感谢你们两个,但是我不能分配fd_out 以下为原文
Thanks to both of you, but I can't assign fd_out <= fd_out, becuase it is declared as an o/p in entity, Is there any problem declare the item as a buffer in the top most module?
Second, the given code is from a combinational process. In this project I seperate all combinational logic and sequencial logic in to two different processes. In the sequencial process only update registers using the next value given by the combinational logic. But the o/p are available (because o/p are not registered, but all i/p are registered) as soon as the clock applied. But if fd_out is used to update a register in the sequential process, it may solve the problem, but there will be a one clock delay, and to avoid this I need to detect the condition one clock ahead (count = 3) and so one more comparator is required for the same.
Finally, I used a synchronous reset, so I put reset in the combinational logic, to reset all next register values, I think the reset may not put in the sequencial part.
My approach is problematic? but I only faced the problem with fd_out, all other things are o.k.
Thanking You,