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大家好我有这个M60网格设置,GPU直通模式到Win8.1 VM。
我设法通过将Windows帐户设置为自动登录,在不使用TeamViewer的情况下获得NvFBCDx9捕获和流媒体输出。 但是现在我有一个NvFBCCuda版本,它在捕获之后但在编码过程之前执行post-fx,如果没有TeamViewer,这个版本就不能正常工作。 如果我没有使用TeamViewer进行连接,它将无法锁定比特流,一旦我连接并捕获,它就可以正常工作。 我有什么想法可以绕过teamviewer? 谢谢 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi all I have this M60 Grid setup, with the GPU on passthrough mode to a Win8.1 VM. I've managed to get NvFBCDx9 capturing and streaming out fine without using TeamViewer by setting a windows account to auto-login. However now I have a NvFBCCuda version that performs post-fx after capturing but before the encoding process, and this version does not work well without TeamViewer. It will fail to acquire a lock on the bitstream if I do not connect using TeamViewer, once i connect and capture, it works fine. Any ideas how I can get around teamviewer? Thanks |
尝试启用GRID“日志”。 它揭示了许多内部错误和失败,它们被通用错误返回所掩盖。 请参阅“NVIDIA Capture SDK编程指南.pdf”第64页 - “4.1.4。启用文本日志的生成” - 我正在使用“NVFBCLog = 42”(回答生命,宇宙和一切)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Some sort of failed source code should be useful. Try to enable GRID "logs". It disclosure many internals errors and fails that are masked by generic error return. See "NVIDIA Capture SDK Programming Guide.pdf" page 64 - "4.1.4. Enabling generation of textual logs" - I am using "NVFBCLog=42" (answer to life, the universe, and everything). |
42并没有回答我的问题,它让它消失了,可能在某个地方搭便车。 真的很奇怪,通过该开关启用任何日志记录,我的cuda版本捕获正常,没有TeamViewer .....我不喜欢这种行为,希望我能想出一个带日志的repro。 某种失败的源代码应该是有用的。 尝试启用GRID“日志”。 它揭示了许多内部错误和失败,它们被通用错误返回所掩盖。 请参阅“NVIDIA Capture SDK编程指南.pdf”第64页 - “4.1.4。启用文本日志的生成” - 我正在使用“NVFBCLog = 42”(回答生命,宇宙和一切)。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for the response mcerveny, I didn't know about the verbose logging switch, this is most useful! 42 didn't just answer my questions, it made it go away, probably hitchhiking its way somewhere. It really is strange, enabling any logging at all via that switch, and my cuda version captures fine, without TeamViewer.....I don't like this behavior, hopefully I can come up with a repro with logs. Some sort of failed source code should be useful. Try to enable GRID "logs". It disclosure many internals errors and fails that are masked by generic error return. See "NVIDIA Capture SDK Programming Guide.pdf" page 64 - "4.1.4. Enabling generation of textual logs" - I am using "NVFBCLog=42" (answer to life, the universe, and everything). |
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