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你好,我试着把OV12895连接到CX3(DeNBOLA),有很多问题。我制作了一个女儿板来连接传感器和CX3,我可以得到800×480 @ 15FPS RAW10数据,CSII时钟是52MHz,所以我认为我的女儿工作得很好。
然后我将CSI时钟设置为138MHz,并尝试获得4096×3072 @ 1fPS图像,但失败了。我取消了CX3Error线程的启用,并打印错误代码每5秒,我可以得到一些信息。 框架错误计数*//**/lt; CRC错误计数*//**;CRC错误计数*/ 多数据通道同步字节错误计数*/ 控制错误(不正确的线路状态序列)计数*/ 不支持的数据包ID错误计数*/ ReReCnNT/**;可恢复分组报头错误计数*// 不可恢复的分组报头错误计数*/ 可恢复的同步字节错误计数*/ 不可恢复的同步字节错误计数*/ 我不知道它到底是什么意思,我该怎么修理它。 我的配置: CYU3PMIPICSICFG0T OV12895A RAW10= { CyuU3PycsiIdFFAWRA10,/*CYU3PMIPICSIDATA格式数据DATA格式*/ 4,/*UIT88T NUDATALLANE** 3,/*UIT88T PLLPRD */ 139,/uUn1616t PLLFBD*/ CYU-U3PYCSILPLLYFLSY500,100M,/*CYU3PMIPICSIPLLCKFRSFST PLLFRS*/ CYU-U3PYCSIIPLLKLKYDIVAY8,/*CYU3PMIPICSIPLLCKDIVILT CSIRXCLKDIV** CYU-U3PYCSIIPLLKLKYDIVAY8,/*CYU3PMIPICPLILLCKDIVILT PARCKDIV** 0x0606,/*uut1616t MCLKCTL*/ CYU-U3PYCSIIPLLKLKYDIVAY8,/*CYU3PMIPICPLILLCKDIVILT MCLKRIFDIV* 4096,/*uut1616t 0 /*UtiN 160T FIFOSTRIP** } 我可以捕获MIPI波,但是DMA回调从来没有被调用过。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I try to connect the OV12895 to the CX3(denebola), there are many issues. I make a daughter board to connect the sensor and the CX3, and I can get the 800*480@15fps raw10 data, and the csi-2 clock is 552Mhz, so i think my daughter was work well. Then i make the csi clock to 138Mhz, and try to get 4096*3072@1fps image, but failed. I uncomment the CX3_ERROR_THREAD_ENABLE and print the error code per 5 secs, I can get some info. frmErrCnt; /**< Framing Error Count*/ crcErrCnt; /**< CRC Error Count*/ mdlErrCnt; /**< Multi-Data Lane Sync Byte Error Count*/ ctlErrCnt; /**< Control Error (Incorrect Line State Sequence) Count*/ eidErrCnt; /**< Unsupported Packet ID Error Count */ recrErrCnt; /**< Recoverable Packet Header Error Count*/ unrcErrCnt; /**< Unrecoverable Packet Header Error Count*/ recSyncErrCnt; /**< Recoverable Sync Byte Error Count*/ unrSyncErrCnt; /**< Unrecoverable Sync Byte Error Count*/ I don't know what is it actually mean, and how can I fix it . my configure: CyU3PMipicsiCfg_t OV12895_RAW10 ={ CY_U3P_CSI_DF_RAW10, /* CyU3PMipicsiDataFormat_t dataFormat */ 4, /* uint8_t numDataLanes */ 3, /* uint8_t pllPrd */ 139, /* uint16_t pllFbd */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_FRS_500_1000M, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkFrs_t pllFrs */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_8, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t csiRxClkDiv */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_8, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t parClkDiv */ 0x0606, /* uint16_t mClkCtl */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_8, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t mClkRefDiv */ 4096, /* uint16_t hResolution */ 0 /* uint16_t fifoDelay */} and I can capture the MIPI wave, but the DMA callback never called. |
你为什么把VActo设置为10?它应该是3072。不是吗? 你能得到正确的HAcLand和HLLVAIKE值,类似于VasAcvor和VLink值从传感器制造商,并把它们放在MIPI配置工具? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 You will receive errors when you do not configure the MIPI properly. Why did you set VActive to to 10. It is supposed to be 3072. Isn't it? Can you please get the correct the HActive and Hblanking values, similarly VActive and VBlanking values from the sensor manfacturer and put them in the MIPI Configuration tool? |
yahan52 发表于 2018-9-21 08:05 我的传感器输出4096 *3072@ 3.75 fPS,MIPI时钟139MHz,和I测量波形一样吹: 准备:340NS 零:610NS V-活性:2468MS V型消隐:20.6MS H-活性:74.4US H型冲裁:62U 我计算的准备和零: H消隐:4096/74.4×6.2=341像素 V型消隐:3072/246.8×20.6=256线 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 my sensor output 4096*3072@3.75FPS, MIPI clock 139MHz, and I measure the waveform like blew: THS-prepare: 340ns THS-Zero:610ns V-active: 246.8ms V-Blanking: 20.6ms H-Active: 74.4us H-Blanking:6.2u I calculate the THS-Prepare and THS-Zero: H-Blanking: 4096/74.4*6.2 = 341 Pixel V-Blanking: 3072/246.8*20.6 = 256 Line |
和我的CX3配置像吹风: 这是否意味着准备时间太长了?我需要配置传感器以缩短准备时间吗? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 And my CX3 configure like blew: Does this mean that the THS-prepare is too long? Do I need to configure the Sensor to shorten THS-prepare time? |
是的,这些准备应该在工具的最小和最大之间。您还需要使用CYU3PMIPICSIGETPHIMTION延迟API配置MIPI TE的固定时间。 CuY3PMIPICSeTeTimeTimeAPI API的第二个参数是由该工具生成的PHY时间延迟值。(见附加屏幕截图的右下角) 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes, the THS Prepare should be in between the Min. and Max. shown in the tool. You also need to configure the MIPI THS Settle time using the CyU3PMipicsiSetPhyTimeDelay API. The second argument of theCyU3PMipicsiSetPhyTimeDelay API is the PHY Time Delay Value generated by the tool. (See the bottom right corner of the attached screen shot) |
yahan52 发表于 2018-9-21 08:46 非常感谢。我可以得到RAW10数据。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you very much. I can get the raw10 data. |
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