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传感器以RAW10格式在MIPI接口上输出流通量。IE数据行有一个0x2B的包头。我们将CX3设置为RAW10输入和16位输出。但是在这种配置中,每个16位有10位数据和6个零位。这在数据速率方面不是很有趣。 现在,如果我们将MIPI配置为RGB88输入格式和24位输出格式,数据速率将远远优越。问题是传感器输出RAW10格式,因此CX3解码器没有24H数据包帧头:在这种情况下CX3解码器的行为是什么? 谢谢您。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 We would like to know behavior of cx3 when following configuration is set. The sensor outputs a stream flux over mipi interface in a raw10 format. ie data lines have a packet header of 0x2B. We set the cx3 to raw10 input and the 16 bits output. But in this configuration, each 16 bits there are 10 bits of data and 6 zeros bits. This is not very interesting in terms of data rate. Now, if we configure the mipi to a RGB888 input format and 24 bits ouput format, the data rate would be far superior. Problem is sensor outputs a raw10 format and so there are no 24h packet frame headers as expected by CX3 decoder : what is the behavior of cx3 decoder in this case ? Thank you. |
以24位输出格式包装RAW 10数据如下:
MIPI CSII接收标准的RAW 10格式的数据,如图所示。(源:MIPI相机系列接口2(CSII—2)的联盟规范) 输入串行RAW 10数据将被转换为并行24位数据如下,这将被GPIF II采样。即,对于每一个时钟周期,GPIF II接收24位数据。在这种情况下没有额外的填充位。 -第一个时钟周期-P1[9:2],P2[9:2],P3[9:2] -第二个时钟周期-P4[9:2],P1[1:0],P2[1:0],P3[1:0],P4[1:0],P5[9:2] -第三个时钟周期-等等。 注意,当选择24位作为输出数据格式时,GPIF II将被配置为24位数据总线格式。并且帧的行大小应该是24位的倍数。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The packing of RAW 10 data in the 24-bit output format is done as the follows:
b. The input serial RAW 10 data will be converted to parallel 24-bit data as follows and this will be sampled by the GPIF II. i.e. For every clock cycle, GPIF II receives 24-bit data. There is no additional padded bits in this case. - First clock cycle - P1[9:2], P2[9:2], P3[9:2] - Second clock cycle - P4[9:2], P1[1:0], P2[1:0], P3[1:0], P4[1:0], P5[9:2] - Third clock cycle – and so on. Note that the GPIF II will be configured in 24-bit data bus format when selecting 24-bit as output data format. And the line size of the frame should be multiple of 24 bits. |
yahan52 发表于 2018-9-7 12:14 这是传感器的输出。 好的,但是当这个RAW10数据被发送并且CX3中MIPI的配置是RGB24时,CX3解码器的行为是什么?我们之所以这样问是因为当选择RAW10时,CX3用6个零发送USB 16位。这大幅减少带宽。 最好的问候, 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 This is the output of sensor. Ok but what is behavior of cx3 decoder when this RAW10 data are sent and configuration of mipi in CX3 is RGB24 ? we are asking this because when RAW10 is selected, CX3 sends 16 bits on USB with 6 zeroes. This reduces drastically the bandwith. Best Regards, |
shaoye88 发表于 2018-9-7 12:29 再次感谢你的回答。 事实上,我们需要在B点,更多的解释 这是我们会有好的行为! 关键是文档说明当RAW10被选择为输入时,输出是16位,具有6个零。 所以问题是:在您的答案中,GPIF2/CX3行为的CX3配置参数是什么? 我们当然会在这些条件下,使用24位线尺寸约束。 最好的问候, 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Thank you again for this answer. In fact, we need more explaination on point b. This is the behavior we would have in fine ! The point is the documentation tells that when RAW10 is selected as input then output is 16 bits with 6 zeroes. So the question is : what are the CX3 configuraton parameters for a gpif2/cx3 behavior as you indicate in your answer. we will of course use the 24 bits line size constraint in these condition. Best Regards, |
例如,您可以设置配置如下: 1。图像传感器配置: 2。CX3 MIPI接收机配置 三。cyu3mipicsi C提供的配置细节。 即 xyz_sensor_raw10_resolution0:* / / * cyu3pmipicsicfg_t xyz_sensor_raw10_resolution0 = { cy_u3p_csi_df_rgb888,/ * * / cyu3pmipicsidataformat_t数据格式 2,/*UIT88T NUDATALLANE** 2,/*UIT88T PLLPRD */ 89,/uUn1616t PLLFBD*/ cy_u3p_csi_pll_frs_250_500m,cyu3pmipicsipllclkfrs_t pllfrs / * * / cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_4,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t csirxclkdiv / * * / cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_4,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t parclkdiv / * * / 0,/*UIT1616T MCLKCTL*/ cy_u3p_csi_pll_clk_div_2,cyu3pmipicsipllclkdiv_t mclkrefdiv / * * / 1920年,uint16_t hresolution / * * / 250 /*UTIN 160T FIFOSTRIP** }; 回答你的问题: 1。