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数据格式为10xBRAW,分辨率为400×400。 这就是我所做的 1。更改CYFXUVCDSCR.C以匹配400×400大小 2.初始化传感器设置(设置在另一平台上工作良好) 3.基于CYFXVCKANAN779(16BIT,LD2DATAYCOUNT=8183,LDADADRYLCOUNT=8183)生成CYFXGPIF2CONFIG.H 但我仍然有一个黑色的窗口(AMCAP) UART端口重复显示以下消息 应用程序启动 UVC:完成0帧和0缓冲器 DMA复位事件:帧时间溢出,时间周期=400 应用停止 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I am using an75779 sample code and the sensor is omni vision sensor ov426+ov6946. The data format is 10bit Raw with 400x400 resolution. here is what I did 1. change cyfxuvcdscr.c to match 400x400 size 2.init sensor setting(the setting works fine on the other platform) 3.generate cyfxgpif2config.h based on cyfxuvc_an75779 (16bit, LD_DATA_COUNT=8183,LD_ADDR_COUNT=8183) but I still get a black window (amcap) the uart port shows the following message repeatly Application Started uvc: completed 0 frames and 0 buffers DMA Reset Event: Frame time overflow,time period=400 Application Stopped |
1。GPIF设置: GPIF可以操作在8/16 / 24/32位数据总线宽度。 在这里,您选择了16位数据总线宽度并连接RAW10传感器输出。这意味着在16位GPIF数据总线中只有10位传感器输出连接10位,其余六位接地或左浮动。 注意THA需要根据选定的数据总线宽度修改LDADADRYCLE计数和LDXDATAY计数计数器。参阅AN75 799。 如果传感器配置正确并且FX3固件开始工作,GPIF采样每时钟16位-它包括每像素10位和另外6位(0或1)。因此,主机接收每个像素的额外6位。您必须在主机应用程序上删除这些额外的6位,并将其发送到显示数据。 2。UVC描述符和探头控制设置: 在UVC.C中修改描述符文件中的UVC描述符和探针控制设置。 三。主机应用程序: 请检查AMCAP是否能够显示RAW10格式。 你告诉你已经改变了UVC描述符部分,按照400 X400,30 FPS与原始10。 在特定于类的未压缩VS格式描述符中有GUID,它表示UVC数据为YYY格式。但是你正在发送RAW10格式。UVC、C文件的探头控制设置需要根据分辨率、格式和FPS进行修改。 请注意,可以使用UVC播放器以YUV格式显示原始数据。然而,图像将看起来绿色的颜色。这可以用于固件开发和测试。 4。实施 根据您张贴的调试日志,GPIF不接收数据。 下面是每个调试打印的注释。 应用程序启动-应用程序启动 UVC:完成0帧和0缓冲区没有数据填充到缓冲区。所以没有生产者事件。 DMA复位事件:帧时间溢出,时间= 400 -我们与FX3时间200ms的定时器设置,它为每一个生产者事件复位(每个缓冲区满)在dmacallback。由于没有数据填充缓冲区,没有生产活动。因此,定时器/溢出,这将触发DMA复位 应用程序停止时有一个DMA复位,应用程序将停止并完成DMA复位和启动应用程序。 5。进一步调试步骤: 检查FV(VSYNC)和LV(HSYNC)将按要求。探讨这些线并确保这些线正确连接到抗体和FX3低压线路。 如果FV和LV是连接配置正确,你有看到缓冲正在填写调试记录。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You have to consider the following for your requirement 1. GPIF Settings: The GPIF can be operated in 8/16/24/32 bit data bus width. Here, you have chosen 16 bit data bus width and connecting a RAW10 sensor output. It means only 10 bits of the sensor output is connected 10 out of 16 bit GPIF data bus and the rest six are grounded or left floating. Note tha the LD_ADDR_COUNT and LD_DATA_COUNT counters need to be modified as per the chosen data bus width. Refer An75779. If the sensor configuration is correct and the FX3 firmware starts working, the GPIF sample 16 bits per clock - it includes 10 bits per pixel and additional 6 bits (0 or 1). Hence the host is receiving additional 6 bits for every pixel. You have to remove these additional 6 bits on the host application and send it to display the data. 2. UVC Descriptor and Probe Control Setting: Modify the UVC descriptors in descriptor file and probe control settings in uvc.c 3. Host Application: Please check the whether the amcap is capable of displaying the RAW10 format. You told that you have changed the uvcdescriptor part as per the 400X400, 30 fps with RAW 10. There is GUID in Class specific Uncompressed VS format descriptor, it says that the UVC data is in YUY format. But you are sending RAW10 format. And the probe control settings on UVC.c file need to be modified as per the resolution, format, and fps. Note that you can use the UVC player to display the RAW data in YUV format. However, the image will look green in color. This can be used for firmware development and testing. 4. Implementation As per the debug logs you posted, the GPIF is not receiving the data. Here are the comments for every debug print. Application Started - Application is started uvc: completed 0 frames and 0 buffers - There is no data filling to the Buffer. So there is no producer events. DMA Reset Event: Frame time overflow,time period=400 - We have set a timer with time out of 200ms in the FX3, it gets reset for every producer event (every buffer full) in the dmacallback. Since there is no data filling to buffer, no producer event. Hence, the timer is out/overflows, this triggers the DMA RESET Application Stopped - When there is a DMA RESET, the application will be stopped and finish the DMA RESET and starts the application. 5. Further debugging steps: Check whether the FV(VSYNC) and LV(HSYNC) are set as per the requirement. Probe these lines and ensure that these lines are correctly connected to the FV and LV lines of FX3. If the FV and LV are configured and connected correcly, you have to see buffers are getting filled in the debug logs. |
谢谢您!这很有帮助。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 thank you! It's very helpful. |
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