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我想知道Joel是否知道在8753中使用了什么样的超级电容器(超级电容器)。我没有配备超级电容器的早期8753中的一个,但我刚买了HP 4291B 1.8GHz阻抗/材料分析仪
虽然4291B是在日本开发的,但外观和感觉非常像8753。 4291B手册称“电池”充电需要10分钟,持续3天。 这听起来类似于早期的8753,它使用了超级杯。 我担心安装的电容可能是错误的类型。 电容标记为:* Tokin * FS * * 5.5 V * 1 F * L6(L6是日期代码,但我不知道L6是什么日期)查看Tokin / NEC超级电容的数据表,其中 我附上,* FS系列*超级电容器设计用于低阻抗负载,+“备用1小时或更短时间”+ - 几乎不是4291B手册所说+电池+设计的3天。 我很想用FYH0H105ZF替换这个几乎肯定是FS0H105ZF的电容,这是一个相同的电容(1 F),电压(5.5 V),引脚间距(10.16 mm),但来自* FY系列 *,专为更高阻抗负载而设计,具有长期备份。 在足够低的电流下,FY系列可以具有大约3 x 10 ^ 8 ^秒的备用时间,这是10年! 相比之下,FS系列的备用时间比其短几个数量级。 我想知道*过去是否有人替换了电容器并且安装了错误的类型。 * HP有充分的理由使用FS系列电容 - 也许FY系列不存在。 *我忽略了Dave编辑:drkirkby于2016年1月2日12:04 PM编辑:drkirkby于2016年1月2日下午12:17 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I wonder if Joel knows what sort of super capacitor (supercap) was used in the 8753. I don't have one of the early 8753's which is fitted with a super capacitor, but I just got an HP 4291B 1.8GHz Impedance/Material Analyser, which looks and feels remarkably like an 8753, despite the 4291B was developed in Japan. The 4291B manual says the "battery" takes 10 minutes to charge and lasts 3 days. That sounds similar to the early 8753's, which used supercaps. I'm concerned that the capacitor fitted may be of the wrong type. The capacitor is marked: * Tokin *FS* * 5.5 V * 1 F * L6 (L6 is the date code, but I don't know what date L6 is) Looking at the data sheet for the Tokin/NEC super capacitors, which I attached, the *FS series* of supercaps is designed for low impedance loads, +"Back-up for 1 hour or less"+ - hardly the 3 days that the 4291B manual says the +battery+ is designed to have. I'm tempted to replace this capacitor, which is almost certainly an FS0H105ZF, with an FYH0H105ZF, which is the same capacitance (1 F), voltage (5.5 V), lead spacing (10.16 mm), but is from the *FY series*, which are designed for higher impedance loads, with longer term backup. At a sufficiently low current, the FY series can have a backup time of about 3 x 10 ^8^ seconds, which is 10 years! In contrast, the FS series is designed for backup times several orders of magnitude shorter than that. I'm wondering if * Someone has replaced the capacitor in the past and fitted the wrong type. * HP had good reason for using an FS series capacitor - perhaps the FY series did not exist. * I'm overlooking something Dave Edited by: drkirkby on Jan 2, 2016 12:04 PM Edited by: drkirkby on Jan 2, 2016 12:17 PM 附件 |
我认为超级帽的要求非常适中,而且可以轻松升级。 它具有指定的10年寿命,并且是偶尔需要更换的“服务”项目之一(如同步带)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I think at the time this was the very first super cap to exist, and the goal of using it was to keep the RAM alive over a 3 day weekend. I think the requirements on the super cap were very modest, and it can be easily upgraded. It had a specified 10 year lifetime, and was one of the "service" items that needed to be replaced occasionally (like timing belts). |
脑洞大赛9 发表于 2018-10-10 07:52 > {quote:title = Dr_joel写道:} {quote}>我认为当时这是第一个存在的超级上限,而使用它的目的是让RAM在3天的周末保持活力。 我认为超级帽的要求非常适中,而且可以轻松升级。 它具有指定的10年寿命,并且是偶尔需要更换的“服务”项目之一(如同步带)。 干杯乔尔。 我的超级电容器已经消失了,但幸运的是后果并不像同步带那么糟糕! 我今天收到了电容器制造商的一封电子邮件,称+“FY系列已于1987年5月开始生产,而且早在1983年12月就存在了。”+我注意到8753A首次出现在1987年惠普目录中,所以很明显 在FY系列于1987年5月发布之前,8753A的设计已经完成。有趣的是我附上的数据表说盖子的寿命是“无限的”,然后当你读到低位+“铝电解电容器和超级电容器有限时 然而,当在适当的条件下使用时,两者都可以在它们内置的设备的设计寿命内充分运行。“+我不认为太多的套件在它们被引入后大约29年! 但在eBay上搜索“Agilent 8753”会带来超过8000次点击! 我敢打赌,在设计8753时,你从未设想过大约三十多年后会有成千上万的。 在方案中,8753系列必须是惠普最成功的仪器之一。 无论如何,明天我将在我的4291B 1.8GHz阻抗/材料分析仪中安装一个FYH0H105ZF超级电容器。 有人在8753A / B / C中更换超级电容可能需要考虑使用FY系列超级电容而不是FS,因为风云至少在纸上看起来是更好的选择。 我从来没有尝试过。 