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知道其他人是否经历过类似的结果以及他们的想法是很有趣的... 随着关于VMware的所有“嗡嗡声”终于赶上Citrix并支持vGPU,我想看到2个最新的Hypervisor之间的性能差异,因为我听说ESXi 6 3D体验优于XenServer 6.5 SP1。 VMware被广泛认为是行业领先的Hypervisor,但是对于所有额外的功能和(所谓的)性能,您需要付出相当大的代价,因此我总是使用XenServer,它完全按照要求执行并执行了 奇妙地以一个价格点取悦所有会计师。 然而,调查其他解决方案总是好的,所以考虑到这一点,我破坏了我非常好的XenServer 6.5 SP1 3D演示平台并使用ESXi 6重建它。构建与XenServer完全相同,唯一的变化是 威廉希尔官方网站 堆栈是Hypervisor,因此在重建平台,vCenter,Gold图像等所有工作之后,想象一下当XenServer在我运行的每个3D演示中执行ESXi时我会感到惊讶。 无论3D桌面是Windows 7,8.1还是10,在XenServer上运行它都会显示出比ESXi更高的基准。 我知道这些只是通用的3D应用程序,你不应该将整个平台的性能建立在一些不相关的分数上,而且必须根据实际运行的特定应用程序进行设置,但它们似乎很奇怪 所有(到目前为止)都支持XenServer。 由于与ESXi相关的成本太高,我认为它应该比其竞争对手更好。 我正在使用GPU Passthrough / vDGA运行桌面。 在这一点上,我应该说一下威廉希尔官方网站 堆栈,以防万一我在看东西,所以它如下: 机箱:Dell R720(最新固件,驱动程序,BIOS等) CPU:2x 2.6Ghz 8 Core 内存:256GB 存储:2x 15k SAS RAID 1(管理程序) 存储:5x 15k SAS RAID 5(黄金映像,虚拟设备) 存储:Atlantis ILIO无盘VDI(从RAID 5 - 2vCPU / 128GB RAM运行) GPU:NVIDIA GRID K2 网络:1Gb到桌面(整个硬连线,此测试没有WiFi) 软件:XenDesktop 7.6 FP2 Platinum(MCS到ILIO) 桌面策略:仅基本安全性,无其他策略。 我有一个单独的服务器,其上有我的所有其他服务(AD,Controller,vCenter等),但这还没有重建并在XenServer上运行。 性能在视觉上并没有太大差异,但在查看(例如)Unigine Valley / Heaven,Redway Turbine等基准测试时,结果总是有利于XenServer提供的台式机,说实话,我真的没想到 情况就是这样。 还有其他人经历过这个吗? 或者我在ESXi中遗漏了哪些内容会释放我应该启用或禁用的其余性能? 关于这两项威廉希尔官方网站 的任何想法,评论或经验都受到欢迎......这不是VMware抨击线程(远非如此),我只是没有看到有人对这两者之间的3D性能进行直接比较。 问候 本 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi It would be interesting to know if others have experienced similar results like the following and what their thoughts are... With all the "buzz" about VMware finally catching up with Citrix and supporting vGPU, I wanted to see the performance differences between the 2 latest Hypervisors as I had heard that the ESXi 6 3D experience was better than XenServer 6.5 SP1. VMware is widely recognized as the industry leading Hypervisor, but for all the extra features and (alleged) performance, you pay a substantial premium over the others, so I've always used XenServer which has done exactly what has been requested of it and performed fantastically at a price point to please all the accountants. However, it's always good to investigate other solutions, so with this in mind, I trashed my perfectly good XenServer 6.5 SP1 3D demo platform and rebuilt it with ESXi 6. The build is exactly the same as it was on XenServer, the only change in the technology stack is the Hypervisor, so after all the work of rebuilding the platform, vCenter, Gold images etc etc, imagine my surprise when XenServer out performs ESXi on every 3D demo I run. Whether the 3D desktop is Windows 7, 8.1 or 10, running it on XenServer shows higher benchmarks than ESXi. I know that these are just generic 3D apps and that you shouldn't base the entire platforms performance on some irrelevant scores and that settings have to be tailored to the specific apps that are actually going to be run, but it just seems strange that they all (so far) favour XenServer. As there is so much more cost associated with ESXi, I would have thought it should perform better than its rival. I'm running the desktops with GPU Passthrough / vDGA. At this point, I should say a little about the technology stack in-case I'm over looking something, so it's as follows: Chassis: Dell R720 (latest firmware, Drivers, BIOS etc) CPU: 2x 2.6Ghz 8 Core Memory: 256GB Storage: 2x 15k SAS RAID 1 (Hypervisor) Storage: 5x 15k SAS RAID 5 (Gold Images, Virtual Appliances) Storage: Atlantis ILIO Diskless VDI (Runs from the RAID 5 - 2vCPU / 128GB RAM) GPU: NVIDIA GRID K2 Network: 1Gb to desk (hard wired throughout, no WiFi for this test) Software: XenDesktop 7.6 FP2 