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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 My PIC32 board includes 2 LEDs. They are on pins RB2 and RB3. They are tied to VCC with a pullup-resistor. Now I have a problem programming them. If I use the PORT registers they behave very weird. PORTBbits.RB2 = 0; // This turns on BOTH. PORTBbits.RB3 = 0; // This turns on BOTH. PORTBbits.RB2 = 1; // This turns off LED1, but at the same time turns on LED2. PORTBbits.RB3 = 1; // This turns off LED2, but at the same time turns on LED1. Same if I use PORTBSET or PORTBCLR registers. But with the LATCH equivalents everything works as expected. The datasheet states: • A write to a PORT register is the effectively the same as a write to a LAT register. It doesn't make sense to me... |
你所观察到的和预期的一样。当它说“写一个端口寄存器”时,它意味着写入整个寄存器,而不是写入一个单独的比特。即PORTB= 0x1234;相同的TelATB= 0x1234;但是,通过PoBBIT结构写入单个位不是一个简单的写。它有效地读取端口,修改一个位,然后重写整个寄存器。这意味着,如果读取的值与Labb寄存器中的值不一样,则除了目标位以外的位可以改变。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 What you observe is exactly as expected. When it says "A write to a PORT register", it means writing to the WHOLE register, not to an individual bit. i.e. PORTB = 0x1234; is identical to LATB = 0x1234; but, writing to a single bit via the PORTBbits structure is NOT a simple write. It effectively reads the port, modifies one bit, then rewrites the whole register. The implication of this is that if the value read is not the same as what is in the LATB register, then bits other than the target bit can change. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks. This wasn't clear to me. But then, what about the PORTBSET and PORTBCLR registers? These should only affect the given bits, if I understand correctly. But the following commands also affect both LEDs: PORTBCLR = 4; PORTBCLR = 8; PORTBSET = 4; PORTBSET = 8; |
在内部,PIC仍在进行我所描述的读/修改/写操作。解决方案很简单。总是使用LAT寄存器来改变PIN STATUS。只在实际读取输入PIN的状态时才使用端口寄存器。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Internally, the PIC is still doing the read/modify/write operation I described. The solution is easy. ALWAYS use the LAT register to change pin status. ONLY use the PORT register when you actually want to read the state of an input pin. |
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