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我们的XenApp 7.15 LTSR环境和直通模式的NVIDIA M60显卡有一个奇怪的问题: 当通过RDP或ICA连接时,我们会在打开Windows资源管理器窗口时出现闪烁,大约持续1秒钟。 仅当GPU连接到VM并且正在使用NVIDIA驱动程序时才会发生这种情况。 未安装NVIDIA驱动程序时不会发生这种情况。 到目前为止,NVIDIA支持一直没用(也非常粗鲁),我想知道是否有人在这里遇到过同样的问题。 关于环境,我们运行: VMware ESX 5.5 Update 3 直通模式下的NVIDIA GRID M60(此ESX版本支持的唯一模式) Xenapp 7.15 LTSR安装在Windows 2012 R2 VDA上,安装了所有Windows补丁 适用于Windows版本385.90的NVIDIA GRID驱动程序 NVIDIA GRID虚拟工作站许可证 GPU在ESX上以图形模式配置 我们发布基于服务器的桌面 希望有人能提供帮助。 干杯 勒布 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello Everyone, we have a strange issue with our XenApp 7.15 LTSR environment and a NVIDIA M60 graphic card in passthrough mode:
The NVIDIA support has been useless so far (as well as very rude), I was wondering whether anyone has experienced the same issue here. Concerning the environment, we run:
Hope someone can help. Cheers Seb |
我想我知道你指的是什么。 实际上很难将症状表达给没有看过它的人。 我不得不拍摄一段视频,以便我能清楚地展示其他人。 当您打开一个新窗口(在您的案例资源管理器中)时,会有一瞬间看起来驱动程序已经崩溃(或沿着这些线路的某些东西)并且您得到的内容看起来像“图像撕裂”。 很奇怪,我不知道怎么形容它。 我直接从我拍了一段时间的视频中获取了几个屏幕抓取(附加),所以它们不是很清楚,但确实显示了问题。 如上所述,打开一个窗口(在我的情况下,Windows事件查看器,Powershell等),这持续一秒钟,并不总是可重复的。 你能否确认所附图像是你所看到的? 如果这是同一个问题,则从GRID 5.0开始。 GRID 4.x没有此症状。 已经向正在调查的NVIDIA报道过。 问候 本 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi I think I know what you're referring to. It's actually quite difficult to articulate the symptom to someone who hasn't seen it. I had to take a video of it so I could clearly show others. When you open a new window (in your case Explorer), there is a split second where it looks like the driver has crashed (or something along those lines) and you get what looks like "image tearing". Very strange and I don't know how else to describe it. I've taken a couple of screen grabs (which are attached) directly from the video I took a while back, so they're not very clear but do show the issue. As said, this lasts for a split second when opening a window (In my case, Windows Event Viewer, Powershell etc) and it's not always repeatable. Can you confirm the attached image is what you're seeing? If this is the same issue, it started with GRID 5.0. GRID 4.x does not have this symptom. It has already been reported to NVIDIA who are investigating. Regards Ben |
这是一个已知的问题,我们正在使用最高的prio来解决这个问题。 除了使用R367分支外,没有其他解决方法。 问候 西蒙 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi guys, this is a known issue and we are working with highest prio to get this fixed with an upcoming driver. There is atm no workaround other than using the R367 branch. Regards Simon |
您好我们在ESXi 6.5,Win2k16,XenApp 7.15上看到m10卡的类似问题。
有些应用程序在闪烁。 图形在几毫秒内撕裂。 你有驱动器发布的eta吗? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi we are seeing similar issues with m10 cards on ESXi 6.5 , Win2k16 , XenApp 7.15. Some applications are flickering. Graphics tearing in just miliseconds. Do you have an eta for the driver release? |
关于此主题的简短更新。 该问题将在即将发布的GRID5.2版本中修复。 在紧急情况下,请向ESP提交支持票以获得预发布驱动程序。 问候 西蒙 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi guys, short update on this topic. The issue will be fixed in the upcoming GRID5.2 release. In urgent cases please file a support ticket with ESP to get a pre-release driver. regards Simon |
我们提交了有关此问题的支持请求,但未获得您的支持。 我们怎样才能使问题升级? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Simon We submitted a support ticket regarding this issue but have not heard from your support. How can we escalate the issue? |
我们需要首先卸载384.73还是只安装367.123? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Ok we need to do a downgrade from 384.73 to 367.123. Do we need to uninstall the 384.73 first or simply just install 367.123? |
使用Vsphere 6.5在Compute模式下使用2个M60卡遇到VM问题
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是否有可能获得XenServer 7.1的GRID K2驱动程序?
3592 浏览 4 评论
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