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设备:PIC16F1828编译器:V1.45 X IDE:V4.01HI,在那里。我在调试会话期间,由于我想知道程序流现在在哪里,我点击“暂停”,然后我遇到这个错误:目标设备没有准备好调试。请检查配置位设置并在继续之前对设备进行编程。这个失败的最常见的原因是振荡器和/或PGC/PGD设置。我发现如果我评论SLIP(),这个错误就消失了。我没有找到PGC/PGD设置,你可以把我推荐到那里吗?谢谢您。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Device: PIC16F1828 Compiler: v1.45 X IDE: v4.01 Hi, there. I'm during the debug session, due to that I want to see where the program flow is now, I click "Pause", then I run into this error: The target device is not ready for debugging. Please check your configuration bit settings and program the device before proceeding. The most common causes for this failure are oscillator and/or PGC/PGD settings. I found that if I comment SLEEP();, this error is gone. I didn't find PGC/PGD setting, may you plz refer me to there? Thank you. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 That is a generic message, if you are able to start a debug session, it doesn't apply to you. I doubt you can debug a SLEEP instruction, as the processor really will go to sleep. |
设备:PIC18F420,MPLAB 8.92,MPASM振荡器设置到XT(4MHz XTAL振荡器)PGC和PGD直接连接到PICTIT3程序员(无拖拉),为什么没有设置代码MPASM中配置比特的例子?…配置位窗口没有引用错误消息中所述的错误。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 device : PIC18F4520, mplab 8.92, mpasm Oscillator set to to XT (4Mhz xtal oscillator) PGC & PGD direct connection to PIcKit3 programmer (no pull ups) Why are there no examples of setting the config bits in code Mpasm? .... the config bits window has no references to the errors stated in the error message. |
当我发布了最后一个查询时,我发现UsFieldLink帮助我识别在汇编程序中配置比特的正确语法如下:http://WW1.Microchip .com /下载/ En/DeVicoDC/PIC%20COFFIG% 20%%20FalATTySythActhIdand Dealix.PDF
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Almosgt as soon as I'd posted the last query, I found usefull link to help me identify the correct syntax for config bits dode in assembleras follows: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/PIC%20Config%20bit%20Format_Syntax_AndDefinitions.pdf |
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