戴夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 > {quote:title=Dr_joel wrote:}{quote} > I think at the time this was the very first super cap to exist, and the goal of using it was to keep the RAM alive over a 3 day weekend. I think the requirements on the super cap were very modest, and it can be easily upgraded. It had a specified 10 year lifetime, and was one of the "service" items that needed to be replaced occasionally (like timing belts). Cheers Joel. My super capacitor has gone, but fortunately the consequences are not as bad as a timing belt breaking! I got an email from the capacitor manufacturer today, saying that +"FY series has started production on May of 1987 against FS was earlier existed on Dec 1983."+ I note the 8753A was first shown in the 1987 HP catalog, so clearly the 8753A design would have been completed before the FY series was released in May 1987. It's interesting the data sheet I attached says the lifetime of the caps is "limitless", then when you read lower down +"Aluminum electrolysis capacitor and Super Capacitor has limited lifetime. However, when used under proper conditions, both can operate sufficiently within the designed lifetime of the set they are built in."+ I don't suppose too many bits of kit are around 29 years after they were introduced! But a search on eBay of "Agilent 8753" brings up more than 8000 hits! I bet when designing the 8753, you never envisaged there would be thousands of them around thirty odd years later. In the scheme of things, the 8753 series must have been one of HP most successful instruments. Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to fit an FYH0H105ZF super capacitor in my 4291B 1.8GHz Impedance/Material Analyser. Someone replacing a super capacitor in an 8753A/B/C might want to look at using an FY series super capacitor, instead of an FS, as the FY looks a better choice on paper at least. I've never tried it. Dave |
60user7 发表于 2018-10-10 08:03 戴夫,我30年来一直为HP / Agilent / Keysight产品提供服务。 在使用这种内存存储功能的所有乐器中,我只需要改变一次这一部分。 这是一个非常可靠的部分。 戴夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dave, I have been servicing HP/Agilent/Keysight products for over 30 years. Of all the instruments that used this style of memory storage feature, I have had to only change that part once. It is a very reliable part. Dave |
小佳99 发表于 2018-10-10 08:12 > {quote:title = dhamilton写道:} {quote}> Dave,>>我为HP / Agilent / Keysight产品服务超过30年。 在使用这种内存存储功能的所有乐器中,我只需要改变一次这一部分。 这是一个非常可靠的部分。 >> Dave我见过一些早期的8753,它们在断电时无法保存数据。 我从来都不知道有人试图修理一个,所以我不知道这是否是错误的上限。 我从4291B中取出的上限的日期代码为L6。 数据表没有记录它的年龄。 在我询问它有多久之后,我收到了制造商的电子邮件。 他们的回答是+“根据我们的批号标记系统,日期代码为L6的电容器是在1999年6月制造的。由于产品太旧,我们不建议使用这种电容器。”+无论如何,安装FY系列设备 似乎完成了这项工作。 从根本没有保存数据,我现在已经在断电两周后进行了测试,它将数据保存至少2周,这比4291B上的3天规格要长得多。 戴夫 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 > {quote:title=dhamilton wrote:}{quote} > Dave, > > I have been servicing HP/Agilent/Keysight products for over 30 years. Of all the instruments that used this style of memory storage feature, I have had to only change that part once. It is a very reliable part. > > Dave I've seen a few early 8753's that would not hold the data when powered off. I've never known anyone try fixing one, so I don't know if it was the cap at fault. The cap I pulled out of my 4291B had a date code of L6. The data sheet did not document how old it was. I got an email from the manufacturer, after I asked how old it was. Their response was +"According to our lot number marking system, the capacitor with date code of L6 were manufactured on June of 1999. We do not suggest to use this capacitor due to too old product."+ Anyway, fitting the FY series device seems to have done the job. From not holding data at all, I've now tested it two weeks after power off, and it keeps the data for at least 2 weeks, which is considerably longer than the specification of 3 days on the 4291B. Dave |
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