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我在使用电阻式触摸屏的4D Systems Gen4 7“LCD显示器上校准触摸屏时遇到问题。在显示器中心附近,校准非常接近但边缘附近的距离超过0.25英寸。在左下方
LCD的一角指针出现在触摸点右上方0.25英寸和0.25英寸处。在右上角,指针出现在触摸点左侧0.4英寸和.3英寸处。 Gen4用户手册中有关校准触摸屏的说明似乎不适用。 我的环境是BeagleBone Black,带有Debian Stretch的最新图片(Ver9.5日期2018-09-16) 如何校准触摸屏? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I am having a problem calibrating the touch screen on the 4D Systems Gen4 7" LCD display with a resistive touchscreen. Near the center of the display the calibration is very close but near the edges it’s off by more than 0.25 inch. At the lower left corner of the LCD the pointer appears approximately 0.25" above and 0.25" to the right the touch point. At the upper right hand corner the pointer appears 0.4" below and .3" to the left of the touch point. The instructions for calibrating the touchscreen in the Gen4 user manual do not seem to apply. My environment is a BeagleBone Black with the latest image of Debian Stretch (Ver 9.5 dated 2018-09-16) How can I calibrate the touch screen? |
我有机会测试4英寸和5英寸,所以那些已经实现了。 对于7英寸,这些值位于设备树覆盖中,从4英寸和5英寸显示器复制,仅禁用: github.com 的BeagleBoard / bb.org的叠加/斑点/主/ SRC /臂/ BB-BONE-4D7R-01-00A1.dts#L192-L193 //触摸屏偏移-X =; //触摸屏偏移-Y =; 在你的beagle运行: debian @ test-bbb-2:〜$ cd /opt/source/bb.org-overlays/ debian @ test-bbb-2:/opt/source/bb.org-overlays$ git pull 已经是最新的。 debian @ test-bbb-2:/opt/source/bb.org-overlays$ nano src / arm / BB-BONE-4D7R-01-00A1.dts 取消注释: interrupt-parent =; 中断=; //触摸屏偏移-X =; //触摸屏偏移-Y =; 触摸屏的倒Y型; }; 至: interrupt-parent =; 中断=; 触摸屏偏移-X =; 触摸屏的偏移Y =; 触摸屏的倒Y型; }; 然后通过以下方式重建和安装: debian @ test-bbb-2:/opt/source/bb.org-overlays$ make debian @ test-bbb-2:/opt/source/bb.org-overlays$ sudo make install 然后重新启动测试。 问候, 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @texasEE, this is one of the screen’s i haven’t had a chance to personally calibrate yet. I had a chance to test the 4 and 5 inch, so those have it implemented. For the 7-inch, the values are in the device tree overlay, copied from the 4 and 5 inch displays, just disabled: github.com beagleboard/bb.org-overlays/blob/master/src/arm/BB-BONE-4D7R-01-00A1.dts#L192-L193
debian@test-bbb-2:~$ cd /opt/source/bb.org-overlays/debian@test-bbb-2:/opt/source/bb.org-overlays$ git pullAlready up-to-date.debian@test-bbb-2:/opt/source/bb.org-overlays$ nano src/arm/BB-BONE-4D7R-01-00A1.dtsUn-Comment: interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>; interrupts = <14 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; //touchscreen-offset-x=<250>; //touchscreen-offset-y=<300>; touchscreen-inverted-y; };to: interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>; interrupts = <14 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; touchscreen-offset-x=<250>; touchscreen-offset-y=<300>; touchscreen-inverted-y; };Then rebuild and install via: debian@test-bbb-2:/opt/source/bb.org-overlays$ makedebian@test-bbb-2:/opt/source/bb.org-overlays$ sudo make installand then restart to test. Regards, |
touchscreen-offset-y值从250到5000,结果非常少。 光标仍然从屏幕边缘附近的触摸位置偏离大约相同的量。 您能否提供预期数值的概念以及数字增加或减少时我应该期待什么? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I’ve tried editing the touchscreen-offset-x & touchscreen-offset-y values from 250 to 5000 with very little results. Cursor is still off from touch position near the edges of the screen by about the same amount. Can you provide some idea of expected number values and what I should expect as number is increased or decreased? |
sudo /opt/scripts/tools/version.sh 问候, 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @texasEE, i belive they are pixel values in the microchip touch sensor… But since you aren’t getting any good feedback, please run this script and share it’s output to this thread. sudo /opt/scripts/tools/version.shRegards, |
