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我们正在为少量远程桌面会话主机服务器规划硬件(6-8 RDSH w.Server 2012 R2,2016年晚些时候。办公室工作负载.RemoteFX): 1.)裸金属w。 Quadro M4000或P4000 2.)通过离散设备分配(DDA,每个RDSH 1GPU),使用Server 2016 Hyper-V主机和Tesla M10直通进行虚拟化。 为了评估第二种情况,我们使用旧的K1卡设置了Server 2016主机并安装了一些VM: a。)Server 2016(德语) - > DDA正在运作。 - >可以安装驱动程序(Server 2016,R367(370.16)) => GPU用于远程桌面会话。 b。)Server 2012 R2(德语) *修补程序KB3133690由Windows更新安装 - > DDA正在运作。 - >驱动程序安装工作(Server 2012 R2,R367(370.16)) =>重新启动后,VM挂起。 “点圈”仍然没问题。 之后屏幕颜色切换为黑暗,几秒钟后变为深蓝色。 然后没有反应。 移除DDA-GPU后,VM将启动。 c。)Windows 8.1(德语) =>与Server 2012 R2相同的行为 根据: http://docs.nvidia.com/grid/4.4/grid-vgpu-release-notes-microsoft-windows-server/index.html 这应该工作: *测试硬件是经过验证的服务器硬件平台。 * Server 2016 Hyper-V * Windows Server 2012 R2 w。 KB3133690支持来宾操作系统 有没有人提示将Server 2012 R2用作访客? 此致,赫尔穆特 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, we're planning the hardware for a small number of Remote Desktop Session Host-Servers (6-8 RDSH w. Server 2012 R2, later 2016. Office workloads. RemoteFX): 1.) Bare metal w. Quadro M4000 or P4000 2.) Virtualized with Server 2016 Hyper-V Hosts and Tesla M10 passthrough via Discrete Device Assignment (DDA, 1GPU per RDSH). For evaluating the second scenario we set up a Server 2016 Host with an older K1 Card and installed some VMs: a.) Server 2016 (German) -> DDA is working. -> Driver can be installed (Server 2016, R367 (370.16)) => The GPU is used in Remote Desktop sessions. b.) Server 2012 R2 (German) * Patch KB3133690 is installed by Windows Updates -> DDA is working. -> Driver Installation works (Server 2012 R2, R367 (370.16)) => After reboot the VM hangs. "Point circling" is still okay. After that the screen color is switching do dark und some seconds later to dark blue. Then no reaction. After removing the DDA-GPU the VM boots up. c.) Windows 8.1 (German) => same behavior as Server 2012 R2 According to: http://docs.nvidia.com/grid/4.4/grid-vgpu-release-notes-microsoft-windows-server/index.html this should work: * The test hardware is a validated server hardware platform. * Server 2016 Hyper-V * Windows Server 2012 R2 w. KB3133690 is supported guest OS Does anyone has a hint for using Server 2012 R2 as a guest? Regards, Helmut |
不幸的是,我从未测试过2012R2作为DDA的嘉宾,因此如果这可能是驱动程序问题或MSFT的一般问题,我无法发表评论。 我只运行2016年没有问题。 (对你而言)。 您是否也可以在没有任何MUI的情况下使用英语操作系统进行测试,以排除语言问题,如常见... 问候 西蒙 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Helmut, unfortuantely I never tested 2012R2 as a guest for DDA therefore I cannot comment if this might be a driver issue or a general issue with MSFT. I'm only running 2016 without problems. (Same for you). Could you also test with English OS only without any MUIs to exclude a language issue as seen quite often... Regards Simon |
谢谢您的回答。 我已经尝试使用英文版的Server 2012 R2但结果相同。 看起来Hyper-V DDA存在问题,但GRID发行说明列出了此配置。 目前这是一个鸡蛋问题:由于没有购买M10卡,因此没有我可以联系服务的有效许可或SUMS。 但是,如果没有事先评估,则无法配置M10服务器。 可能它会与M10一起使用,而K1是问题,但谁知道呢? 我会联系预售,但我希望这里的任何人都能提醒我。 谢谢,赫尔穆特 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Simon, thank you for your answer. I've tried it with an english Version of Server 2012 R2 but same result. It looks like there are issues with Hyper-V DDA but the GRID-release notes lists this configuration. At the moment it's an hen-egg problem: Due to don't bought M10 Cards there is no active licensing or SUMS which I can contact for Service. However, the M10-servers cannot be configured without prior evaluation. Possible it'll work with the M10 and the K1 is the problem but who knows? I'll contact pre-sales but I hope that anyone here as another hint for me. Thanks, Helmut |
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