Platinum (MCS to ILIO) Desktop Policies: Only base security, no other policies. I have a separate server that has all my other services on it (AD, Controller, vCenter etc etc) but this has not been rebuilt and runs on XenServer. The performance isn't hugely different visually, but when looking at the benchmarks on (for example) Unigine Valley / Heaven, Redway Turbine etc, the results always favour the desktops delivered by XenServer, and to be honest, I really didn't think this would be the case. Has anyone else experienced this? Or is there something I've missed in ESXi that's going to unleash the rest of the performance that I should have enabled or disabled? Any thoughts, comments or experiences about the 2 technologies welcomed... and this isn't a VMware bashing thread (far from it), I just haven't seen anyone do a direct comparison of 3D performance between the pair. Regards Ben |
我没有与VMware比较的基础,因为我们多年没有这样的安装,让任何配备GRID威廉希尔官方网站 ,但在我们的配置中看到了XenServer + XenApp + XenDesktop的非常好的性能。 最新一代的Tesla M6和M60将进一步推动这款信封。 由于成本原因,我们在很大程度上在Citrix平台上运行。 他们也是第一个支持GRID GPU的人,也是第一个支持vGPU威廉希尔官方网站 的人,我希望他们在这些产品不断发展的过程中保持这一优势。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Ben, I have no basis of comparison with VMware as we have no such installations for years, let along any equipped with GRID technology, but have seen very good performance from XenServer + XenApp + XenDesktop in our configurations. The latest generation of Tesla M6 and M60 will push the nevelope even further. We run on the Citrix platforms to a large degree because of costs. They were also the first to support the GRID GPUs and the first to support vGPU technology, and I hope they retain this edge as these products continue to evolve. |
谢谢回复。 我完全同意你的看法。 完整的“Citrix Stack”在GRID卡上运行得非常好,而且这是我以前一直运行的,效果很好。 我正在考虑ESXi 6的唯一原因(除了对上面提到的任何性能差异感到好奇之外)是因为我们所涉及的即将到来的项目的硬件兼容性/支持没有在HCL上列出XenServer 6.5 我们也有一些客户只运行VMware,对混合基础架构不感兴趣。 关于性能差异,我有点困惑。 它与使用相同的NVIDIA(Windows)驱动程序的硬件相同,如果结果优于其中一个,那么我的资金将用在ESXi上,因为它更加优化而使XenServer更加优势。 我一定错过了某个地方,或者Citrix真的做了一件令人目眩的工作! 我会一直看着...... 我也期待着开始使用新的2.0硬件,现在我们可以使用刀片进行3D工作负载,从而开辟了许多不同的设计! 非常兴奋:-) 问候 本 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Tobias Thanks for the reply. I'm in complete agreement with you. A complete "Citrix Stack" performs extremely well with the GRID cards, and it's what I've always run previously with great results. The only reasons I'm looking at ESXi 6 (apart from just being curious about any performance differences as mentioned above) is because of hardware compatibility / support for an upcoming project we're involved with that doesn't list XenServer 6.5 on the HCL, also we have some clients that only run VMware and wouldn't be interested in a Hybrid infrastructure. Regarding the performance differences, I'm a little puzzled. It's the same hardware with the same NVIDIA (Windows) drivers, and if the results were to favour one over the other, my money would have been on ESXi to edge out XenServer due to it being more optimised. I must have missed something somewhere, or maybe Citrix really have done a blinding job! I'll keep looking at it... I'm also looking forward to getting my hands on the new 2.0 hardware, that's really going to open up a lot of different designs now that we can use blades for 3D workloads! Very excited about that :-) Regards Ben |