GIT中:/选择/脚本/:[73593ebe3b7d3cc381eeb502d45ccb33a6ec5e78] EEPROM:[A335BNLT000C1826BBBG0816] 模型:[TI_AM335x_BeagleBone_Black] dogtag:[BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2018-01-28] 引导加载程序:[eMMC-(默认值)]:[的/ dev / mmcblk1]:[U-Boot的2018.01-00002-g9aa111a004]:[位置:DD MBR] 内核:[4.9.105-TI-R114] 的NodeJS:[v6.12.3] uboot_overlay_options:[enable_uboot_overlays = 1] uboot_overlay_options:[uboot_overlay_pru = / LIB /固件/ AM335X-PRU-RPROC-4-14-TI-00A0.dtbo] uboot_overlay_options:[uboot_overlay_pru = / LIB /固件/ AM335X-PRU-UIO-00A0.dtbo] uboot_overlay_options:[enable_uboot_cape_universal = 1] uboot_overlay_options:[dtb_overlay = / LIB /固件/ BBB-VIPMOTOR-PRU-00A0.dtbo] PKG检查:单独升级运行:[命令和apt安装--only升级&安培; LT; PKG&安培; GT;] PKG:[BB-斗篷叠加]:[4.4.20180803.0-0rcnee0〜拉伸+ 20180804] PKG:[BB-wl18xx固件]:[1.20170829-0rcnee2〜拉伸+ 20180104] PKG:的kmod]:[23-2rcnee1〜拉伸+ 20171005] PKG:[roboticscape]:[0.3.4-git20170602-0rcnee4〜拉伸+ 20171108]:[GOT_REPLACED_BY_NEXT] 警告:PKG:[librobotcontrol]:[NOT_INSTALLED] PKG:[固件-TI-连通]:[20170823-1rcnee0〜拉伸+ 20170830] 组:[Debian的:Debian的ADM kmem的拨出光驱软驱音频视频畅游用户plugdev systemd期刊I2C蓝牙NETDEV cloud9ide GPIO PWM eqep管理SPI tisdk韦斯顿推出xenomai] CMDLINE:[控制台= ttyO0,115200n8 bone_capemgr.uboot_capemgr_enabled = 1根=的/ dev / mmcblk1p1 RO rootfstype = EXT4 rootwait uboot_detected_capes = BB-骨LCD7-01,coherent_pool = 1M net.ifnames = 0安静] dmesg | grep pinctrl-single [1.404269] pinctrl单44e10800.pinmux:142个管脚在PA f9e10800大小568 dmesg | grep gpio-of-helper [1.404883] GPIO-的辅助OCP:gpio_helper:准备 [1.405495] gpio-of-helper ocp:cape-universal:ready 结束 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Output from /opt/scripts/tools/version.sh git:/opt/scripts/:[73593ebe3b7d3cc381eeb502d45ccb33a6ec5e78]eeprom:[A335BNLT000C1826BBBG0816]model:[TI_AM335x_BeagleBone_Black]dogtag:[BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2018-01-28]bootloader:[eMMC-(default)]:[/dev/mmcblk1]:[U-Boot 2018.01-00002-g9aa111a004]:[location: dd MBR]kernel:[4.9.105-ti-r114]nodejs:[v6.12.3]uboot_overlay_options:[enable_uboot_overlays=1]uboot_overlay_options:[uboot_overlay_pru=/lib/firmware/AM335X-PRU-RPROC-4-14-TI-00A0.dtbo]uboot_overlay_options:[uboot_overlay_pru=/lib/firmware/AM335X-PRU-UIO-00A0.dtbo]uboot_overlay_options:[enable_uboot_cape_universal=1]uboot_overlay_options:[dtb_overlay=/lib/firmware/BBB-VIPMOTOR-PRU-00A0.dtbo]pkg check: to individually upgrade run: [sudo apt install --only-upgrade |
@texasEE,有点可疑,那不是GEN 4 LCD ......
U-Boot正在报道: uboot_detected_capes = BB-骨LCD7-01, 哪个是旧款:https://www.4dsystems.com.au/product/4DCAPE_70/ 它使用am335'x adc输入作为电阻式触摸屏控制。 它的触摸事件不是很准确...... 问候, 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @texasEE, something is fishy, that’s not a GEN 4 LCD… U-Boot is reporting: uboot_detected_capes=BB-BONE-LCD7-01,Which would be this older model: https://www.4dsystems.com.au/product/4DCAPE_70/ Which uses the am335’x adc input as a resistive touchscreen control. It’s touch events wasn’t very accurate… Regards, |
尝试调试此问题时切换显示。 一旦切换回4D Systems Gen4 7“显示器,值开始调整光标位置。在一些”播放“后发现x为100和y的275工作。 问题,似乎需要针对每个单元进行调整,或者除250和250之外还有一个好的默认值。 单位上出现的300个值可以过度补偿问题? 交互式开发每个单元的调整是一项繁琐的工作。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Ah, that would be a problem. Switched displays while trying to debug this issue. Once switching back to the 4D Systems Gen4 7" display the values started to adjust the cursor position. After some “playing” found that x of 100 and y of 275 worked. Question, it would appear that this needs to be adjusted for each unit, or is there a good default value other than the 250 & 300 values which appear on my unit to over compensate for the issue? It’s a cumbersome job to interactively develop the adjustment for each unit. |
github.com/beagleboard/bb.org-overlays BB-BONE-4D7R-01-00A1.dts:使用偏移用户@texasEE开始工作 签约:Robert Nelson 作者:RobertCNelson 上午12:10 - 9月29日 更改了1个文件 有3个补充 和2个删除。 这将是未来的默认...并将很快通过apt update / upgrade安装...... 问候, 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @texasEE done! github.com/beagleboard/bb.org-overlays Signed-off-by: Robert Nelson Regards, |
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