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我有使用STEVAL-MKI062V1评估板的问题。我的任务是开发linux程序,它从inemo V1传感器读取信息。我在互联网上找不到V1板通信协议。在根据V2通信协议在COM端口中写下连接序列时,板没有回答任何问题。根据我可以在哪个协议上使用电路板?
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I have the problem with usage STEVAL-MKI062V1 evaluation board. My task is to develop the linux program, which read the information from inemo V1 sensors. I can't find the V1 board communication protocol in the Internet. The board answers nothing in attempts to write down in COM port a connect sequence according to the V2 communication protocol. According to what protocol can I work with a board? |
你做STM32编程,还是只做Linux? STEVAL-MKI108V2是一个带有加速度计,陀螺仪和磁力计传感器的裸模块,它们是“重要的”传感器。输出为I2C,如果要使用,还会显示DataReady信号。 如果您请求''iNemo Lite''代码,您可以使用您希望的任何输出协议为STM32编写解决方案。但是你需要一个编译器工具链和STM32的编程器(STM32演示板已经有板载编程器,最好是因为你需要FPU而得到STM32F4)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I know it is not what you asked, but I'd suggest that you get a V2. The V1 is deprecated to be a ''Not Recommended For New Design'' now. Even if you were to get the V1 working, your work would be of limited value because it's geared towards an obsolete part. But even the V2 is now NRND too, and it's expensive as well. Do you do STM32 programming, or just Linux? The STEVAL-MKI108V2 is a bare module with the accelerometer, gyro, and magneometer sensors, which are the ''important'' ones. Output is I2C, and also presents the DataReady signals if you want to use those. If you request the ''iNemo Lite'' code, you can code a solution for the STM32 using any output protocol you wish. But you'll need a compiler toolchain and programmer for the STM32 (an STM32 demo board already has the programmer onboard, preferably get the STM32F4 because you need the FPU). |
你有没有建立一个合适的Linux模块或驱动程序与董事会交谈? u***serial根本不起作用 提前致谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Nickolay, have you founded a suitable linux module or driver to talk with the board ? The u***serial doesn't work at all Thanks in advance. |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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