模板工程经过上述MIPI配置结构cyu3pmipicsisetintfparams(&;xyz_sensor_raw10_resolution0,CyFalse);API 24位输出的格式配置MIPI。 2。同样,24位gpif_bus_width将通过cyu3pmipicsigpifload API来配置GPIF II 24位数据总线 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 For example, you can set the configuration as follows: 1. Image Sensor Configuration: 2. CX3 MIPI Receiver Configuration 3. Cyu3mipicsi.c provide the configuration details i.e /* XYZ_Sensor_RAW10_Resolution0 : */ CyU3PMipicsiCfg_t XYZ_Sensor_RAW10_Resolution0 = { CY_U3P_CSI_DF_RGB888, /* CyU3PMipicsiDataFormat_t dataFormat */ 2, /* uint8_t numDataLanes */ 2, /* uint8_t pllPrd */ 89, /* uint16_t pllFbd */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_FRS_250_500M, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkFrs_t pllFrs */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_4, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t csiRxClkDiv */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_4, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t parClkDiv */ 0, /* uint16_t mClkCtl */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_2, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t mClkRefDiv */ 1920, /* uint16_t hResolution */ 250 /* uint16_t fifoDelay */ }; Answer to your question: 1. The template project passes the above MIPI Configuration structure to CyU3PMipicsiSetIntfParams (&XYZ_Sensor_RAW10_Resolution0, CyFalse); API to configure the MIPI in 24-bit output format. 2. Similarly, 24-bit GPIF_BUS_WIDTH will be passed to CyU3PMipicsiGpifLoad API to configure the GPIF II to 24-bit data bus |
你好, 谢谢你的文件和截图。 如果这样做的话,我们就没事了。 事实上,这导致了第一个问题:你定义的输入格式,这种格式,cy_u3p_csi_df_rgb888,MIPI应该期望0x24报头帧。 但是在这里,传感器将发送0x2b作为包头帧。 如果CX3作品与你的行为,这意味着与CX3有“范围”的数据包报头帧值(例如所有0x2x值)被认为是“真实”的传感器数据。 有可能对此进行确认吗? 再次谢谢你, 最好的问候, 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Thank you for the files and screenshots. if this is working this way we are ok. in fact, this leads to the first question : you define the input format as CY_U3P_CSI_DF_RGB888, and for this format, the MIPI is supposed to expect 0x24 packet header frames. But here, sensor will send 0x2B as packet headers frames. If the cx3 works with your behavior, this means with cx3 there is a "range" of packet header frames values (for example all 0x2X values) considered as the "real" sensor data. Would it be possible to have a confirmation for this ? Thank you again, Best Regards, |
SRDR, 我们已经修改了工作条件,以获得一个300兆赫的CSI阻塞频率,因此每MLX的4 Mbps=2400 Mbps,在传感器的最大值下传送。对于消隐参数,比特帧大小大约为90 K比特/帧,用于4K帧RAW10数据格式。 我们想了解为什么CX3配置工具不能超过10个FPS。 与正常可达2400 Mbs/s相比,仅为900兆比特/秒。 如果可能的话,配置工具参数需要改变什么数据速率? 谢谢你的帮助,最好的问候。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 srdr, we have modified the working conditions to get a csi-clok frequency of 300 Mhz, thus 600 Mbps per lane X 4 = 2400 MBps in fine delivered at max by sensor. With blanking parameters, the bit frame size is roughly 90 Mbits/frame for a 4K frame, RAW10 data format. We would like to understand why the CX3 configuration tool is not able to go above 10 fps. That is only 900 Mbits/s compared to the normally reachable 2400 Mbits/s. What has to be changed in configuration tool parameters to work at this data rate if possible ? Thank you for your help, Best regards. |
