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当能量效率是有据可查的两Cortex M内核集成在PSoC 6我找不到任何数量的psoc4。 效率是什么(µ/ MHz)的低功耗psoc4(如果一个低功率版本存在)? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 For now the mono-core version of the Psoc6 is not yet available, also a Psoc4 may be a suitable low power solution. When the energy efficiency is well documented for the two Cortex M cores integrated in the Psoc 6 I cannot find any number for the Psoc4. What is the efficiency (µA/Mhz) of a low power PSOC4 (if a low power version exist)? |
您可以在不同的条件下找到PSoC 4的电流消耗和来自各个设备数据表的CPU频率。在“设备级规范”部分寻找“DC规范”。下表是PSoC 4100S Plus设备数据表的一个例子。 虽然PSoC 6具有比PSoC 4的有功功率优势,后者具有较低的深睡眠电流。由动力模式和使用各种威廉希尔官方网站 之间的合理转换,你可以很容易地设计与PSoC低功率应用。详情请参阅以下申请须知: HTTP:/ / www.cypress。COM /文件/应用笔记/ an86233-psoc-4-and-psoc-analog-coprocessor-low-power-modes-and-po… 本应用笔记中还包含一个方便的功率估计电子表格工具。 当做 尼丁 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, You can find the PSoC 4 current consumption under different conditions and CPU frequencies from the respective device datasheets. Look for "DC Specifications" under the section "Device Level Specifications". Following table is an example from PSoC 4100S Plus device datasheet. Although PSoC 6 has an active power advantage over PSoC 4, the latter has lower Deep Sleep currents. By properly switching between the power modes and using a variety of other techniques, you can easily design low power applications with PSoC 4. Please refer to the following application note for details: http://www.cypress.com/documentation/application-notes/an86233-psoc-4-and-psoc-analog-coprocessor-low-power-modes-and-po… This application note also contains a handy power estimator spreadsheet tool. Regards Nidhin |
60user48 发表于 2018-9-20 16:10 谢谢你的回答,Nidhin。 PSoC 4100S具有比旧PSOC 4器件更低的功耗。 但遗憾的是,不再有停止模式(核心仅使用第十的NA等待外部事件的模式)。 我必须看一下单核PSoC 6,看看是否有一个停止模式。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you for the answer Nidhin. The Psoc 4100S has a lower power consumption than older Psoc 4 devices. But sadly there is no more a stop mode (mode where the core is using only a few tenth of nA waiting for an external event). I will have to look at the single core Psoc 6 to see if a stop mode is available. |
60user86 发表于 2018-9-20 16:27 PSoC 6没有停止模式。然而,它有一个Hibernate模式,在1.8 V时只消耗了300 nA。此外,PSoC 6有一个单独的备份域,它允许您完全关闭外部调节器为系统供电(PMIC控制),然后在RTC/PIN中断之后重新启用它。详情可在以下应用说明中找到; HTTP://www. CyPress .COM/DCONTISO/APPLION-NOTES/AN219528PSOC-6MCU-低功耗模式和功率还原威廉希尔官方网站 当做 尼丁 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 PSoC 6 doesn't have a stop mode. However, it has a hibernate mode which consumes only 300nA at 1.8 V. In addition, PSoC 6 has a separate backup domain which allows you to completely shutdown the external regulator powering the system (PMIC control), and then re-enable it upon an RTC / pin interrupt. Details can be found in the following application note; http://www.cypress.com/documentation/application-notes/an219528-psoc-6-mcu-low-power-modes-and-power-reduction-techniques Regards Nidhin |
我将等待单核PSCO6的可用。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you for the information. I will wait for the single core Psco6 to be available. |
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