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嗨,我一直在看MC23018数据表一段时间,但仍然没有发现任何关于输出电压的信息时,使用内部上拉电阻器。基本上我有一个电路的MC23018工作在VDD=3.3V,我用来驱动一些逻辑电平MOSFET,但是我注意到WH。EN使用内部拉升,输出电压,当“高”,是1.3V,这是非常奇怪的。因此,我试图在数据表上搜索,并且在使用内部拖发器时无法找到GPIO的预期VoH(输出高电压)。我认为VoH应该是VDD -(一些小的值)。任何人在使用内部上拉时,可以确认MC23018 GPIOS的VoH(输出高电压)是什么?谢谢
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I have been looking at the MCP23018 datasheet for a while, but still haven't found any info on output voltage when using internal pull-up resistors. Basically I have a circuit with an MCP23018 working on VDD = 3.3V, that I am using to drive some logic level mosfets, however I have noticed that when using internal pull-ups the output voltage, when 'HIGH', is 1.3V, which is very weird. So I tried to search on the datasheet and could not find the expected VOH (Output High-Voltage) for the GPIO when using internal pull-ups. I imagine VOH should be VDD - (some small value). Can anyone confirm what is the VOH(Output High-Voltage) of the MCP23018 GPIOs when using internal pull-ups? Thanks |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Internal pullups are usually a small constant current source. You can not pull much current out of them at all. Do your FETs include a pulldown on the gate? What is the exact part # of the FET? Edit: Figure 1-10 in the MCP23018 datasheet indicates that at room temp and Vdd=3.3V, you should expect about 100uA current max. |
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