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一个是我用于我的两个帐户的OutlookXP认为他们需要阻止MDB文件,即使它被扫描了两次病毒。 一旦你把它连接到GMail屏幕,一旦它到了我的ISP。 你怎么说改变三个字符的姓氏,说“.mdk”,并建议我们在使用前改回它? (引用我的)另一个是你在Gmail上使用它在OutlookXP上无法正常显示的糟糕的HTML,你最好切换回使用默认的plaiotext的标准视图.-- Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8@gmail.com“这个 签名曾被发现在莫斯科地铁中用英语发布粗鲁的消息。“在2006年4月16日,Shawn Fessenden写道:>从你的VEE程序目录中删除ADOExample.mdb。 旧的和>新的不兼容。>>无论如何,所有这些仅适用于创建数据库。 现在它将>包含Null值,使用它是一个更大的问题。 Anywhere> VEE将访问一个字段,你必须首先测试Null或者VEE将停止。>> VEE 7.5有isVariantEmpty和isVariantNull函数来测试>这些条件,但是不清楚VEE将在后面做什么 当为其值访问空或空字段时的>场景。 最好是去VEE 5路线并使用脚本控制。> -SHAWN - >> --->您目前订阅vrf为:gregg.drwho8@gmail.com要>订阅,请发送电子邮件至: “vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含“subscribe”字样。>要取消订阅,请发送空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。>发送邮件 在这个邮件列表中,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。>如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至>“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。>搜索“非官方的vrf” 存档“at”www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/".>>---要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,并在邮件正文中添加“subscribe”字样。 取消订阅会发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。要向此邮件列表发送邮件,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“非官方vrf档案”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello! I see one big problem, no two big problems. One is that OutlookXP which I use for two of my accounts believe they need to block the MDB file, even though it was scanned for viruses twice. Once when you attached it to the GMail screen, and once when it came to my ISP. What say you change the three character last name to say, ".mdk", and advise us to change it back before using? (Quotes mine) The other is the awful HTML that your using from Gmail it does not display properly on OutlookXP, your better off switching back to standard view who uses plaiotext default. -- Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8@gmail.com "This signature was once found posting rude messages in English in the Moscow subway." On 4/16/06, Shawn Fessenden wrote: > Delete ADOExample.mdb from your VEE Programs directory. The old and > new are not compatible. > > Anyway, all this applies only to creating the database. Now that it is > going to contain Null values, using it is a bigger problem. Anywhere > VEE is going to access a field, you have to test for Null first or VEE is going to stop. > > VEE 7.5 has the isVariantEmpty and isVariantNull functions to test for > these conditions, but it's not clear what VEE will do behind the > scenes when a Null or Empty Field is accessed for it's Value. It's > probably better to go the VEE 5 route and use a script control. > -SHAWN- > > --- > You are currently subscribed to vrf as: gregg.drwho8@gmail.com To > subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. > To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". > To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". > If you need help with the mailing list send a message to > "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". > Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". > > --- To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“unofficial vrf archive”。
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
亲爱的Shawn,发送给你的例子继续存在同样的问题,可以检查一下我们需要修改什么,或者你可以修改程序并发送给我们。我们正在使用Operation System Xp(sp2)和Vee 7.5感谢,Assemir
/ SidneyOn 4/16/06,Shawn Fessenden |shawnfess@comcast.net>写道:>你能发送另一个例子或检查>我们的例子并发送一些线索。是的,我看到我忘了允许空值。 很容易修复。谢谢指出这一点。-SHAWN ----您目前订阅了vrf:r***@soco.agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com” 在邮件正文中单词subscribe。要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。要向此邮件列表发送邮件,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“非官方vrf档案”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Shawn, The example sent for you continue with the same problem, could check what the modification is necessary to make us or could you modify the program and send to us. We are using Operation System Xp (sp2) and Vee 7.5 Thanks, Assemir/Sidney On 4/16/06, Shawn Fessenden |shawnfess@comcast.net> wrote:> Could you sending an other example or check > our example and sending some clue. Ah yes, I see I forgot to allow Null values. Easily fixed. Thanks for pointing this out. -SHAWN- ---You are currently subscribed to vrf as: [email=r***@soco.agilent.comTo]r***@soco.agilent.comTo[/email] subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body.To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to"owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
亲爱的Shawn,发送给你的例子继续存在同样的问题,可以检查一下我们需要修改什么,或者你可以修改程序并发送给我们。我们正在使用Operation System Xp(sp2)和Vee 7.5感谢,Assemir