shaoye88 发表于 2018-9-7 13:22 你好,勒布伦, CX3上的MIPI桥不期望任何报头格式。它只是将输入的串行数据转换成并行格式并发送到GPIF块。 修正你的评论:我已经把RGB88作为输出数据格式而不是输入数据格式。 1。你能解释一下包头是什么意思吗?让我们知道你在应用中使用的是什么传感器。 我附上了一个示例项目,其配置如下: CSI时钟=300兆赫 HAcAc能能能行= 3840 HLBLASE=220(假设从传感器提供者获取这些细节) VyAc激活=1260 VyBLASE=30(假设从传感器提供者获取这些细节) 帧速率=20 输入数据= RAW 10 输出数据=RGB88(输入RAW 10将被打包成24位并发送到GPIF) 上述设置的MIPI配置如下: /*XYZY-LEB10RAW10A分辨率0:*/ CYU3PMIPICSICFGYT XYZY-LEB10RAW10A解决方案0= { CyuU3PycsiaDFYRGB88,/*CYU3PMIPICSIDATA格式数据DATA格式*/ 4,/*UIT88T NUDATALLANE** 1,/*UIT88T PLLPRD */ 79,/uUn1616t PLLFBD*/ CYU-U3PYCSILPLLYFRSY250LY500 M,/*CYU3PMIPICSIPLLCKFRSFST PLLFRS*/ CYU-U3PYCSIIPLLKLKYDIVIO4,/*CYU3PMIPICSIPLLCKDIVILT CSIRXCLKDIV** CYU-U3PYCSIIPLLKCLYDIVIO4,/*CYU3PMIPICPLILLCKDIVILT PARCKDIV** 0,/*UIT1616T MCLKCTL*/ CYU-U3PYCSIILPLLKLKYDIVAY2,/*CYU3PMIPICPLILLCKDIVILT MCLKRIFDIV* 3840,/*uut1616t 50 /*UTIN 160T FIFOSTRIP** }; 参考附件项目。忽略CSI时钟和输出像素时钟显示的错误。 测试程序2.RAR 16.8 K 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello Lebrun, MIPI Bridge on the CX3 does not expect any header format. It simply convert the input serial data into parallel format and send to the GPIF Block. Correction to your comment: I have set RGB888 as output data format NOT as input data format. 1. Can you please explain what do you mean by packet header here? Let us know what is the sensor that you are using in the application. I have attached an example project with the following configuration: CSI Clock = 300 MHz H_Active = 3840 H_Blank = 220 (assumed, get these details from the sensor provider) V_Active = 1260 V_Blank = 30 (assumed, get these details from the sensor provider) Frame Rate = 20 Input Data = RAW 10 Output Data = RGB888 ( Input RAW 10 will be packed into 24-bit and send to GPIF) The MIPI configuration for the above setting is as follows: /* Xyz_Leb_RAW10_Resolution0 : */ CyU3PMipicsiCfg_t Xyz_Leb_RAW10_Resolution0 = { CY_U3P_CSI_DF_RGB888, /* CyU3PMipicsiDataFormat_t dataFormat */ 4, /* uint8_t numDataLanes */ 1, /* uint8_t pllPrd */ 79, /* uint16_t pllFbd */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_FRS_250_500M, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkFrs_t pllFrs */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_4, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t csiRxClkDiv */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_4, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t parClkDiv */ 0, /* uint16_t mClkCtl */ CY_U3P_CSI_PLL_CLK_DIV_2, /* CyU3PMipicsiPllClkDiv_t mClkRefDiv */ 3840, /* uint16_t hResolution */ 50 /* uint16_t fifoDelay */ }; Refer attached project. Ignore the errors showed at CSI clock and Output Pixel Clock.
yahan52 发表于 2018-9-7 13:36 SRDR, 对于我来说,“输入RGB88”是从传感器发送到GPIF2之前的数据格式,我可以说它确实是CX3 MIPI解码器部分的“输出”。 我认为这种误解来自CX3的“解码”。 事实上,我猜这是解码的FS/FE(= & Gt;帧有效)和分组头/分组页脚(= & Gt;行有效)从CSI和其他一切都以RGB88格式发送到GPIF2。 所以,如果我是正确的,最后一个问题是:FS/FE和分组报头/分组页脚(每32位)是否发送数据? 谢谢你的帮助, 最好的问候。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 srdr, For me "input RGB888" was data format from sensor before sending to gpif2 , I'm ok to tell it is indeed "output" of the cx3 mipi decoder part. I think the misundestanding comes from what is "decoded" by CX3. In fact, I guess that was is decoded is FS/FE (=>frame valid) and packet headers/packet footers (=>line valid) from CSI and everything else is sent in RGB888 format to gpif2. so if I'm correct last question will be : are the FS/FE and packet header/packet footers (32 bits each) data sent or not ? Thank you for your help, Best Regards. |
shaoye88 发表于 2018-9-7 13:47 勒布伦 在MIPI桥本身中,FE/FS和页眉/页脚被剥离,只有数据将保留在MIPI CSII桥的缓冲器中。 控制信号HSYNC和VSYNC,以及时钟将由MIPI CSII桥产生的每一个输入提供给我们。即,使用CYU3PMIPICSISTIN FPARAMS API传递MIPI CSI-2配置设置。 因此,GPIF II接收数据、时钟和VSYNC和HSYNC。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Lebrun, The FE/FS and headers/footers are stripped off in the MIPI Bridge itself only the DATA will be remain in the buffers of MIPI CSI-2 bridge. The control signals HSYNC and VSYNC and also clock will be generated by the MIPI CSI-2 bridge as per the inputs provided us. i.e MIPI CSI-2 configuration settings passed using CyU3PMipicsiSetIntfParams API. Therefore, the GPIF II receives the data, clock and VSYNC and HSYNC. |
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