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以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I got a very simple code to test the use of external interrupts with my pic. The code simply has an led that is on, and will be turned off in case an external interrupt occurs (in this case, pushing a switch connected to RA2 which is the INT pin on the PIC16f690.) When I push the switch though, nothing happens. What could be the problem? Code below list p=16f690 #include "p16f690.inc" ; CONFIG ; __config 0xFCF1 __CONFIG _FOSC_XT & _WDTE_OFF & _PWRTE_OFF & _MCLRE_ON & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _BOREN_OFF & _IESO_ON & _FCMEN_ON ORG 0x00 ; processor reset vector GOTO START ; go to beginning of program ORG 0x04 ; interrupt vector GOTO ISR ; go to interrupt service routine START BANKSEL TRISA BSF TRISA, 2 ;set RA2(INT PIN) as input BCF TRISA, 0 ;SET RA0 AS AN OUTPUT (led) BANKSEL INTCON ;go to INTCON REGISTER MOVLW b'10010000' MOVWF INTCON ;Global interrupt enabled, External interrupt enabled GOTO MAIN ;Interrupt service routine-------------------------------------------------------- ISR BCF INTCON, GIE ;Disable all interrupts inside interrupt service routine BCF PORTA,0 ;clear RA0 BCF INTCON,INTF ;Clear external interrupt flag bit BSF INTCON, GIE ;Enable all interrupts on exit GOTO MAIN ;Main routine--------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN BSF PORTA,0 ;Set RA.0 GOTO MAIN ;Loop END |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 There are several things wrong with your interrupt service routine, but the main bug is that even if an interrupt does occur, as soon as you turn the LED off, you jump back to MAIN which turns it back on again so quickly you could not possibly see it! |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Now, what are the "several things wrong" ? [1] Do NOT touch the GIE flag inside your interrupt service. That is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, and will cause major issues with real interrupts. GIE is already disabled when the ISR starts running. An ISR should exit with a RETFIE instruction, which sets GIE in a safe manner. Setting GIE before the return is executed will cause bugs. [2] Your ISR must save the STATUS and W register before it can do anything. Read "14.4 Context Saving During Interrupts" in your PIC16F690 datasheet. It also cannot assume bank 0 is selected when the ISR starts running. [3] Do NOT put a GOTO instruction at location 4. Put the actual ISR there. You can get away with it in small programs, but once you start using all the program memory, a GOTO at location 4 WILL cause crashes. Start doing it right now, and you won't have mysterious problems later. |
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