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我们想知道为什么我们的LED(红色,绿色和蓝色)不断闪烁时,使深度睡眠? 在我们的项目中,我们目前有3个PWM的每一个驱动的RGB LED和蓝牙。该设备不断地被祝福中断(由于不断的广告)唤醒并返回深度睡眠。 我们已经观察到,使用CythySypMyDeSLeSepe()API调用使得LED停止闪烁,因此我们认为深度睡眠是问题所在。 我们已经尝试在深度睡眠之前禁用PWM,并在唤醒时重新启用它们,但是闪烁持续。我们还尝试了不同的驱动模式的LED(强大的驱动器,电阻拉,开漏)没有成功。 这是否是PWM的时钟源的问题?哪些时钟源可以驱动PWM(CKKYHFX似乎不起作用)?当进入深度睡眠时,时钟会发生什么变化? 最好的, 史蒂夫 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi there, We are wondering why our LED's (red, green, and blue) constantly blink when enabling deep sleep? In our project we currently we have 3 PWM's each driving an RGB LED and Bluetooth. The device constantly wakes up by the Bless interrupt (because of constant advertisement) and returns to deep sleep. We have observed that taking out the Cy_SysPm_DeepSleep() API call makes the LED's stop blinking, so we think Deep Sleep is the issue. We have tried disabling the PWM's before going to deep sleep and reenabling them on wake up, but the blinking persists. We have also attempted different drive modes for the LED's (Strong drive, Resistive Pull up, Open drain) with no success. Could it be an issue with the clock source for the PWM's? Which clock sources can drive the PWM's (CLK_HFx doesn't seem to work)? What happens to the clocks when entering deep sleep? Best, Steve |
在深度睡眠之前和之后,您需要改变GPIO(0或GPIO)的HSIOM设置(也就是驱动模式或数据值,如果默认值开启LED)。由于PWM是一个有源源,所以它不能在深度睡眠中使用。因此,在深度睡眠中,来自该块的IO驱动器将被禁用(它可以打开LED,如果其低电平)。为此,您可以使用“CygGPIOSSETSIOM”API。 你能试试这个,让我知道如果问题仍然存在吗? 当做, Meenakshi Sundaram R 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Steve, You will need to change the HSIOM setting of the GPIO (to 0 or GPIO) before and after deep sleep (also drive mode or data value, in case the default value turns on the LED). Since PWM is an active source, it is not available in deep sleep. As a result, in deep sleep, the IO drive from the block will be disabled (which can turn ON the LED, if its active low). You can use the "Cy_GPIO_SetHSIOM" API for this. Can you try this and let me know if the issue persists? Regards, Meenakshi Sundaram R |
斯图尔特233 发表于 2018-9-7 16:52 Msur 这个固定闪烁的LED,谢谢!我们必须得到最初的HSIOM设置,并在深度睡眠之前将GPIO引脚设置为0,并在深度睡眠后回到原来的设置。 最好的, 史蒂夫 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Msur, This fixed the blinking LED's, thank you! We had to get the initial HSIOM setting, and set the GPIO pins to 0 before deep sleep and back to its original setting after deep sleep. Best, Steve |
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