/ SidneyOn 4/16/06,Shawn Fessenden |shawnfess@comcast.net>写道:>你能发送另一个例子或检查>我们的例子并发送一些线索。是的,我看到我忘了允许空值。 很容易修复。谢谢指出这一点。-SHAWN ----您目前订阅了vrf:r***@soco.agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com” 在邮件正文中单词subscribe。要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。要向此邮件列表发送邮件,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“非官方vrf档案”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Dear Shawn, The example sent for you continue with the same problem, could check what the modification is necessary to make us or could you modify the program and send to us. We are using Operation System Xp (sp2) and Vee 7.5 Thanks, Assemir/Sidney On 4/16/06, Shawn Fessenden |shawnfess@comcast.net> wrote:> Could you sending an other example or check > our example and sending some clue. Ah yes, I see I forgot to allow Null values. Easily fixed. Thanks for pointing this out. -SHAWN- ---You are currently subscribed to vrf as: [email=r***@soco.agilent.comTo]r***@soco.agilent.comTo[/email] subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body.To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to"owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com".Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
一个是我用于我的两个帐户的OutlookXP认为他们需要阻止MDB文件,即使它被扫描了两次病毒。 一旦你将它连接到GMail屏幕,一旦它到达我的ISP。 你怎么改变三个字符的姓氏来说“.mdk”,并且在使用之前请我们改回来? (引用我的)另一个是你在Gmail上使用它在OutlookXP上无法正常显示的糟糕的HTML,你最好切换回使用plaiotext默认的tostandard视图.-- Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8@gmail.com“这个签名是 曾经发现在莫斯科地铁上用英语发布粗鲁的消息。“2006年4月16日,Shawn Fessenden写道:>从你的VEE程序目录中删除ADOExample.mdb。 旧的和新的>不兼容。>>无论如何,所有这些仅适用于创建数据库。 现在它将>包含Null值,使用它是一个更大的问题。 在任何地方VEE要访问一个字段,你必须首先测试Null或者VEE将停止。>> VEE 7.5有isVariantEmpty和isVariantNull函数来测试这些>条件,但是不清楚VEE将在后面做什么 当为其值访问> Null或Empty Field时的场景。 最好去> VEE 5路线并使用脚本控件。> -SHAWN - >> --->您目前订阅了vrf:gregg.drwho8@gmail.com>要订阅,请发送电子邮件至: “vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com”,邮件正文中包含“subscribe”字样。>要取消订阅,请发送空白电子邮件至“leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。>发送邮件 在这个邮件列表中,请发送电子邮件至“vrf@agilent.com”。>如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至>“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。>搜索“非官方的vrf” 存档“at”www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/".>>---您目前订阅了vrf:r***@soco.agilent.com要订阅,请发送电子邮件至:“vrf-request@lists.it。 agilent.com“在邮件正文中单词subscribe。要取消订阅,请发送一封空白电子邮件至”leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com“。要向此邮件列表发送邮件,请发送电子邮件至”vrf @ agilent。 COM”。 如果您需要有关邮件列表的帮助,请发送邮件至“owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com”。在“www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/”上搜索“非官方vrf档案”。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello! I see one big problem, no two big problems. One is that OutlookXP which I use for two of my accounts believe they need to block the MDB file, even though it was scanned for viruses twice. Once when you attached it to the GMail screen, and once when it came to my ISP. What say you change the three character last name to say, ".mdk", and advise us to change it back before using? (Quotes mine) The other is the awful HTML that your using from Gmail it does not display properly on OutlookXP, your better off switching back to standard view who uses plaiotext default. -- Gregg C Levine gregg.drwho8@gmail.com "This signature was once found posting rude messages in English in the Moscow subway." On 4/16/06, Shawn Fessenden wrote: > Delete ADOExample.mdb from your VEE Programs directory. The old and new are > not compatible. > > Anyway, all this applies only to creating the database. Now that it is going > to contain Null values, using it is a bigger problem. Anywhere VEE is going > to access a field, you have to test for Null first or VEE is going to stop. > > VEE 7.5 has the isVariantEmpty and isVariantNull functions to test for these > conditions, but it's not clear what VEE will do behind the scenes when a > Null or Empty Field is accessed for it's Value. It's probably better to go > the VEE 5 route and use a script control. > -SHAWN- > > --- > You are currently subscribed to vrf as: gregg.drwho8@gmail.com > To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. > To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". > To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". > If you need help with the mailing list send a message to > "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". > Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". > > --- You are currently subscribed to vrf as: [email=r***@soco.agilent.com]r***@soco.agilent.com[/email] To subscribe please send an email to: "vrf-request@lists.it.agilent.com" with the word subscribe in the message body. To unsubscribe send a blank email to "leave-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". To send messages to this mailing list, email "vrf@agilent.com". If you need help with the mailing list send a message to "owner-vrf@it.lists.it.agilent.com". Search the "unofficial vrf archive" at "www.oswegosw.com/vrf_archive/". |
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