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这里所谈论的 “未使用的运放” 不是指在芯片储藏箱或防静电袋中的运放;而是指在同一个封装里面的多个运放中未被使用的部分。 最好将未使用的运放连接为一个带反馈回路的放大电路。显而易见,单位增益缓冲电路是个很好的选择,因为它不需要额外的器件。然后,将输入引脚连接到线性输入输出范围以内的电压上。任何引起潜在的输入、输出过载的连接或开路,以及将运放放置在一个噪声不确定的环境都是不合适的。 一个电路板设计方面的建议是:将未使用的运放放在适合修改的地方。在重新设计或者产品升级的时候你也许会用到它。提前做一些考虑,并将这些空余的运放在顶层和底层连接,这样,轻微的改动就可以测试新的设计。你甚至可以为反馈元件布局,将走线连接到特定节点,这样可以很容易地切断。 另一种可以完全避免以上问题的方法是选择一颗版本合适的运放(单运放,双运放和四运放),这样可以设计出充分使用运放的理想布局,同时也确保了被使用的运放有相同的规格和特性。 对于没有采用合适的方法来处理未使用运放的设计者来说,值得安慰的是:这些未使用的运放不太会干扰同一个封装中正在工作的运放。虽然你也许会关心未使用运放消耗的额外电流,但你的系统不太可能因此而烧毁。大多数现代运放有独立的偏置电流,在同一个封装中一个沟道过载也不会影响到其它沟道。如果你的电路工作正常的话,那你大可以放轻松并在下次设计时遵循这些建议。 |
顺便分享一篇ADI专家的文章 我们应该如何处理未使用的运算放大器? http://www.analog.com/cn/education/education-library/raqs/raq_***_what_shall_we_do_with_an_unused_opamp_iss46.html |
转载: 一块集成运算放大器通常包括多个分离的运放单元,一般我们不能全部用到,那么这些不使用的运放单元怎么处理?图1示意了一种元件最少的正确处理方式,图2是一些常见的错误方式,这些方式因为浮空输入或者地平面浮动等等可能会引起振荡。 图1 不使用运放单元的正确处理方式 图2 不使用运放单元的错误处理方式 以下是对于错误处理方式的原文解释 A. This is the worst thing to do with an uncommitted op amp. Both inputs are floating and willpick up noise and the output may switch from rail to rail unpredictably. This configuration willdraw varying amounts of supply current and will couple noise into the other op amps and mayadd noise to the power and ground traces. B. These two circuits are not recommended because they are stressful to the op amp inputs.This circuit applies the maximum potential across the input and can damage certain op ampssuch as those with diode clamps between the inputs. The op amp output will be in a knownstate and will be railed low in the first circuit and railed high in the second. Railing an op amp's output low causes the op amp to consume more supply current. C. These two circuits are bad because the output will be railed in an unknown state. The outputstate will be determined by the value of the input stage's offset voltage. Due to the randomness of input offset voltage it cannot be predetermined if the output will be railed high or low. Inaddition to the output's unknown state there is a likely chance the output will change states over Page 4 of 5 temperature inducing unnecessary noise in the circuit. Railing an op amp's output low causes the op amp to consume more supply current. D. These two circuits are the most common mistake made when terminating an uncommittedop amp. They are equally bad because the op amp's output will be railed low, causing the opamp to consume more supply current. Avoiding The Uncommitted Amplifier Yields Many Benefits In many cases it is beneficial to avoid having an uncommitted amplifier. The next-generation of sub-micron technology op amps are affordable and are available in tiny packages. Instead of using three of four op amps in a TSSOP package consider using only what you need. Using multiple single op amps in small SC70 packages or a combination of a dual op amp in a tiny SOT23 package and a single op amp offers the following benefits:
· Avoids the issue of the uncommitted amplifier · Reduces power dissipation by eliminated extra amplifiers · Reduces PCB area by using smaller components · Eases PCB layout and reduces traces length · Less expensive |
胡bbs4 发表于 2018-9-20 08:02 最好的办法就是不要有多余的运放出现,还可以省电 |
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