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我目前正在为使用XenServer 7.2和NVIDIA M10卡的客户开发新的XenApp 7.14.1解决方案。 在目前阶段,我试图通过分配给每个XenApp服务器的M10-8A vGPU配置文件来了解3D / GPU / HDX性能。 XenApp服务器运行的是带有4个vCPU和48GB RAM的Windows Server 2016映像。 在性能测试期间,我一直在使用GPU Shark来查看哪些程序/进程使用GPU(硬件加速)。 它看起来不像Internet Explorer 11或Office 2016根本不使用GPU。 我已经验证IE和Office都启用了硬件加速。 已通过已发布的桌面执行测试。 有人对此有任何意见吗? 我不确定M10卡(和M10-8A vGPU配置文件)性能wize的真实性。 - HP Proliant DL380 Gen9服务器 - NVIDIA Tesla M10卡 - GRID虚拟应用程序许可证(vApp) - M10-8A vGPU配置文件 - Windows Server 2016 - XenServer 7.2 - XenApp 7.14.1 - 供应服务7.14 - NVIDIA vGPU Manager(384.73) - 适用于OS的NVIDIA驱动程序(385.41) 我也对在XenApp中测试/验证GPU使用/性能时可能派上用场的Citrix / AD策略和/或工具进行GPU / HDX调优的建议持开放态度。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi everybody, I'm currently working on a new XenApp 7.14.1 solution for one of our customers with XenServer 7.2 and NVIDIA M10 cards. At the current stage I'm trying to get a sense of the 3D/GPU/HDX performance with a M10-8A vGPU profile assigned to each XenApp server. The XenApp servers are running a Windows Server 2016 image with 4 vCPUs and 48GB RAM. During the performance testing I've been using GPU Shark to see which programs/processes use GPU (hardware acceleration). It doesn't look like either Internet Explorer 11 or Office 2016 is using the GPU at all. I have verified that hardware acceleration is enabled in both IE and Office. Testing has been performed through a published desktop. Does anyone have any input on this? I'm not sure what to expect of the M10 cards (and M10-8A vGPU profile) performance wize to be honest. - HP Proliant DL380 Gen9 servers - NVIDIA Tesla M10 card - GRID Virtual Applications licenses (vApps) - M10-8A vGPU profile - Windows Server 2016 - XenServer 7.2 - XenApp 7.14.1 - Provisioning Services 7.14 - NVIDIA vGPU Manager (384.73) - NVIDIA drivers for OS (385.41) I'm also open to suggestions regarding GPU/HDX tuning through Citrix/AD policies and/or tools that might come in handy when testing/verifying GPU usage/performance in XenApp. |
感谢您在GRID论坛上发布您的问题! 当您说您正在通过已发布的桌面进行测试时,是否意味着您要从运行Windows Server 2016的虚拟桌面(通过XenApp)启动本地安装的应用程序? 或者您是在最终用户VDI桌面(如Windows 10)中从Receiver启动XenApp托管应用程序? 此外,您的IE中默认情况下可能无法启用硬件加速,因此您可以查看此Microsoft文章并比较您的设置:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2528233/how-to-enable-or -disable软件渲染功能于互联网资源管理器 谢谢 康斯坦丁·克韦塔诺夫 高级解决方案架构师 NVIDIA 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi toreskaara, Thank you for posting your question on the GRID forums! When you say that you are doing the testing through a published desktop, do you mean that you are launching locally installed apps from within a virtual desktop running Windows Server 2016 (via XenApp)? Or are you launching XenApp hosted applications from Receiver within an end user VDI desktop such as Windows 10? Also Hardware Acceleration may not be enabled by default in your IE, so could you check this Microsoft article and compare your settings: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2528233/how-to-enable-or-disable-software-rendering-in-internet-explorer Thank You Konstantin Cvetanov Sr. Solution Architect NVIDIA |
您需要为Graphics应用的唯一AD GPO是:
本地计算机策略>计算机配置>管理模板> Windows组件>远程桌面服务>远程桌面会话主机>远程会话环境>对所有远程桌面服务会话使用硬件默认图形适配器=已启用 没有它,XenApp服务器将不使用GPU。 至于Citrix策略,这些将根据您希望提供的体验类型而有所不同。 除了“目标帧率”和“视觉质量”设置之外,“EDT”也非常值得启用,因为结果非常好。 问候 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The only AD GPO you need applied for Graphics is: Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Remote Session Environment > Use the hardware default graphics adapter for all Remote Desktop Services sessions = Enabled Without it, the XenApp server will not use the GPU. As for the Citrix Policies, these will vary depending on the kind of experience you wish to provide. Apart from the "Target Frame Rate" and "Visual Quality" settings, "EDT" is well worth enabling as well, as the results are very good. Regards |
Internet Explorer根本不使用任何图形加速,也无法使用它。 我建议你安装chrome,检查chrome:// gpu以查看加速是否有效,或者使用--ignore-gpu-blacklist开关强制它,看看它是做什么的。 另请参阅此Citrix KB: XenApp for Windows Server(2012 R2和2008 R2)上的Internet Explorer未加速GPU加速 https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX204161 办公室应该是办公室政策,应该可以正常运作。 还要检查您的Citrix策略,确保旧版图形已关闭,并且您的协议是Thinwire或Framehawk,具体取决于您的具体情况。 EDT非常值得,因为它授予您UDP流量而不是TCP流量。 性能方面你应该可以毫不费力地运行1080p youtube,谷歌Chrome不使用太多的CPU(10到30%的顶部)。 最后一个想法,我假设你已经安装了GRID许可证? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I'm not sure about server 2016, but 2012 and Citrix had me stumped for a while too. Internet Explorer does not use any graphics acceleration at all, and cannot use it. I would suggest you install chrome, check with chrome://gpu to see whether the acceleration works, or force it with the --ignore-gpu-blacklist switch and see what that does. Also see this Citrix KB: Internet Explorer is Not GPU-Accelerated on XenApp for Windows Server (2012 R2 and 2008 R2) https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX204161 Office should be an office policy and should work fine. Also check your citrix policies, make sure that legacy graphics is off and your protocol is either Thinwire or Framehawk, depending on your situation. EDT is well worth it, as it grants you UDP traffic instead of TCP. Performance wise you should be able to run 1080p youtube without a hitch, with Google Chrome not using too much cpu (10 to 30% tops). Just a last thought, i'm assuming you've installed your GRID licenses? |
线程启动器没有回复。 我很确定Ben的建议可以解决问题。 在Server 2016中,IE也在使用GPU加速。 同样适用于Office 2016。 问候 西蒙 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hey guys, there was no reply from the thread starter any more. I'm pretty sure that Ben's suggestion did the trick. In Server 2016 IE is also working with GPU acceleration. Same applies to Office 2016 for sure. regards Simon |
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