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在我的应用中,我使用CY8CMBR31 16-LQXI有两个按钮,保护和盾使用,没有接近,没有滑块。TouchController和我的主机MCU通过I2C和中断线连接。因此,当识别按钮状态改变时,驱动中断线并由主机控制器读出按钮状态。主机控制器每隔两秒钟重置触摸控制器,由于环境变化(外部应用程序),自动调谐被激活。如果发生触摸活动,则跳过60秒的周期性两秒重置。我有一些毫米覆盖和一个小气隙。不是最好的条件,而是原则上的工作。 触摸功能的注意行为如下: 在第一次成功识别两个触摸按钮中的一个之后,所有后续的触摸活动都被识别好,大约几分钟后没有交互,一个人必须长时间(大约1-3秒)来实现第一次触摸识别。 (1) 因此,似乎触摸控制器是一种“睡眠模式”。由于我们的应用有自己的供电单元,所以不需要睡眠模式。 根据CY8CMBR3XXX设计指南7.1中描述的操作模式,我们已经配置了10秒的StuteMeMeT。当控制器每两秒钟复位一次,它就不会达到深度睡眠。 (2) 从设计工具箱Excel表,“Cp,功耗计算器”部分,我了解到,停用IIR滤波器和中值滤波器,减少抖动,以及低扫描周期减少“响应时间第一次按键触摸”。我的方向是正确的吗? 然而,我的配置是: IIR=中位数=EnabdieDeBung=3SCAN时段=50计数/0.1 PF 将这些值更改为IIR=中值=禁用和DeBung=1不解决我的问题。 我应该更改哪些参数以减少第一次按键触摸的响应时间? 当我提供EZ点击CAPSENSE输出数据时有帮助吗?你需要哪些数据? 最好的问候 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello, in my application I use CY8CMBR3116-LQXI with two buttons, guard and shield usage, no proximity, no slider. TouchController and my Host MCU are connected via i2c and interrupt line. So when button status change is recognized, interrupt line is driven and button status is read out by my host controller. Host controller resets touchController every two seconds and autotuning is activated, due to environmental changes (outside application). If touch activity occurs, periodic two-seconds-reset is skipped for 60 seconds. I have some a few mm overlay and a small air gap. Not best conditions, but working in principle. Noticed behaviour of touch functionality is as follows:
(1) So it seems as if touchController is in kind of "sleep mode". Since our application has own power supply unit, sleep mode is not needed. According to Operating Modes described in CY8CMBR3xxx Design Guide Section 7.1, we have stateTimeout configured to 10 seconds. As controller is reset every two seconds, it should never reach DeepSleep. (2) From design_toolbox excel sheet, section "Cp, Power Consumption Calculator" I learned, deactivating IIR Filter and Median Filter and reducing Debounce as well as low scan period decreases "Response time for first button touch". Is it right direction I am heading for? However, my config is:
Changing these values to IIR=Median=disabled and debounce=1 do not solve my issue. Which parameters should I change to decrease response time for first button touch? Is it helpful when I provide data from ez-click CapSense output? Which data do you need? Best regards |
1)是的,你是对的。这可能是因为MBR3处于睡眠模式。 您可以将Eclipse的CasSoch传感器配置选项卡中的扫描周期设置为20毫秒(这是扫描触摸模式下的扫描速率)。 您可以进一步增加状态超时,以延长活动状态。 除非发出睡眠命令,否则控制器不会进入深度睡眠模式。您可以参考前面提到的第7.1节。 2)是的,将反跳变为1,禁用IIR和中值滤波器应该有所帮助。 请尝试上述并更新响应时间行为。 谢谢,Shanmathi 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, 1) Yes, you are right. This may be because MBR3 is in sleep mode. You could set the Scan period in CapSense sensor configuration tab of Ez-Click to 20 ms. (This is the scan rate in look for touch touch mode) You could increase the state timeout further, to prolong the active state. The controller will not go to deep sleep mode, unless a sleep command is issued. You could refer to section 7.1 you have mentioned earlier. 2) Yes, changing debounce to 1 and disabling IIR and median filters should help. Please try the above and update the response time behaviour. Thanks, Shanmathi |
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