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HW:PIC32 MZ2064 DAB28 8启动套件安装在MEB II评估板上。框架:协调2.05i尝试管理连接在J7连接器上的USB桥接器(USB类型A型连接器用于PIC32 USB主机应用)。N通过MHC:USB堆栈中断模式UbSySpultHyth-MSD主机客户端驱动程序。文件系统Service AutoNoutt特性FAT文件系统SysffsMyAyAype类型MSD文件系统类型FATOTO应用层I在SDCARDMSDFATYFAX多DISK上进行ISRIPION。ER与咏叹调列表小部件(文件名和图标)。发生的是,有时它工作,有时不。这意味着有时我可以检测到连接并读取根目录的文件数据,有时我无法检测到连接状态。我所看到的最后一件事是,我对UsHSSL Geuntin VBueSerr有很多调用到ErdRvuSubsHsHoothTasksIsR(文件DrvuSubHsHuth.c)。错误在哪里?我需要在启动工具包/EVE板上设置一些设置吗?我可以在SW中检查什么?
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 HW: PIC32MZ2064DAB288 starter kit mounted on MEB II evaluation board. FRAMEWORK: HARMont 2.05 I'm trying to manage a USB pendrive connected on J7 connector (USB Type-A connector for PIC32 USB host based applications). I started from aria_coffee_maker example and added USB feature by setting application via MHC: USB Stack interrupt mode USB_SPEED_HIGH MSD Host Client Driver. File System Service Automount feature FAT File System SYS_FS_MEDIA_TYPE_MSD with file system type FAT For application layer I took ispiration on sdcard_msd_fat_multi_disk. What I'm planning to build is (for the moment) a file browser with aria list widget (file names and icons). What's happening is that sometimes it works and sometimes not. It means that sometimes I can detect the connection and read root directory's file data, sometimes i can't detect the attach status. The last thing I've seen is that I have a lot of call to _DRV_USBHS_HOST_Tasks_ISR (file drv_u***hs_host.c) with USBHS_GENINT_VBUSERR. Where's the mistake? Do I need to make some setting on starter kit / eval board? What can I check in sw? |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Have you been able to get the USB host MSD basic demo to work on the board? |
请稍后回答。问题是板上的电源。如果我用PC供电的程序运行,微控制器重置在无用的电源上。如果我在墙上安装的电源设备上运行板,它就会运行。我现在的问题是:我能调试(PC上的USB J16)PIC32 MZDA启动器套件和MEBII,而它的电源与墙壁安装电源?7000 05311A数据表谈到了JP1跳线,但我找不到它在我的板上。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Excuse me for the late on answer. The problem is on board power. If I run the program with boards powered by PC the microcontroller reset on insufficent power. If I run powering the boards from wall mounted power supllier, it run! My question, now, is: Can i debug (PC on USB J16) PIC32MZDA Starter Kit and MEBII while it's powered with wall mounted power supplier? The 70005311A datasheet spoke about a JP1 jumper, but i cannot find it on my boards. |
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