Cassiopeia A,银河系中最年轻的已知超新星残骸。
图片来源:NASA / CXC / MIT / UMass Amhers / M.D.
通过添加ON Semiconductors Rad Hard解决方案,可以管理并几乎消除这些影响。
要了解有关我们的军事和航空航天产品和解决方案的更多信息,请访问GOMAC - 3月23日至26日,展位318。
第9节 - 设计辐射强化8:30am - 10:00 amRegency A Ballroom
“用于辐射强化的商用110nm CMOS数字ASIC工艺的改造”
Matt Shreve安森美半导体高级产品营销工程师
Every day, airlines carry millions of passengers around the world. As the safest means of transportation, I never think twice before stepping onto an aircraft. Once I navigate through the long security lines, I am ready to kick back, relax, and enjoy the on-board entertainment the carrier has to offer. When the captain asks “If there is anything we can do to make your flight more enjoyable don’t hesitate to ask,” I want to ring my call button and say “speed up”!
Long before an aircraft is certified for flight, engineers work diligently to ensure that it will make it from point A to point B with no electrical or mechanical problems for years to come. While traversing the skies around the globe, airplanes are bombarded by cosmic rays, radioactive particles that originate from outside earth’s atmosphere. These particles penetrate everything in its path, including the electronics onboard your plane to the Bahamas. But if I can’t see these particles, who really cares?
Cassiopeia A, the youngest known supernova remnant in the Milky Way. Credit: NASA/CXC/MIT/UMass Amhers/M.D. Stage et al.
What You Don’t See Can Hurt You
Even though we can’t see these radioactive particles, if left unchecked they can have devastating effects on airplane electronics which can result in glitches or even complete shutdown. Cosmic rays have sufficient energy to alter the states of circuit components in electronic integrated circuits, causing transient errors to occur, such as corrupted data in electronic memory devices, or incorrect performance of CPUs, often referred to as "soft errors". If ignored, the outcome could be dire at best. Fortunately, Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) suppliers like ON Semiconductor have design solutions to combat electronic disruptions from cosmic rays.
Proven Aerospace Solutions
ON Semiconductor’s 110nm and 180nm digital ASIC process nodes include standard cell and SRAM architectures that achieve excellent neutron test results across voltage and temperature. In addition, enhanced substrates, redundancy and error correction code (ECC) provide additional Single Event Effects (SEE) protection. These capabilities reside in the existing digital ASIC flows resulting in superior pricing, development and manufacturing cycle times. With ITAR certification, Trusted Accreditation and QML flows, ON Semiconductor can meet all your needs for aerospace applications.
Neutron Test Results
Cosmic rays will always penetrate in-flight aircraft. By adding ON Semiconductors Rad Hard solutions these effects can be managed and nearly eliminated. So the next time your flight arrives safe at your destination, thank the pilot, and the ASIC company that helped guide you there!
To learn more about our products and solutions for Military and Aerospace, come visit us at GOMAC - March 23-26, Booth 318.
For more in depth training, join the following session at GOMAC:
Session 9 - Radiation Hardened by Design
8:30am – 10:00am
Regency A Ballroom
“Retrofit of a Commercial 110nm CMOS Digital ASIC Process for Radiation Hardening”
Presented by:
Matt Shreve
Senior Product Marketing Engineer
ON Semiconductor