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大家好,我对InfiniiVision DSO6104L上的远程Web访问有疑问,想知道是否有人遇到过这个问题。
使用的软件:VEE 9.32 Windows 7 Professional。 Agilent IO库:最新版本17.xxxxx JAVA:版本8更新40我可以向Oscope发送命令,我甚至可以使用浏览器查看初始Web界面。 我可以在浏览器中获取屏幕图像转储,但我无法进入软键界面来配置Oscope。 当我最初尝试启动远程面板命令时,我得到一个java异常错误。 我将浏览器安全性设置为最低级别并启用了java脚本,并使用范围ip地址授予了网页访问权限。 我在Explorer,Chrome和Mozilla上都试过它,看看它们是否可行。 我无法让它工作。 所以我跳过尝试使用浏览器界面,认为这是一些java更新或设置问题。 然后我通过键入Oscopes ip地址直接使用VNC Viewer。 它启动了界面,我可以通过底部的帮助软键查看范围。 我可以单击并激活帮助软键,但是我无法使用帮助软键消失并看到菜单软键来配置范围。 任何帮助/建议将不胜感激。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Members, I have an issue with remote web access on the InfiniiVision DSO6104L wondering if anyone has encounter this problem. Software using: VEE 9.32 Windows 7 Professional. Agilent IO Libraries : Latest Version 17.xxxxx JAVA: Version 8 Update 40 I can send commands to Oscope, I can even see the Initial Web interface using a browser. I can get screen image dumps in browser, but I can not get to the soft key interface to configure Oscope. When I initially try to launch the remote panel command I get a java exception error. I set browser security to the lowest level and enabled java scripts, and gave web page access permission using scopes ip address. I tried it both on Explorer, Chrome and Mozilla to see if they would work. I was not able to get it to work. So I skipped trying to use a browser interface, figured it was some java update or setting issue. I then used VNC Viewer directly by typing in Oscopes ip address. It launched the interface and I was able to see the scope with the help softkeys at the bottom. I could click and activate the help softkeys, but I could not get the help softkeys to go away and see the menu softkeys to configure scope. Any help / Suggestion would be appreciated. |
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Troubleshooting InfiniiVision Browser Web Control https://youtu.be/ZocBczRDoy8?list=PLFrvI5PjSVAlbKW8kkQi40mNVj_oIn-xN |
ncmza 发表于 2018-10-11 10:31 谢谢inf_persistence和ksmith! 谢谢你的链接!..应该有搜索好老youtube。 我开始度假了,所以下周我不会回到实验室。 但我会尝试它,它应该工作。 我将首先检查固件版本并更新它是否旧,并尝试一下。 如果那不起作用,那么我将退回到旧版本的java。 编辑:DGODERICH于2015年3月17日上午8:04编辑:DGODERICH于2015年3月17日上午8:05编辑:DGODERICH于2015年3月17日上午8:06 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thank you inf_persistence and ksmith! Thank you for the link!.. Should have search good old youtube. I am starting vacation, so I will not be back in the lab til next week. But I will try it then, it should work. I will 1st check the firmware version and update if it is old and give it a try. If that doesnt do the trick then I will back off to older version of java. Edited by: DGODERICH on Mar 17, 2015 8:04 AM Edited by: DGODERICH on Mar 17, 2015 8:05 AM Edited by: DGODERICH on Mar 17, 2015 8:06 AM |
去吧。 1.安装较旧的JAVA 7.75,并添加Internet Explorer异常以允许范围IP地址/网页。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Go it to work. 1. Installed older JAVA 7.75, and added Internet Explorer exception to allow the scopes IP Address/webpage. |
