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我使用的是DSIC33、FJ64、GP206A和XC16。我需要启用中断。与我以前的PIC18F45 K22。在使用任何中断例程之前,我需要启用全局和外围中断。在DSPIC33中,我在数据表中找不到类似的东西。DSSPIC33是否使用相同的方法来启用中断?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I'm using DSPIC33FJ64GP206A and xc16. I need to enable interrupts. With my previous pic18f45k22. I was need to enable global and peripheral interrupts before using any of my interrupt routines. In dspic33 i cant find anything like that in datasheet. Is dspic33 uses the same method for enable interrupts? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 In my version (1.34) of XC16, the User's Guide explains that in section '14.7 ENABLING/DISABLING INTERRUPTS' Should be the same in your version? |
启用模块或外部中断。每秒钟中断第五秒。定时器5中断:您可以使用状态寄存器禁用所有中断。中断优先级(SRIPITS IPL=7)
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Enable the module or external interrupt. Interrupt every fifth of a second. T5CON = _T5CON_TCKPS0_MASK|_T5CON_TCKPS1_MASK|_T5CON_TON_MASK; PR5 = 31250 - 1; TMR5 = 0; IFS1bits.T5IF = 0; IEC1bits.T5IE = 1; Interrupt on timer 5: void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _T5Interrupt(void){ IFS1bits.T5IF = 0; } You can disable all interrupts using the Status Register.Interrupt Priority Level (SRbits.IPL = 7) |
PIC24/DSSPIC33没有像PIC18那样的全局中断启用/禁用位。但是PIC24E/DSPIC33 E做。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The PIC24/dsPIC33 don't have a global interrupt enable/disable bit like the PIC18. But the PIC24E/dsPIC33E do. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Thanks for this info. I had never seen this difference before ;=) Regards |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The IPL bits can be used to enable/disable all interrupts, or selectively based on the interrupt level. Also "DISI" instruction is very helpful. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, The BIG advantage to my opinion is that enabling/dsabling GIE is an atomic instruction ;=) Regards |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 IPL manipulations can be atomic too. Say, you can use IOR to set all 3 bits to 0b111 in one instruction (this disables the interrupts). Then you can use AND to clear some of the bits to restore the required interrupt level - this is atomic too. You can also use IPL bits creatively. Say, you can only use the lower 2 bits of IPL (you'll have 3 distinct interrupt levels - 1,2, and 3). With this arrangement, the highest bit of the IPL will work exactly as GIE. Disabling interrupts increases interrupt latency, so if your design is really fast and efficient you usually cannot afford disabling interrupts at all. Opposite is true too - if you can afford the luxury of disabling interrupts, you probably don't need to push efficiency to the limits anyway. In such cases, any method will work, even the most cumbersome one, such as manipulating IPL while under DISI. |
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