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我的HP 8753C网络分析仪出现问题。 F / W版本:04.13。 选项:NONE第一个问题是A3 Source。 我尝试检查服务手册中“源组故障排除”的“A3 SOURCE AND A11 PHASE LOCK CHECK”的输出。 我发现只有3.8 GHz -40 dBm的信号,略有几MHz的跳频。 该信号与VNA的预调频率无关。 除了3.8 GHz之外我没有看到任何其他谐波:在它之后我测量了腔体振荡器的信号并获得了具有更多功率的3.8 Ghz信号:大约+10 dBm。 因此腔体振荡器功能正常。 我还检查了YTO振荡器并没有看到任何信号。 我检查了所有电源轨,看起来很好。 所以我认为问题是有缺陷的YTO。 问题是如何在没有YTO的情况下测试A3 SOURCE模块的其他部分? 我尝试将0-3GHz 0dBm信号从发生器应用到A3 SOURCE而不是YTO,并在VNA的RF OUT端口用SA测量信号。 我可以看到来自发电机的信号,但也有很多谐波:100 MHz 0 dBm 500 MHz 0 dBm 1000 MHz 0 dBm 2000 MHz 0 dBm 3000 MHz 0 dBm是正常还是只能看到一个谐波来自发电机? 据我了解,我看到谐波混合组件。 它们应该在A3放大器中滤除吗? 谢谢所有回复的人! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello dear colleagues! I have problems with my HP 8753C network analyzer. F/W version: 04.13. Options: NONE The first problem is A3 Source. I tried to check the output regarding to "A3 SOURCE AND A11 PHASE LOCK CHECK" of Source Group Troubleshooting found in service manual. And I found out only 3.8 GHz -40 dBm signal with slightly several MHz frequency hopping. This signal is independent of pretune frequency of VNA. I did not see any other hARMonics except 3.8 GHz: The question is how I can test other parts of A3 SOURCE module without YTO? I tried to apply 0-3GHz 0dBm signal from generator to A3 SOURCE instead of YTO and measured signal with SA at RF OUT port of VNA. I can see the signal from generator, but there are many harmonics as well: 100 MHz 0 dBm 500 MHz 0 dBm 1000 MHz 0 dBm 2000 MHz 0 dBm 3000 MHz 0 dBm Is it normal or should I see only one harmonic going from generator? As I understand it I see harmonic mixing components. Should they be filtered in the amplifier of A3? Thank you to everyone who will respond! |
我错误地将0-3 GHz而不是3.8-6.8 GHz应用到A3的混音器。 我的sig gen可以输出最大4 GHz,所以我试着这样做。 :D I在向混频器施加4 GHz - 0 dBm时测量RF OUT端口的信号:腔体频率= 3.8 GHz信号频率= 4 GHz RF OUT频率= 4 GHz - 3.8 GHz = 200 MHz因此调制器看起来很实用。 但是我不能用> 4 GHz的频率测试它: - 我还试图检查A3的ALC功能:通过改变VNA的SOURCE POWER,我可以看到SA的功率变化。 SA的功率水平比VNA设定水平低约2 dB。 此外,我尝试逐渐将sig gen输出电平从0 dBm更改为20 dBm,并且在SA处看不到任何RF OUT电平的变化。 所以我猜ALC运作正常。 我认为除了YTO之外,整个A3组件都能正常运行。 问题是如何在没有YTO的情况下检查其余的仪器功能? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Some updates. I mistakenly applied 0-3 GHz instead 3.8-6.8 GHz to the mixer of A3. My sig gen can output 4 GHz max, so I tried to do it. :D I measured signal at the RF OUT port when apply 4 GHz - 0 dBm to mixer: Cavity ocs frequency = 3.8 GHz Sig gen frequency = 4 GHz RF OUT freq = 4 GHz - 3.8 GHz = 200 MHz So mixer looks functional. But I can not test it with frequency >4 GHz :- I also tried to check ALC functionality of A3: By changing SOURCE POWER of VNA I can see a power changes at the SA. The power level at SA is ~2 dB lower than VNA set level. Also I tried gradually change sig gen output level from 0 dBm to 20 dBm and could not see any changing of RF OUT level at SA. So I guess the ALC operates properly. I think the entire A3 assembly operates properly except YTO. The question is how to check the rest of the instrument functionality without YTO? |
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