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在周末我一直在玩我的图形设置以提高游戏性能,但是,今天早上连接到我的显示器时,我的显示器的分辨率和缩放都是不合适的。 我已经尝试检查所有设置和驱动程序,并测试其他屏幕,但我无法让辅助监视器上的分辨率/缩放恢复正常。 任何想法将不胜感激,。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Over the weekend I have been playing with my graphics settings to improve gaming performance, however, when connecting to my monitor this morning, the resolution and scaling of my monitor are all out of whack. I've had a general attempt to check all the settings and drivers, and testing other screens, but I just can't get the resolution/scaling back to normal on the secondary monitor. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, |
请提供以下信息以收集一些系统信息。 运行英特尔®系统支持实用程序并将报告附加到此线程.1。下载英特尔®系统支持实用程序并将应用程序保存到您的系统.https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System- Support-Utility-for-Windows-?product = 916002.打开应用程序,然后单击扫描以查看系统和设备信息。 英特尔®系统支持实用程序默认为扫描后输出屏幕上的摘要视图。 单击其中显示摘要的菜单以更改为详细视图.3。要保存扫描,请单击“下一步”,然后单击“保存”。 您可以将文件保存到计算机上任何可访问的位置。要附加文件,必须单击响应框右上角的“使用高级编辑器”,然后右下角会出现“附加”选项 响应框的一角。 监控型号.Wanner G.Intel客户支持威廉希尔官方网站 人员与英特尔公司签订合同 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello nicsuth, Thank you for joining this Intel Community. Scaling options may vary depending on hardware and software. Please provide the following information to gather some system information. 1. Run the Intel® System Support Utility and attach the report to this thread. 1.Download the Intel® System Support Utility and save the application to your system. https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/25293/Intel-System-Support-Utility-for-Windows-?product=91600 2.Open the application and click Scan to see system and device information. The Intel® System Support Utility defaults to the Summary View on the output screen following the scan. Click the menu where it says summary to change to Detailed View. 3.To save your scan, click Next and click Save. You can save the file to any accessible location on your computer. To attach a file, you must click “Use Advanced Editor” on the upper right hand corner of the response box, then the “attach” option will appear on the bottom right hand corner of the response box. 2. Monitor models. Wanner G. Intel Customer Support Technician Under Contract to Intel Corporation |
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