# version of the streamer application. Best regards, Srinath S |
wangcong12138 发表于 2018-10-24 14:21 你好, 谢谢你的快速回复。 FX3 DVK的拖缆应用程序真的与FX2LP一起工作吗? 不管怎样,我安装了VS 2010,并从成功的USB套件3.4.7获得了拖缆应用程序。 我做了一点修改,因为我想把传输的数据存储到一个文件中而不是显示它,所以在代码通常调用显示函数的地方,我添加了这个: //显示16字节(缓冲器); Std::OfStaseOutFluto.OutFr.OPEN(“Test.DAT”,IOS:二进制OI::OutiOS::APP);OutFr.Orth.Read(RealTytQuase& lt;const char *gt;(缓冲器),sieZof(缓冲器);OutFlut.Clute(); 这个代码工作,我得到一个文件在IST中的数据,但它使应用程序SoooooSuoooWo。 我认为这是(至少部分地),因为我为每个传输重新打开和关闭文件。我试着移动 Std::OfStaseOutField.OutFr.OpOpen.(“Vr.DAT”,IO::二进制IO::OUTIOS::APP); 到“开始”按钮被按下的位置,以及 OutFiel.Cuffe(); 在停止按钮被按下的地方,但是在OutField.Read命令中会有错误,因为我的OutFlash对象好像不知道我在哪里写。 我对C++非常陌生,所以对熟悉它的人来说可能是显而易见的。 谁能帮助我,告诉我,我必须如何编程,以使流式数据写入文件,而不会牺牲太多的带宽。我需要大约6Mb/s,使用3072字节的ISOC给我24MB,只需跳过数据和大约50kb/s就可以把数据写入文件。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. Does the Streamer application from the FX3 DVK really work with the FX2LP? Anyways, I installed VS 2010 and got the Streamer application from the USB Suite 3.4.7 built with success. I did a little modification, because I wanted to store the transferred data into a file instead of displaying it, so where the code usually callls the display function I added this:
This code works and I get a file with data in ist, but it makes the application go soooooo slooooow. I think this is (at least partly) because I open and close the file again for each transfer. I tried to move the
to where the start button is pressend, and the
to where the stop button is pressed, but then I get errors at the outfile.write command, because my outfile object seem not to be known where i do the write. I am very new to C++, so that might be obvious to someone being familiar with it. Could anyone help me and tell me how I have to program this in order to get the streamed data written to a file without sacrificing too much bandwidth. I need about 6MB/s whule the ISOC IN with 3072 Bytes gives me 24MBs with just skipping the data and about 50kB/s with wrinting the data to the file. |
你好, 在我移动了STD::OfStaseOutfile之后,向Fiele.h的开始,直接在包含之后,我可以将打开移动到Frim1yLoad,关闭到Frim1Oy关闭,现在我得到24Mb/s,并将数据写入文件。 我把写向上从包移到传输级,现在代码看起来像这样: 如果(Endot≫FinishDataXfer(缓冲区,Rln,and;iNoValp,上下文,iOpktIffs)) { 如果(BSCADATA)/ /修改:插入 写(RealTytQuase& lt;const char *gt;(缓冲器),rln);/ /修改:插入 CysPopktFix*PKTs=iOpktIffs; … 不幸的是,RLN似乎一直是48986,而不是49152(16×3072)。 任何想法,为什么FX2LP不发送16次3个包的1024个字节与备用3设置的流光固件? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, after i moved the std::ofstream outfile; towards the beginning of streamer.h, directly after the includes, I could move the open to Form1_Load and the close to Form1_Closed, and now I get 24MB/s also with writing the data to a file. I moved the write upwards from the package to the transfer level and now the code looks like this: if (EndPt->FinishDataXfer(buffers, rLen, &inOvLap, contexts, isoPktInfos)) { if (bShowData)//modified: insertion outfile.write(reinterpret_cast CCyIsoPktInfo *pkts = isoPktInfos; ... Unfortunately, rLen seems to be 48986 all the time, instead of 49152 (16*3072). Any idea, why the FX2LP does not send 16 times 3 packages of 1024 bytes each with the alternate 3 setting of the streamer firmware? |
nvywyer 发表于 2018-10-24 14:54 你好, 有人会评论丢失的字节吗? 不幸的是,RLN似乎一直是48986,而不是49152(16×3072)。 任何想法,为什么FX2LP不发送16次3个包的1024个字节与备用3设置的流光固件? FX2LP要么不发送49152字节,要么拖缆应用程序不接收所有发送的字节。 流线型代码有没有缺陷,或者是因为我的改变而弄乱了吗? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, can someone comment on the missing bytes? Unfortunately, rLen seems to be 48986 all the time, instead of 49152 (16*3072). Either the FX2LP does not send 49152 bytes or the Streamer application does not receive all the sent bytes. Is there any flaw in the Streamer code or did I mess up with it due to my changes? |
我也有同样的问题。刚刚购买了运行C++的VisualStudio 2017。无论是流线型或批量应用程序将建立。