我认为有充分的理由质疑这一点,因此,Citrix在最新版本中投入了大量精力来解决已知问题,主要是存储和网络I / O瓶颈。 已经取得了很好的进展,但我认为由于固有的虚拟机管理程序设计,VMware仍然会因为整体设计而在一些I / O比较中胜出。 如果在实际应用中确实有很大差异,那么很难说。 真正重要的是,差异是10%,25%,50%,......? 用户在什么时候甚至注意到差异? Framehawk是否很重要,因为远程,用户连接不太好(带宽有限,数据包丢失等),或者它们都在本地实验室中? NetScaler可以弥补一些差异吗? 客户端配置和硬件有多少限制(有时,人们会考虑最后一件事)? 需要提出很多问题,最重要的是,成本有多大差异? 如果它是一家财富500强公司,或许与那些努力赚取每一块钱的大学相比并不是那么多(相信我,我完全了解后一种情况!)。 妥协需要在很多时候进行。 如果你有尝试两个平台的奢侈品,我认为这很好,我们其他人看到事情如何相互对立将是美妙的。 另一个重要因素是一致性; 如果出现问题,你转向谁,支持有多好? 与试图从这里和那里获得“最佳”作品并提出一个超级配置相比,使用一个统一的环境是值得的,但是当出现问题时,这可能导致大量的指责和责备吗? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Ben: I think there have been good reasons to question this and hence, Citrix has put a lot of effort into the latest releases to address what were known issues, primarily storage and network I/O bottlenecks. Good progress has been made but I think because of the inherent hypervisor design, that VMware will still win out in some of the I/O comparisons just because of the overall design. If that really makes that much of a difference when it comes down to practical applications, is hard to say. What is important enough of a difference, really, is it 10%, 25%, 50%,...? At what point does the user even notice the difference? Is Framehawk important because of remote, not so well-connected users (limited bandwidth, packet losses, etc.) or are they all in a local lab? Can NetScaler make up some of the differences? How many of the limitations lie with the client configurations and hardware (sometimes, the last thing people consider)? There are a lot of questions that need to be asked and above all, how much of a difference does cost play? If it's a Fortune 500 company, maybe not so much compared to a university struggling to make every dollar count (believe me, I know the latter situation all-too well!). Compromises will need to be made much of the time. If you have the luxury of trying out both platforms, I think that's great and it would be wonderful for the rest of us to see how things tack up against each other. The other important factor is uniformity; if something goes wrong , whom do you turn to and how good is the support? Is using a uniform environment worth it compared to trying to get the "best" pieces from here and there and coming up with a super configuration, but one that is likely to lead to a lot of finger pointing and blame when things go wrong? |
我们今天有一个很大的VMWare环境,但也在运行Hyper-V。 我们在Hyper-V上拥有持久性XenDesktop,在VMWare上拥有非持久性。 这个新版本将托管在VMWare vSphere 6(或XenServer 7?)上。 我很想知道,有人用最新版本的VMWare和XenServer对vGPU进行了直接测试。 我很想知道XenServer是否仍然优于使用vGPU的VMWare。 有人可以评论吗? 谢谢。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 We're currently working on a vGPU build based on K1 (I know it's going EOS in Q4, but I like the price). We have a big VMWare environment today, but are also running Hyper-V. We have persistent XenDesktops on Hyper-V and non-persistent on VMWare. This new build will be hosted on VMWare vSphere 6 (or XenServer 7?). I'm interested to hear, wether anyone has tested vGPU head-to-head with the latest versions of VMWare and XenServer. I'm eager to know whether XenServer still outperforms VMWare, using vGPU. Anyone that can comment on that? THanks. |
简而言之......我们不了解性能差异,但功能各不相同,例如: GUI配置,只有XenServer提供动态内存/过度配置,目前支持vGPU的VM等... 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 We were asked about XenServer vs VMware on a recent webinar and you can read the reviewed answer here: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4151/kw/xenserver%20faqs%20vgpu In short... we aren't aware of a performance differentiator but features vary e.g. GUI provision and only XenServer offers dynamic memory/overprovisioning with vGPU enabled VMs at the moment etc... |
使用Vsphere 6.5在Compute模式下使用2个M60卡遇到VM问题
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是否有可能获得XenServer 7.1的GRID K2驱动程序?
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