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https://eewiki.net/display/micro ... usion+2+Maker-Board 但是当我进入添加/编辑约束文件的步骤时,得到这样的错误: “端口名称不存在于网表中,或者未连接到PDL线路上的IoCell宏:set_io MMUART_0_TXD_M2F - 方向输出” 这似乎表明UART IP没有映射到引脚,但UART配置为Fabric(如指南所示),并且未选择调制解调器复选框,所以不确定为什么它试图映射到I / O. 此外,指南没有指定做任何手动引脚映射,所以我有点迷失在可能是什么问题上。 顺便说一句,我使用的是11.8sp3。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I’m following the instructions here, https://eewiki.net/display/micro ... usion+2+Maker-Board but getting errors like this, when I get to the step on adding/editing the constraint file: “port name doesn’t exist in the netlist or is not connected to an IoCell macro at PDL Line : set_io MMUART_0_TXD_M2F - direction Output” BTW, I’m using 11.8sp3. |
感谢您的查询。 我们已经提出了您的问题,并将寻找一种方法来帮助您解决这些问题。 一旦我们得到答复,我们将回复此帖。 谢谢,鲍比 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, Thank you for your inquiry. We have gotten your questions and will be looking for a way to help answer those for you. Once we have an answer we will reply to this post. Thanks, Bobby |
从根模块[target]生成的结果pdc显示: set_io {DEVRST_N} - 方向输入 set_io {MMUART_0_TXD_M2F} - 方向输出 set_io {MMUART_0_RXD_F2M} - 方向输入 但仍然得到同样的错误...... 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Just to make it simpler, I thought I’d remove all but a UART peripheral… set_io {DEVRST_N} -direction Input set_io {MMUART_0_TXD_M2F} -direction Output set_io {MMUART_0_RXD_F2M} -direction Input But still get the same error… |
此错误仅在合成后或运行特定进程时发生吗? 我正在尝试重现它,但到目前为止还没有。 我有相同的框图设置和相同的.pdc,没有错误。 Microsemi的文档表明这是一个优化问题,但似乎并不适用于此:http://www.actel.com/kb/article.aspx?id = KI8821 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 @sdr_luddite, Does this error only occur after synthesis or when running a specific process? I’m trying to reproduce it, but haven’t been able to so far. I have the same block diagram set up and the same .pdc and have no errors. Microsemi’s docs suggest it’s an optimization issue, but it doesn’t seem like that would apply here: http://www.actel.com/kb/article.aspx?id=KI8821 |
它合成得很好,但在Place和Route期间失败,或者在Constraint Manger选项卡中执行'Check'。
作为一个新用户,看起来我不允许上传文件,所以我压缩了项目文件夹并将其放在这里: https://file.town/download/2cjzc9teuj6vunjrel85psv47 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 It synthesizes fine, but it fails during either Place and Route, or doing a ‘Check’ in the Constraint Manger tab. As a new user, looks like I’m not allowed to upload the file, so I’ve zipped the project folder and placed it here: https://file.town/download/2cjzc9teuj6vunjrel85psv47 |
我进入项目 - >项目设置 - >设计流程并取消选择“启用块创建。”点击右上角的保存。 它会警告您它将清除您的设计工具的先前结果。 之后,我能够无错误地重新运行设计流程。 我的假设是某个地方有一个文件没有正确更新,清理工作空间修复了它。 成功运行设计流程后重新启用块创建仍然有效。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I’ve found some sort of a fix/workaround. I went into Project -> Project Settings -> Design flow and deselected “Enable block creation.” Hit Save in the top right corner. It will warn you that it will clear previous results from your design tools. After that I was able to re-run the design flow without errors. My hypothesis is that there was a file somewhere that wasn’t properly updated and cleaning the work space fixed it. Re-enabling block creation after running the design flow successfully still worked. |
我很惊讶以前没有人遇到这个。 我将继续使用eewiki的其余部分并对电路板进行编程,感谢您的帮助! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks that worked! I’m surprised no one has encountered this before. I’ll continue with the rest of the eewiki and program the board, thanks for the help! |
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