当我按原样编译项目时,我得到以下消息: 1 & gt;c\程序文件(x86)微软VisualStudio\Base\Cudio7IDVCvcBaseBuff.CPP.Copy.Pro(144,5):警告MSB4211:“WestWestStGieldPalpFrimeVoice”属性首次被设置为一个值,但是它已经在“C:程序文件(x86)微软”上被消耗掉了。VisualStudio\\Prave\Cudio7IDVCVCbaskMyFas.cpp.WistWSSDK.PROPS(29,5)”。 1 & gt;CL:命令行警告D9002:忽略未知选项'/CLR:OlDealScript 1 & gt;d:3AxxDeaCyrOnEv.BrutuSubRupUpCyPress 应用 CPPTraveSaleMyFiel.CpP(13):警告C44 67:ATL属性的使用被禁止。 1 & gt;d:3AxxDeaCyrOnEv.BrutuSubLupUpCyPlApvCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(5):错误C2653:'Stase]:不是类或命名空间名称 1 & gt;d:3axxDeaCyrnaveBuruSuBrUpUpCyPlApvCPPTraveSaleMyFiel.CpP(5):错误C28 71:“反射”:不存在此名称的命名空间 1 & gt;d:3AxxDeaCyrOnEv.BrutuSubLupUpCyPlApvCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(6):错误C2653:'Stase]:不是类或命名空间名称 1 & gt;d:3axxDeaCyrnaveBuruSuBrUpUpCyPlApvCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(6):错误C28 71:“CopySerServices”:不存在此名称的命名空间 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(13):错误C23 37:“CuleTytLeItGeal'”:属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(14):错误C23 37:“CuleDebug属性”:属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveSaleMyFiel.CpP(15):错误C23 37:“CuleSypDealItAtgult'”:属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveSaleMyFiel.CpP(16):错误C23 37:“StulyPosiyAtgultAt'”:属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(17):错误C23 37:“CuleMultTytAtgultAt'”:属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(18):错误C23 37:“CuleSyopRealType属性”:未找到属性 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(19):错误C23 37:'CulyTysAckkAtgult':属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(20):错误C23 37:“CuleCultAtgultAtgult:”属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(33):错误C23 37:'CulyVyualOntAt':属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(57):错误C23 37:“CullDelayStand属性”:属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(58):错误C23 37:“CulyMyFielFieldAtgultAt'”:属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEv.BrutuSUBLUGUP CyPress ApvestCPPTraveActudioInf.CPP(59):错误C23 37:“CulyKyNyMa饰件属性”:属性未找到 1 & gt;d:3axxDeaCyrnaveBuruSubBurgUpCypRApvCPPTraveer-Studio.h(2):致命错误C1083:无法打开包含文件:'CyAP.H':没有这样的文件或目录 一个论坛帖子建议进入Project & Gt;Primule& GT;将OLD语法更改为“公共语言运行时支持”,以支持公共语言运行库支持。当我这样做的时候,我会得到这些错误: 1 & gt;d:3AxxDeaCyrnaveVRuuSubBurgUpCyPress 应用 CPPTraveer-Studier-h(19):错误C2059:语法错误:“公共” 1 & gt;d:3AxxDeaCyrnaveVBuruthBurgUpCyPress 应用CPPTraveer-Studio.h(20):错误C2143:语法错误:“{”之前“{” 1 & gt;d:3AxxDeaCyrOnEv.BrutuSubLUBUP CyPress 应用 CPPTraveer-Studier-h(20):错误C2447:“{”:缺失函数头(旧样式正式列表?) 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrONEVEB BROUSTUB BRUGUP CyPress 应用程序CPPTraveer-Studio.CPP(26):错误C2061:语法错误:标识符“Frime1” 1和G:D:3AXXDATA CyrONEVEB BROUSTUB BRUGUP CyPress 应用程序CPPTraveer-Studio.CPP(28):错误C3699:“*”:不能在类型“St::异常”上使用这种间接方式 1 & gt;d:3AXXDATA CyrOnEvrBuruSuBrUpUp\CyPress 应用程序CPPTraveer-Fiele.CPP(28):注意:编译器用“^”替换“*”以继续解析 1 &在项目“Trave.VCXPROJ”中完成了构建目标“ClClg”——失败了。 有没有办法解决这个问题? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I have the same issue. Just purchased Visual Studio 2017 running C++. Neither the streamer or bulk app will build. When I compile the project as is, I get these messages: 1>C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017ProfessionalCommon7IDEVCVCTargetsMicrosoft.Cpp.Common.props(144,5): warning MSB4211: The property "WindowsTargetPlatformVersion" is being set to a value for the first time, but it was already consumed at "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017ProfessionalCommon7IDEVCVCTargetsMicrosoft.Cpp.WindowsSDK.props (29,5)". 1>cl : Command line warning D9002: ignoring unknown option '/clr:oldSyntax' 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(13): warning C4467: usage of ATL attributes is deprecated 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(5): error C2653: 'System': is not a class or namespace name 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(5): error C2871: 'Reflection': a namespace with this name does not exist 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(6): error C2653: 'System': is not a class or namespace name 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(6): error C2871: 'CompilerServices': a namespace with this name does not exist 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(13): error C2337: 'AssemblyTitleAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(14): error C2337: 'AssemblyDescriptionAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(15): error C2337: 'AssemblyConfigurationAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(16): error C2337: 'AssemblyCompanyAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(17): error C2337: 'AssemblyProductAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(18): error C2337: 'AssemblyCopyrightAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(19): error C2337: 'AssemblyTrademarkAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(20): error C2337: 'AssemblyCultureAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(33): error C2337: 'AssemblyVersionAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(57): error C2337: 'AssemblyDelaySignAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(58): error C2337: 'AssemblyKeyFileAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerassemblyinfo.cpp(59): error C2337: 'AssemblyKeyNameAttribute': attribute not found 1>d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerstreamer.h(2): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'CyAPI.h': No such file or directory A forum post suggested going into Project -> Porperties -> General and changing the "Common Language Runtime Support" from OldSyntax to Common Language Runtime Support. When I did that, I get these errors instead: 1> d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerstreamer.h(19): error C2059: syntax error: 'public' 1> d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerstreamer.h(20): error C2143: syntax error: missing ';' before '{' 1> d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerstreamer.h(20): error C2447: '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) 1> d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerstreamer.cpp(26): error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'Form1' 1> d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerstreamer.cpp(28): error C3699: '*': cannot use this indirection on type 'System::Exception' 1> d:3axixdatacyclonev_brutus_bringupcypressapplicationcppstreamerstreamer.cpp(28): note: compiler replacing '*' with '^' to continue parsing 1>Done building target "ClCompile" in project "Streamer.vcxproj" -- FAILED. Any ideas on getting this fixed? |
USB设备; CysBaseMyDeal器件; 公共窗体() { 初始化文件(); UBStase=新的UBDeVICELIST(CyCONST.DEVICESYSYCUSB); Deice附件+ =新EvestHANDLE(UbDeviSeSI DeVice附件); DeCeReMeVe++ =新EvEthANDLE(UbDeVeCeSeX DeVieleRevED); //获得具有VANDORID=0x04B4的第一设备和产品ID=0x8613 MyStudio= USB设备[0x04B4,0x8613]作为CysBoice; 如果(MyDead)!=空) 文本=“设备附加”; } 空的UbDeVeSeCI设备(对象发送器,EngErgsE) { UsBeNARGs UBEVENE= E作为USBEventArgs; 文本=“设备移除”; } 附件(对象发送器,EngasGS E) { UsBeNARGs UBEVENE= E作为USBEventArgs; 文本=“设备附加”; } 还检查EZ-USB®FX2LPμ驱动器从CyUSB.sys迁移到CysB3.Sys- KBA98996 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You can just use CyUSB.dll here is example codes for C#: USBDeviceList u***Devices; CyUSBDevice myDevice; public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); u***Devices = new USBDeviceList(CyConst.DEVICES_CYUSB); u***Devices.DeviceAttached += new EventHandler(u***Devices_DeviceAttached); u***Devices.DeviceRemoved += new EventHandler(u***Devices_DeviceRemoved); // Get the first device having VendorID == 0x04B4 and ProductID == 0x8613 myDevice = u***Devices[0x04B4, 0x8613] as CyUSBDevice; if (myDevice != null) labelStatus.Text = "Device Attached"; } void u***Devices_DeviceRemoved(object sender, EventArgs e) { USBEventArgs u***Event = e as USBEventArgs; labelStatus.Text = "Device Removed"; } void u***Devices_DeviceAttached(object sender, EventArgs e) { USBEventArgs u***Event = e as USBEventArgs; labelStatus.Text = "Device Attached"; } Also check Migration of an EZ-USB® FX2LP™ Driver from CyUSB.sys to CyUSB3.sys – KBA92893 |
osjnswai1983 发表于 2018-10-24 15:24 你好,John Cunningham, 请从下面的链接下载最新的FX3 SDK。 HTTP://www. CyPress .COM/DCOMPANTION/SCADVIEWS/EZ-UB-FX3软件开发包 在这个SDK中存在的C++流线型和BulkRob应用程序已经被修改成功地构建在VS2017上。 最好的问候, 斯里纳斯 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello John Cunningham, Please download the latest FX3 SDK from the below link. http://www.cypress.com/documentation/software-and-drivers/ez-u***-fx3-software-development-kit The C++ streamer and bulkloop applications present in this SDK has been modified to successfully build on VS2017. Best regards, Srinath S |
wangcong12138 发表于 2018-10-24 15:42 只是一个FIY…上面的新版本的更新过程被打破。请参阅附加屏幕截图。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 |
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