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嗨,我想知道是否有关于PIC18F57 K42固件升级的示例代码/信息?我做了一个PIC32的检查,但由于我们使用PIC18F57 K42为我们的产品,我们正在寻找方法升级固件而不使用调试器到Flash。我们可以使用任何可以挂在像USB、UART等PC机上的附件。任何帮助/建议都将非常感谢。谢谢,Asha。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I was wondering if there is a sample code/information on firmware upgrade for PIC18F57K42? I did checkout one for PIC32 but since we are using PIC18F57K42 for our product we are looking for ways to upgrade the firmware without using debugger to flash. We can use any perpheral that can be hooked to a PC like u***, uart, etc. Any help/suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you, Asha |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Possibly you are referring to a bootloader? There are numerous examples and I think even the MCC under MPLABX will generate the code for that pic. |
嗨,谢谢,你能指出一些支持PIC18F57 K42的线程吗?谢谢,Asha
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi Thank you, Could you point to some threads that has support for PIC18F57K42? Thanks, Asha |
看:1。MCC Bootloader。2。Bootloader AppNoot.3。EZ引导加载程序
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Look at : 1. MCC Bootloader. 2. The Bootloader Appnotes. 3. EZ Bootloader |
HTTP//WW1.MICCHIP.COM/Deloads/En/DeVICEDC/OC0401779B.PDFI使用MCC Bootloader生成器为57 K42创建Bootloader。在那时,56K42没有得到适当的支持,我不得不对代码进行很多调整以使其编译。也许现在更好了。有一个Java应用程序运行在主机上,称为统一主机应用程序。最简单的是UART接口。MCC Bootloader现在可以支持K42的其他接口。在任何情况下,我最终都会重写PIC的Bootloader,并在VisualBasic中编写了自己的主机应用程序,但我使用了上面链接的文档中描述的接口。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/40001779B.pdf I used the MCC bootloader generator to create a bootloader for the 57K42. Back then the 57K42 was not properly supported and I had to make a lot of adjustments to the code to get it to compile. Perhaps it's better now. There is a java application that runs on the host called the unified host application. Easiest is uart interface. The MCC bootloader may support other interfaces for K42 now. In any case - I ended up essentially rewriting the bootloader for the PIC and wrote my own host app in Visual Basic, but I used the interface described in the document linked above. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Thank you and I will read the 40001779B.pdf and and try using MCC. Thanks,Asha |
嗨,作为参考,请注意,PIC18FXXK42核心与以前的PIC18相比有所增强。它有一个“真正的IVT”。我不知道MCC Bootloader是否利用了它。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, Just for reference, be aware that the PIC18FxxK42 core was enhanced compared to all previous PIC18. It has a "real IVT". I don't know if the MCC bootloader takes advantage of that or not Regards |
我们正在使用我们的时间、比较器和I2C中的“真正的IVT”。如果MCC Bootloader使用这个,我会看到MCC。谢谢你提到这一点。谢谢,Asha。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, We are utilizing the "real IVT" in our time, comparator, and i2c. I will see MCC if MCC bootloader uses this. Thank you for mentioning this. Thanks, Asha |
一个McRunEngNotes,PIC18FX7K42设备是“太大”(12KB,0x2000 B)的Bootloader,所以它在MCC中被点亮。限制因素是长度字段只有16位,对于校验和命令,我们需要17:-(可以生成较小的部分,但是您必须编写自己的主机来做两部分的校验和)。这将在下一个版本中被固定。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 An MBrowning notes, the PIC18Fx7K42 devices are "too big" (12KB, 0x20000B)for the bootloader so it's red lit in MCC. The limiting factor is that length field is only 16 bits and we need 17 for the checksum command :-( You could generate for a smaller part, but you'd have to write your own host to do the checksum in two parts. This will be fixed in the next release. |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi, So are you saying that MCC will not be able to generate the bootloader for PIC18Fx7K42 because of the checksum? Thank you, Asha |
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