但对于旧的6000L系列,似乎安装一个较旧的Java是要走的路。 如果上述步骤对您不起作用,或者您找不到旧的Java,或者您无法安装它(例如,由于IT限制),那么这里有一个解决方法:1。我 附加一个可移植版本的Java 6. 2.将所有文件下载到一个文件夹中,打开jre6.zip并将其解压缩到任何你想要的地方。 我建议将它放在现有Java的安装位置。 例如 C: Program Files Java 3.您现在应该具有以下内容:C: Program Files Java jre6 4.打开控制面板> Java 5.选择Java选项卡,然后单击“查看...”6。 在“用户”选项卡下,单击“添加”。 这会添加一个新行。 7.双击新添加的行的“路径”列。 8.输入您在步骤3中创建的文件夹的路径,并指向javaw.exe“C: Program Files Java jre6 bin javaw.exe”9。在“已启用”列中,禁用现有 安装(Java 1.8)并确保启用刚刚添加的安装。 10.其余列可以留空(稍后会自动填充)。 11.按OK 12.在Security选项卡中,选择“High”并将示波器的IP地址添加到“Edit Site List ...”中。 忽略HTTPS警告。 13.按确定14.关闭并重新打开Web浏览器,然后再次尝试打开范围vnc界面。 15.它可能会警告你“尝试使用旧版本的Java”。 允许。 16.完成。 _ *关于使用第三方VNC Viewer * _使用第三方应用程序(如VNC-Viewer)可以快速访问屏幕,但是您没有获得Java应用程序应该提供的完整前面板控件,例如 作为更改菜单和旋钮的功能。 但是,对于较新的示波器(3000T / 4000X / 6000X),此方法可以很好地工作,因为示波器支持鼠标。 •5000A,6000A / L,7000A / B - 需要Java才能进行控制。 第三方查看器仅提供屏幕和最小功能。 •2000X / 3000X - 可通过Java或HTML5界面进行控制。 第三方查看器仅提供屏幕和最小功能。 •3000T / 4000X / 6000X - 可通过Java或HTML5界面进行控制。 第三方查看器提供功能齐全的屏幕。编辑:inf_persistence于2015年3月16日晚上11:44 jre6.z025.0 MBjre6.z035.0 MBjre6.z045.0 MBjre6.z055.0 MBjre6.z065.0 MBjre6.z075.0 MBjre6.zip2.4 MB 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hopefully ksmith's steps above will work for you. But for the old 6000L series, seems like installing an older Java is the way to go. If the steps above doesn't work for you, or if you can't find an older Java, or if you can't install it (say, due to IT restrictions), then here is one workaround for you: 1. I attach a portable version of Java 6. 2. Download all files into a folder, open jre6.zip and extract it to anywhere you want. I recommend putting it alongside where your existing Java is installed. e.g. C:Program FilesJava 3. You should now have something like this: C:Program FilesJavajre6 4. Open the Control Panel > Java 5. Select the Java tab and click "View..." 6. Under the User tab, click "Add". This adds a new row. 7. Double-click on the Path column of the newly-added row. 8. Enter the path to the folder you've created in step #3, and point to javaw.exe "C:Program FilesJavajre6binjavaw.exe" 9. In the Enabled column, disable your existing installation (Java 1.8) and make sure you enable the one you just added. 10. The rest of the columns can be left blank (it will auto populate later). 11. Press OK 12. In the Security tab, select "High" and add your scope's IP address into "Edit Site List...". Ignore the HTTPS warning. 13. Press OK 14. Close and re-open your web browser, and try opening the scope vnc interface again. 15. It might warn you about "trying to use an older version of Java". Allow that. 16. Done. _*About using 3rd-party VNC Viewer*_ Using a 3rd party app like VNC-Viewer gives a quick way to access the screen, but you do not get the full front-panel controls that the Java application was supposed to provide, such as the ability to change menus and turn knobs. For the newer scopes (3000T/4000X/6000X), however, this method will work great because the scope supports mouse . • 5000A, 6000A/L, 7000A/B - Requires Java for control. 3rd-party-viewer only provides screen and minimal capabilities. • 2000X/3000X - Control available via Java or HTML5 interface. 3rd-party-viewer only provides screen and minimal capabilities. • 3000T/4000X/6000X - Control available via Java or HTML5 interface. 3rd-party-viewer provides a fully functional screen. Edited by: inf_persistence on Mar 16, 2015 11:44 PM 附件
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