The International Energy Agency (IEA), an organization of 29 nations’ Energy Ministries, recently published a report “Achievements of appliance energy efficiency standards and labelling programs”that reviewed the achievements of appliance energy efficiency standards and labelling programs around the world.
Energy efficiency standards are legal requirements that mandate energy efficiency levels for appliances. Labeling programs may be mandatory programs that provide information to consumers, such as the yellow energy usage labels on refrigerators in the U.S., or are voluntary programs such as ENERGY STAR® in the U.S. Over 80 countries have national energy efficiency standards and labelling (EESL) programs that cover more than 50 different types of appliances and equipment.
The IEA report pulled together numerous research studies and found that the energy efficiency of major appliances across a wide cross section of countries has increased at more than three times the underlying rate of technology advancement. Improvements of more than 30% were achieved with new EESL programs in countries where few energy efficient programs had previously existed. For more mature national EESL programs, the report found savings of between 10% and 25% of national energy consumption.
As an example of the benefits of EESL, the report noted that China achieved an efficiency improvement for air conditioners of over 5% annually between 2005 and 2009. Taken together, China’s EESL program “will remove the need for 28 gigawatts of generating capacity by 2020, improving air quality by annually avoiding 6.8 million tons of sulphur dioxide emissions, 4.8 million tons of NOX and 29 million tons of particulates.”
As cost effectiveness is always important, the IEA report revealed that “In all of the EESL programs reviewed, the national benefits outweighed the additional costs by a ratio of at least 3 to 1.” Appliance manufacturers have continued to innovate and identify ways to improve efficiency and achieve volume-related cost reductions, which have also opened up new market opportunities and new employment opportunities. According to the IEA, 800,000 direct jobs were created by EESL programs in the EU and 340,000 jobs in the US.
A criticism of EESL programs has been that their reduced energy costs will lead people to use more energy. As an example, if an air conditioner is more efficient, a person might use the savings to run the air conditioner for more hours, thus negating some of the positive environmental benefits of the EESL program.
This criticism, called the “rebound effect” in the literature, was also addressed in the report. After noting that the rebound effect could be an unintended consequence of the EESL program, the report observed that in developed countries the numbers of households where the rebound effect is relevant will be limited since the proportion of a person’s income spent on energy is relatively low. The report did acknowledge that the situation in developing countries is likely to be different depending on demographics and climate. Even when a rebound effect has been found to occur, EESL programs have still demonstrated a net energy saving, and overall cost-effectiveness. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy has a very comprehensive review of studies on the “rebound effect” and has found a modest rebound effect of about 20%. For additional information on the Rebound Effect, please visit: http://aceee.org/blog/2012/08/rebound-effect-real-not-very-large
The IEA report concludes that there is overwhelming evidence that EESL programs significantly reduce energy use and CO2 emissions at a much lower cost than other clean energy supply options, even after any rebound effect has been taken into account. Governments that are members of the IEA are likely to follow the IEA’s recommendation to “take account of these findings when they consider their investment options and priorities for meeting energy demand, noting that all EESL programs have the potential to expand in scope and ambition to deliver more energy and CO2 savings.”
Through close work with associations, industry standards organizations and government entities supporting these standards such as ENERGY STAR®, the China National Institute of Standardization, and the European EuP Directive, ON Semiconductor continues to demonstrate its commitment to delivering innovative energy efficient solutions to a variety of end markets.