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如何从柏树开始?我在这里发现困难 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Cypress is little bit confusing. Like other microcontrollers here I dont find easy selector tool for choosing micro controller. I need to design universal temprature logger i.e thermocouple and rtds as well as current loops 0-20ma , 0-4ma. How to start with cypress? I am finding difficulty here |
是的,它可能与PSOC1、3, 4, 5和6的不同家庭有点混淆。 我建议你先关注PSoC4。当项目需要更多的时候,你可以选择一个PSoC5。 有很多的原型板非常有助于建立概念证明或项目原型。为了你的要求 下载和安装PSoC Creator 4.2(这是实际的版本)手拿一个原型工具包,像这个OnVIEW Alan Hawse在他的介绍视频(你将不得不搜索PSoC4)使用“查找示例项目”从创建者开始页面和搜索温度,得到一个概述什么是al准备好了。 快乐编码 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Welcome in the forum! Yes, it might be a bit confusing with all the different families of PSoC1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I would suggest you to focus on PSoC4 at first. When it turns out that the Project needs quite more you may choose a PSoC5 later. There are a lot of prototyping boards which are very helpful to build a proof-of-concept or a project prototype. For your requirtements
Happy coding Bob |
ncmza 发表于 2018-9-25 11:07 非常感谢,鲍伯, SoC表示PSoC是指具有扩展模拟功能的单微控制器。 可以编程。是用于产品开发的单芯片PSoC。 如果是,那么柏柏尔单片机是做什么工作的? 正如我在印度一样,我必须检查是否有同样的可用性。 DeV板是否使用单PSoC芯片或其他专用芯片? 实现目标的集成电路 2018年5月29日,下午2点10分,Bo.MaLoe&lt;社区经理@ CyPress .com & GT; 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thanks a lot Bob, Sir Does psoc means single microcontroller with extended analog functions which can be programmed. Is it single chip psoc for product development . If yes then Which microcontroller of Cypress does this job? As I.am.in India I have to check the availability for the same. Does dev boards make used of single psoc chip or various other dedicated ic's for achieving the goal On Tue, May 29, 2018, 2:10 PM bob.marlowe <community-manager@cypress.com> |
PSoC和其他MCU世界的区别在于: PSOCS包含(除了ARM CPU)可配置(可路由)内部硬件,可以组合以满足项目需求。 原型工具包(10美元)在PCB上没有额外的芯片,除了一个关闭的程序员/调试器。 有“先锋板”,它包含了一些额外的硬件,如FRAM、加速度计、光传感器等。 打电话给 塞浦路斯半导体公司-班加罗尔 65/2,BaGMANE科技园,C区,BaGame Laull,CV Raman Naar,班加罗尔,卡纳塔克邦560印度电话093:91-80-6707399传真:91-80-67073000 Aurobind Rath先生,AuBrim.Rth@ CyPress …不要叫我“先生”; 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The difference between PSoC and the rest of the MCU world is: PSoCs contain (besides an ARM CPU) configurable (routable) internal hardware that can be combined to fulfill the project needs. The prototyping kits (US $ 10.00) do not have additional chips on the pcb except a snap-off programmer/debugger. There are "Pioneer boards" which contain some extraneous hardware as FRam, accelerometer, light sensor etc. (theFRAM could be great for data logging...) Call to Cypress Semiconductor - Bangalore #65/2, Bagmane Tech Park, Block 'C', "Bagmane Laurel", C V Raman Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka 560 093 India Phone: 91-80-67073999 Fax: 91-80-67073000 Mr. Aurobind Rath, aurobind.rath@cypress.com ... and don't call me "Sir" ;-) Bob |
我成功地连接了热电偶、SD卡、LCD、UART。但是我用3线连接无法连接PT100 RTD。我试图将1MA从IDAC内置到PSoC。但如何进一步计算。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I got success in interfacing the thermocouple, the sd card, the lcd, the uart. but i have failed interfacing the PT100 rtd using 3 wire connection. I am trying to source the 1ma from IDAC inbuilt to psoc. But how to calculate further. |
lmcas 发表于 2018-9-25 11:49 很好,你到目前为止!你的PT100失败的原因是什么?你能把你的整个项目连同一个简短的描述一起写错了吗?这样我们就可以看看你的所有设置了。为此,使用 创建者-gt;文件& gt;创建工作区束(最小) 并附加生成的文件。 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Fine that you got so far! What was the reason your PT100 failled? Can you please post your complete project together with a short description what went wrong, so that we all can have a look at all of your settings. To do so, use Creator->File->Create Workspace Bundle (minimal) and attach the resulting file. Bob |
lmcas 发表于 2018-9-25 11:49 Resp BOB 我在理解3线RTD的接口方面有困难。我有一个RTD PT100,它有两个白色和一个红色的电线。 两个是正的,而红色是接地的。我愿意使用恒流励磁过程。为此,我使用的是来自PSoC 4.2的IDAC。现在我不知道如何读取RTD的电压。我应该使用差分SAR或单端SAR。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Resp BOB, i am having trouble in understanding the interface of 3 wire RTD. I have one RTD pt100 which has two white and one red wire. two are positive and red is to be grounded. I am willingly use constant current excitation process. For this i am using IDAC from psoc 4.2. Now i dont know how to read Voltage of rtd . Should i use differential SAR or single ended SAR. |
lmcas 发表于 2018-9-25 12:26 在4.2 PSOC创建者中的RTD示例显示四线接口。我能改变三线RTD的设计吗? PSoC创建者4.1没有显示RTD示例 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Example Of RTD in 4.2 psoc creator shows four wire interface. Can I alter the design for three wire rtd. Psoc creator 4.1 doesnt show rtd example |
你好,普拉蒂克, 请参阅我们的应用注意事项AN70698PSOC®3,PSoC 4和PSoC 5LP温度测量与RTD。它解释了两个,三和四线RTD温度测量。 谢谢, 萨姆普斯 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Pratik, Kindly refer to our Application Note AN70698 - PSoC® 3, PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP Temperature Measurement with an RTD. It explains two-, three- and four-wire RTD temperature measurement. Thanks, Sampath |
clslda 发表于 2018-9-25 12:50 无法打开页面 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 page cannot be opened |
请再试一次,我可以打开那个链接。 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Please re-try, I could open that link. Bob |
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