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我正在考虑使用DeNBORA RDK作为双摄像头系统的演示平台。是否有任何软件问题会阻止在同一台Windows 10计算机上使用两个RDK?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I'm looking into using the Denebola RDK as a demonstration platform for a dual camera system. Is there any software issue that would prevent the use of two RDK's on the same Windows-10 computer? |
CyPress®CX3®社交网络®ISP RDK与双索尼®传感器- TANIA
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Cypress® CX3™ Socionext® ISP RDK with Dual Sony® Sensors - TANIA |
我看到了这个板,但我正在寻找的东西是我可以取代相机的部分。我真的很感兴趣的是,与DeNBORA工具包一起使用的软件支持在一台PC上运行的多个工具包。每个工具包将提供独立的视频流,并且将需要能够设置传感器。很明显,这个工具箱是我想要的,所以真正的问题是,当你插入两个工具包时,是否有任何漏洞。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I've seen this board, but what I was looking for was something I could replace the camera part on. I'm really interested in whether the software that comes with the Denebola kit supports multiple kits running on one PC. Each kit would supply an independent video stream, and would need to be able to set up the sensor. It's fairly clear that the kit does what I want for each sensor, so the real question is if there are any gotchas when you plug two kits in. |
jiyuyin 发表于 2018-10-19 07:07 没有任何问题,连接多个DeNBRA套件到PC和流视频从这些设备中的每一个。您可以同时从一个以上的DeFaba工具包流视频。 当打开设备管理器时,设备名称对于两个/多个设备都是相同的。有时这会令人困惑,您可以修改固件中的字符串名称,并将设备命名为KIT 1、KIT2等,并保持KIT1、2等固件的单独拷贝。 当做, 萨万 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 There are no issues connecting multiple Denebola kits to the PC and streaming video from each of these devices. You can simultaneously stream video from more than one Denabola kit. When you open the device manager, the device name will be same for both/multiple devices. Sometimes this can be confusing, you can modify the string name in the firmware and name the device as Kit 1, kit2, etc. and keep separate copies of the firmware for Kit1, 2, etc. Regards, Savan |
rich_fush 发表于 2018-10-19 07:17 非常感谢你,Savan。我会试试看。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you very much, Savan. I will give this a try. |
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