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你好,我使用PIC18F67 J60控制器,尝试实现Modbus TCP/IP。为此,我使用TCP/IP Lite堆栈。该控制器将作为一个远程服务器,并将具有一些DI,其状态将被发送到PC,将充当客户端。最初,我实现了堆栈,并测试了演示服务器和Client。C文件,并能够成功地与TeCPPIPdemo.JAR文件建立通信。NT的Modbus TCP协议,我对TCPyServelDimo.c文件做了微小的更改,而不是回送所接收的任何内容,控制器将返回的响应发送给匹配的Modbus查询。我需要从微控制器查询每200到300毫秒的数据。从最初的响应中,我没有得到来自控制器的响应。只有当我在PC端增加轮询时间(到3秒以上)时,我才能接收到每个查询的连续响应。但是即使在这种情况下,PC在控制器响应之前多次重试(这是使用WiReSARK进行的)。我想知道我的需求是否可以使用这个控制器和这个堆栈来执行,如果需要的话,我需要做什么来加快PIC方面的TCP处理。样例代码,如果需要,WiRESHARK PICS。我现在使用PIC-OLIMEX开发板测试这个。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I'm using PIC18F67J60 controller and trying to implement Modbus TCP/IP. I am using the TCP/IP Lite Stack for this purpose. The controller will act as a Remote Server and will have some DI whose status will be sent to a PC that will act as the Client. Initially I implemented the Stack and tested the demo server and client .c files and was able to successfully establish communication with the TCPIP_Demo.jar file. To implement the Modbus TCP protocol, I made minor changes to the tcp_server_demo.c file and instead of echoing back whatever is received, the controller sends back response to a matching Modbus query. I need to query the data from the microcontroller every 200 - 300 ms. When I poll at this speed from PC, apart from an initial response I get no more responses from the controller. Only when I increase the polling time on PC side (to above 3 seconds) I'm able to receive continuous response for each query. But even in that case, the PC retries multiple times before the controller responds (this was observed using Wireshark). I would like to know if my requirement can be executed using this controller and this stack, and if so what I need to do to speed up the TCP handling on the PIC side. I can provide the sample code, wireshark pics if required. I'm currently testing this using the PIC-OLIMEX development board. |
嗨,阿文迪已经在PIC18F67 J60上工作了。如果您正在使用MPLABX开发您的项目,您可以尝试使用我们的最新TCPIP库JAR来重新生成TCP代码:HTTPS://MICCHIP.BOX.COM/S/VI734 CHXBVQM64 O2GJC8JF4SJXDOD6MKSK,请阅读发行说明:HTTPS://MICCHIP.BOX.COM/S/KUZW7A9U2YCY9IQD5ZV6GHJJ8BBN4ILAIF,如果您还有山姆E问题,你可以分享我的项目和WiRESHARK跟踪。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi ArvindP I've been working on PIC18F67J60. If you are using MPLABx to develop your project, you can try to use our latest tcpip library jar to regenerate your tcp code: https://microchip.box.com/s/vi734chxbvqm64o2gjc8jf4sjxdo6msk Please read the release note: https://microchip.box.com/s/kuzw7a9e2ucy9iqd5zv6ghjj8bbn4ila If you still have the same issue, you can share me your project and wireshark trace. |
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