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似乎FIFO控制寄存器只允许我设置1个水印/阈值。这是否意味着它适用于陀螺仪和acc? 9DS0允许我为每个传感器设置不同的阈值。 我对如何设置FIFO的中断服务感到有点困惑。在9DS0中,可以在DRDY_G引脚上直接设置陀螺仪fifo中断,并且可以在INT1or2 / XM引脚上设置acc fifo中断。在9DS1中,我无法从数据表中确切地知道在INT1_CTRL和INT2_CTRL上设置了哪些传感器。是否允许INT1_IG_G在INT1_A / G引脚中设置陀螺仪中断并自动将acc中断设置为INT2_A / G? #lsm9ds1 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I came from using LSM9DS0. I'm a bit confused about how does the FIFO work for gyro and acc in 9DS1. It seems that the FIFO control register only allows me to set 1 watermark/threshold value. Does that mean it applies to both gyro and acc? 9DS0 allows me to set different thresholds for each sensors. I'm a bit confused about how to setup the interrupt service for the FIFO. In 9DS0, gyro fifo interrupt can be set directly on DRDY_G pin and the acc fifo interrupt can be set on INT1or2/XM pin. In 9DS1, I can't really tell from the datasheet which sensors is being set on INT1_CTRL and INT2_CTRL. Does enabling the INT1_IG_G set the gyro interrupt in INT1_A/G pin and automatically set the acc interrupt on to INT2_A/G? #lsm9ds1 |
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 In LSM9DS1 the accelerometer and gyroscope can operate only at the same ODR so it doesn't make sense to distinguish which sensor trigger the FIFO threshold, the number of samples is the same for accelerometer and gyroscope. |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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