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我正在使用带有DTM固件的BlueNRG-2芯片。它通过SPI连接到主处理器STM32。 该蓝牙设备在外围设备中起作用(某些传感器)。 广告工作正常:作为主设备的另一个设备接收ADV_IND消息以及我在传感器中设置的SCAN-RSP。我有SCAN-REQ事件的问题,它从未被BlueNRG-2发送。 首先,我观察了我在软件中定义的aci_hal_scan_req_report_event()。永远不会被称为。 接下来,我验证即使在SPI上也没有发送此事件。为什么会这样?我应该以某种方式启用此事件报告吗? 问候, Piotr Romaniuk #scan_req #bluenrg-2 #dtm #event 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I am using BlueNRG-2 chip with DTM firmware. It is connected to host processor STM32 by SPI. This bluetooth device works in peripheral role (some sensor). Advertisement works fine: another device that is a master receives ADV_IND messages as well as SCAN-RSP, that I set in sensor.I have a problem with SCAN-REQ event, it is never sent by BlueNRG-2. Firstly, I observed aci_hal_scan_req_report_event() that I defined in my software. It is never called. Next, I verified that even on SPI this event is not sent.Why is it like that? Should I enable this event report somehow? Regards, Piotr Romaniuk #scan_req #bluenrg-2 #dtm #event |
根据BlueNRG Bluetooth LE Stack文档,在新功能列表中: 'ID 2558在向对等设备发送扫描响应时添加了向应用程序通知的新事件(默认情况下禁用) 为了启用它,必须调用以下函数: aci_hal_set_event_mask(0x00000001 / * ACI_HAL_SCAN_REQ_REPORT_EVENT * /); 我希望这对其他人有用。 Piotr Romaniuk 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I found the solution. According to BlueNRG Bluetooth LE Stack documentation, in new features list: 'ID 2558 Added new event notified to the application when a scan response is sent to a peer device (it is disabled by default)' In order to enable it following function must be called: aci_hal_set_event_mask( 0x00000001 /*ACI_HAL_SCAN_REQ_REPORT_EVENT*/ ); I hope this will be usefull for others. Piotr Romaniuk |
请教:在使用UDE STK时,单片机使用SPC560D30L1,在配置文件怎么设置或选择?里面只有SPC560D40的选项
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